You{Chapter XVI}

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Kamora Gray
I woke up with a good spirit because I was expecting to see Kj. Tomorrow was our date and I couldn't be more excited.

He was so sweet to me but the fact that Nadia tried to ruin anything before it started that showed a lot bout her character.

I got ready for work and then took the subway there, when I reached work I saw Nadia talking to a customer as I looked through the window.

I walked in and went to go clock in, she followed behind me and I knew just by the way she approached me that she was going to say something that was going to piss me off.

"Finally you're here, you're 20 minutes late" she said

I just ignored her because I knew if I gave her the satisfaction she wanted, it wouldn't turn out well.

I threw my apron on and she followed me just trying to pester me so I can snap. I just kept ignoring her because I had a job to do.

She finally got from behind me and went to do her job. I was taking order after order just waiting on Kj to appear but it was no sign of him yet.

All of sudden 10 minutes later I heard the bell from the door ring but I didn't look up because I was too busy. 

"Excuse me miss can I have a strawberry milkshake" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me

I turned around slowly and it was him. I smiled very big and walked over to him.

"Hey you, I was waiting for you to show up" I said

"I'm sorry about that I had to take care of something but I'm here now" he replied

"I see, I'll be right back though let me go get that milkshake" I said

I came back and he was just sitting there with a smile.

"You so beautiful you know that right?But how's your day going?" He asked me

"Awww you're so kind to me and it could be better, it's only good cause you're here but Nadia's being a bitch." I told him

"How so?" He asked as he opened his straw

"This morning when I came in she told me I was late then she followed me around plus she keeps fucking with me" I replied

"She seems jealous to me but were you late? How you get here anyway?" He asked

"She probably is because every time you come in here she always has something to say afterwards and I catch the subway" I told him

" the subway? Oh nah, that's dangerous as fuck. Ima start coming to pick you up because no future lady of mine is going to be catching the raggedy ass subway. Shit when your completely mine you won't have to worry about working in this shit hole no way" he said

"Oh so I'm yours?" I asked with a little laugh

"Definitely mine, I just have to get to know you first like I said" he replied

"Well our date is tomorrow and I still don't know where I wanna go yet" I said to him

"I had a feeling you wasn't going to know but it's alright I'll just surprise you" he replied

"I'm not into surprises but this one seems pleasant" I said

"It really is but I'll text you tomorrow morning cause I have to come scoop you. What time should I come?" He asked

"Maybe 7:00" I said

"You got it! See you tomorrow babygirl" he replied as he walked out the door after paying for his drink

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