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"And a 1......and a 2......and a 3... Sold to the rich looking Mr. on table no. 7. Let me congratulate you on having her all yours." he said motioning for the 2 guards whom upon his orders started pushing me toward my new owner.

Yes, I was being sold in an auction and let me tell you simply how I got here.

I had been walking for a while now, looking over on my phone "11:30pm" The time was displayed and it was really late.

I was going home from a friend's house. I know she told me to spend the night at her place and it really would have been better if I had taken that option but my stupid self decided that I should walk home.

On hearing a little distant sound as if something had cracked or broken, I sped up and my heart started racing wildly.

All of a sudden I was pulled back by someone and a some kind of cloth was placed on my nose. I tried not to breath in but I failed miserably and everything went black.

Opening my eyes, I found myself in a really dark room. I felt ropes tying both my hands and legs so when I tried moving them I wasn't able to, I was tied really tightly.

After a while of waiting in the complete darkness the door opened causing light to fill the once dark room and a tall man entered . He had long white hair and blue ocean like eyes. "Finally you're up." he said giving me a little smile.
"What do you want with me?" I asked glaring at him.

"Oh that! You will soon know baby, now untie her." he said and two men came in, untied me and held me harshly by the wrist. "Now, now we don't want to leave marks, do we?" he said to the guards with that sickly sweet smile of his.

"By the way young lady my name is Willem and luckily for you today you will be my VIP guest." he said waving goodbye and the two men pushed me out of the door guiding me somewhere in which I didn't know.

The two men guided me through white halls, everything looked the same here since the halls were empty except for the occasional big wooden doors. After a while we reached another wooden door at the end of the hall, one of the guards opened it and pushed me inside saying "Willem wants her ready for tonight's auction"

Once inside, I found 2 girls probably a tiny bit older than me standing in front of a mirror, "Oh so you're the new girl?" one of them asked, she had long brown hair and deep brown eyes. I nodded slightly not knowing what to say and looked around trying to take in my surrounding.

The room was huge, it was filled with clothes of all kind and colors also there were lots of hairdressers with make up kits on them. If I wasn't kidnapped I would be astonished by how amazing this place is, not that I wasn't now.

"It's a bummer you will be sold tonight." the other girl said she had short black hair and dark eyes. "Wait, what?? Sold??!!" I asked astonished

Both of them looked at me and nodded slightly. The brown haired girl took me by the hand and guided me to one of the chairs making me sit down. "So you really don't know where you are?" the other girl said.

I shook my head since I was really stunned to even talk. "Sorry, by the way my name is Mia." The brown haired girl said.
"Mine is Chloe. Have you not heard about the girls that go missing and after a couple of days they were put under the name auctioned?" Chloe asked. I looked at her for a second remembering some news articles that talked about something of the sort.
"Well I did a little but how would I even know that I would end up like them? What am I supposed to do now?" I asked defeated and I felt like crying but I held back the tears.

"You can't do anything about it now except to simply hope you get bought buy someone kind enough. Now you have to get ready." Mia said taking my hands and making me stand in front of lots and lots of dresses. "Now choose one and we will tell you if it suits you." Chloe said giving me a sad smile.

I wasn't able to do anything except obey the orders, so here I was kidnapped and trying on different dresses. "Perfect!!" They both said at the same time after what seemed like forever. "Now to your makeup and hair." Mia said taking my hand, sitting me down and taking a makeup brush in her hand while Chloe worked on my hair.

"Done!!" They both said a while later. "You look gorgeous!" Mia said "Yup, she really is amazing!" Chloe said happily and all of a sudden the door opened revealing one of the guards who were with me earlier "She has to go now." He said motioning for me to follow him.

The two girls looked at me with sad eyes before waving goodbye. I looked at them while I was being pushed all the way out.
I was now standing behind what seemed like stage curtains. I can clearly hear that man named Willem's voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen I welcome you all humbly to tonight's auction, tonight we have a really special person out. I mean I am honestly fond of her myself. And I am pretty sure she will be well worth your money." I heard his voice from behind the curtains before I was pushed out and seated by his side.

"If you ask about my opinion I will say she is really beautiful and pretty hot!!" he said smiling widely putting his hand on my shoulder causing me to glare harshly at him. "Woah there you're gonna kill me with that stare." he said smiling.

"Well now what are you waiting for let's start with a........" "hundred thousand!" Someone said from one of the tables.

"Oh that's a good start, what's next?" he asked his smile growing wider. "five hundred thousand" someone else said.

All I did was sit there astonished by the numbers I was hearing. I heard unbelievable numbers one million and 2 million and more and more people joined in raising the price. "three million!!!" Someone said from the crowd causing Willem to be astonished.

"three million, anyone else?!" Willem asked with a smile but there was no replies.
"Three million, anyone?" he asked again to make sure but again it was completely quiet.

"And a 1...... and a 2....... and a 3....... Sold to the rich looking Mr. on table number 7." Willem said motioning for the guards whom upon his orders started pushing me to my owner. "Well, well let me congratulate you myself." he said happily.

Upon reaching my owner I was completely astonished to find out who he was.

And by that your whole life completely changed,
Let's see how will things unfold after that.

Underground Secrets (SugaXReader) ✓Where stories live. Discover now