Just maybe{Chapter IV}

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I walked in the tiny diner, it was small but they had business. There were customers everywhere, I was looking around and was amazed by all the customers that I didn't even notice the waitress asking me did I want a table.

"Ma'am would you like a table? Ma'am? Excuse me?" She continued to ask
"Oh I'm so sorry, and no I'm Kamora and I came for a job. I noticed the help wanted sign so I decided to come in" I told her
"Oh okay great, let me go grab Ciara from the back so she can interview you and give you an application" she said
"Okay great" I replied

She walked back out with a thick, black girl, with long black hair and big Dominican earrings.
"You here for the job?" She asked as she smacked her gum
"Yes, yes I am" I replied trying to be polite as I can because it was obvious she didn't have manners.

"Okay so fill this application out, let me know when you done so I can interview you." She replied
"Okay" I said back and picked up the pen
I started to fill the application out and the waitress walked over to me.

"Don't mind her she's a bit stuck up, I'm being rude right now because I didn't even introduce myself, I'm Nadia.
She said
"Hey" I replied awkwardly
"So you new to town?" She asked me trying to make conversation
"Nah I been moved here, what about you?" I asked her

"Nah I grew up in NYC, I'm from Harlem" she replied
"Oh that kind of make sense, you look the part but your speech is spot on I can barely tell your from there" I said
"Yeah my mom's raised us to use proper speech" she replied

"It's only right, my mom is big on proper grammar as well"  I said
"Yeah it gets annoying at times, but the Puerto Rican in me comes out sometimes when needed so I won't say I'm always proper" she said laughing
The way she was looking at me made me questionable about her sexuality.

I didn't want to ask because some people who are gay,bi,lesbian etc get offended so I just kept my question to myself.
"I'm sorry for talking to you, I have more tables so I'll let you finish, nice meeting you Kamora" she said smiling with the metal braces that sat on her teeth and the shiny lipgloss on her lips.

"Nice meeting you too" I said as she begin to walk off
Now what if she isn't a lesbian? She's all glammed up so I don't think so but she was looking at me like a fat kid looked at cake. She was all giggly and friendly with me so she was a lesbian or maybe not!

My mind kept swirling around in a million circles because I kept thinking about Nadia's sexuality. I didn't understand why it was so important to know what she liked, it started to irritate me almost because it wasn't important.

I finished the application and looked around the diner for Ciara. I signaled Nadia over so she can find her for me because I didn't want to yell out her name because that'll be so unprofessional. Nadia went to go get her and she looked me in the face popping her gum.

I handed her the application and prepared myself for the interview that was about to happen right here on the spot.

"Okay so as you see we not like no other place. We interview and give out the application all in the same day so I'm just letting you know just Incase you were curious. Now are you ready?" She informed me

"Yes" I replied
"Okay so tell me your full name and why you think I should hire you" she said
"My full name is, Kamora Gray and the reason you should hire me is because I have amazing people skills, I'm a great listener and a fast learner." I briefly said

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