Riot{Chapter XI}

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Jp Throne
Guilt was eating me alive everyday. More and more I felt bad for what I did with Dr.Jackson. It was wrong and the more I looked at Eli's face I felt like a horrible person because he didn't know anything.

I got ready for work and braced myself, I didn't know if Dr.Jackson was going to try something again but I prepared myself anyway. When I got to work I went directly to my floor to avoid any contact with him because I didn't want any trouble.

So much for that though because as soon as I tried to avoid him he was literally on my floor communicating with another doctor. I turned to go the other way but he must've saw me because he caught up with me.

"Slow down, why the rush?" He asked

"No rush I'm just trying to prepare for the day. Like I told you this floor can get busy" I replied as I tried to walk around him

"Hold up! Why you acting all different all of sudden like you don't want anything to do with me?" He asked

"Honestly, I don't want anything to do with you, Kyrie you are married and I don't want to interfere with that. You have your relationship and I have mine" I told him

"Okay fine, I guess it will be just strictly business between us. I need medical advice though so if you don't mind" he said

"You better be serious because if it's more of your games I promise I'll ignore you" I said

"See you after lunch" he said as he grinned and walked away

He was using his features to get a hold of me. I was caught up in his charm that I lost focus for nearly the whole day. I needed my friends...ASAP! Every last one of them. Finally it was time for lunch, I had so much to say they had no idea.

"Hello my lovely's" I said as I sat at the table

"Hey, anybody checked in with Kamora? She's been forwarding my calls" May asked

"She's been declining my shit too" Yanaí replied

"Same" I added

"I hope everything good with her, you know she went back to Canada and that's where her monster lives" May said

"Oh yeah I forgot all about Jalen, I'll text her" I said

"She's fine, Kamora is a baby but she's a strong person" Yanaí said

"Yeah you're right, we need to have another group dinner like we did last time. I feel like it's been forever since we checked in with one another" I said

"Right I thought I was the only one" May said

"Maybe we should meet up at one our houses and have somebody cook." I said

"Yeah it's definitely not going to be my house because nobody can see it until the house warming party" Yanaí replied

"But when?" May asked

"Maybe whenever Mora come back" I said

"Oh okay cool" Yanaí replied

"Well anyways bout that venue situation, it can't be my pad because my condo too small so May you mind hosting the dinner? Your house is bigger than all of ours" I asked

"Nah, it's no problem but y'all have to bring something and help me clean up" she said

"Clean up!!!??" I replied

"What's the point then? If you pose to be hosting/cooking the hell I'm bringing a dish for?" Yanaí asked rhetorically

"Then I guess there won't be a dinner then" she said

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