Chapter 12

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I don't even understand what's wrong with you Yoongi. He still does everything he could to get me away from Hobi but we hadn't talked much ever since that day I fought with him.

"So, how are things going on with Yoongi now?" Jooheon asked a couple of days later.

"Not well. he still acts stupidly and I still don't understand a thing from what he said." I answered.

"You seem hurt." he said looking at me concerned.

"Yeah, when I finally thought we were becoming friends." I said hanging my head low.

"Well go now and don't make him more angry and we can hangout later." Jooheon said smiling at me.

Ever since what had happened I had been close to Jooheon. He knows everything and about my struggle with Yoongi and my love for Hoseok.

And as always Mr. Min decided to call me and get me to his office.

"What now?" I asked not caring to hide my annoyance anymore.

"Take this, put it on the other laptop and organize the photos and tracks using the dates on them." he said giving me a USB drive.

"Fine." I said, taking the USB drive from him and inserting it on the other laptop. Once all the media had downloaded I looked over at them. Everything was dated, he had really lots of media on it and I have to organize all these by month and year.

I stayed there working on the files for a really long time.

------------------------------------------------------------Yoongi's POV
I can't get my eyes off of (Y\N). Honestly she looked really beautiful.

I really wish to know why is she walking to hell out of her own will. Or maybe she's just too blinded that she can't see the truth around her. I really wish she would realize how much I like her and she would leave Hoseok.

I really hate him----------------------------------------------------------(Y\N)'s POV
A couple of hours later I was finally done. I stretched up and looked around to see that Yoongi had fallen asleep. I went over to him and put a blanket to cover him.

"I don't know what had changed you so suddenly but I know that since you can be mean you can also be nice." I said before I left him and went over to Jooheon.

A while later I had reached Jooheon's house and when I knocked on the door he opened for me directly and we both headed out to the nearest restaurant.

"So?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing much he just asked me to organize some of his photos, and album songs by date on his laptop." I said shrugging.

"The usual then?" He asked

"Yup as always he only ordered me and sat there quiet." I answered.

"What about Hoseok?" Jooheon asked making my heart skip a beat.

"Nothing I haven't even seen him." I answered looking down.

"Why don't you try and confess?" Jooheon asked.

"What? Me confess? That's half impossible." I said waving my hands in front of my face.

"Why not?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm just too shy." I replied back.

The whole time was spent chatting about random stuff and he didn't try to ask about Hobi again.

"Home!" I said opening the apartments door and throwing myself inside.

"The place was really quiet and they all were in their rooms, and I decided to say goodnight to Hobi since I hadn't seen him at all today and since it was already 11 O'clock.

Once I reached his room I heard Hobi talking to someone else/

"I truly love her!!" I heard Hobi say and I can feel the smile in his voice and my heart started beating wildly.

"When did you even start liking her that much??" I heard Jin's voice.

"When she first came here I thought of her as a friend or as my little sister but getting to know her more and spending time with her, I fell in love with her." Hobi replied and I can't help myself and smiled.

"(Y\N) really did that much?" Jin asked and I can't help with my rapidly beating heart I had to go to my room or I would definitely get in telling him how much I love him back.

So the person I love loves me back. I was so super happy and I went back to my room with a huge smile.

I think I will confess to Hobi tomorrow

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