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After college
It was about to be my second week at work, I've worked so hard to be here.

After a huge argument with my parents about going into dentistry I was finally where I wanted to be.

College was tough such as money and food wise go but I made it and it all worked out in the ending.

I threw on my all blue scrubs and but my hair in a huge bun so my hair wouldn't be in my face.

When I arrived to work I was so happy to see my friends but it was this one person in particular who had my undivided.

It was Dr.Joey.  He was so handsome with his brown eyes and nice dark skin, every time I saw him I got chills.

I never got to talk to him because I was so nervous and besides I was trying to focus on my job.

I was in too deep to give it all up but I couldn't deny that he had my attention.

By the time lunch rolled around I met up with May and Jp to eat at the courtyard.

"Soooo!!!! Did you see your little crush today?" Jp teased

"Can you not? He's not a crush either that's my man" I replied

"No it's a difference, you want him to be your man" May said

"I can't stand you, speaking of crushes and men. How are you and Kendall?" I asked

"We're great, he gets on my nerve but all is fair in love and war" she said

"Well that's good I'm happy for you 2" I replied with a smile

She smiled at me and we started to chat about things we liked and disliked about the job.

We cleaned up our trash and left to go back to work.

After lunch I saw him again and we were headed to the same elevator.

I was excited because maybe I could find the courage to talk to him. The doors opened and it was just awkward silence, I wanted to say something but I couldn't.

Then again if I wanted him I had to speak up because otherwise he wouldn't know that I was into him.

"What floor you work on?" I asked him

"6th floor, what about you?" He asked

"4th floor, it's hella stressful but I enjoy it because it's only my second week" I wanted to start a conversation so he can become interested in me

"Deadass? So you're the new OBGYN they were talking about. I heard you good, you'll get to used to it though it's like that for everybody first 2 weeks" he said

"I peep, and really? That's good to hear" I replied with a smile

"Yes really, but I'll catch you around" he said as I stepped off the elevator.

I smiled and walked off, that went better than expected. I thought it'll be awkward but it wasn't.

He seemed interested in the conversation. Hopefully I left him wondering. 

After work I went home and all I could think about is him. I haven't felt like this since high school.

All because in college I wasn't worried about boys that much, of course they crossed my mind but I couldn't pay too much attention to them.

I was independent but I wanted something real with somebody.

Just because I never had a real relationship in high school I only had major crushes and a bunch of assholes that I "dated" but never nothing long term and genuine.

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