Chapter 19

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Opening up my phone's messages, I saw that there were really a lot from Yoongi. I tapped on his conversation and even before reading anything Yoongi came in.

"Sorry for coming in like that." he said his voice barely audible.

"Is something up?" I asked setting my phone down and getting up to look at him.

"Umm........ I just wasn't able to sleep and thought maybe we could hangout together That of course is if you can't sleep either." I smiled and nodded at him.

We both went out and sat on the couch and Yoongi turned on the TV.

"How are you feeling?" he asked out of nowhere.

"About?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"About the whole memory loss thing." he replied.

"Well sometimes I have feelings that I don't understand but I know that their answer is somewhere in my memory. But I mostly feel guilty because there are important memories that should be remembered." I replied.

"Hopefully your memories will be back soon." he said giving me a hopeful smile that caused my heart to flutter a little. Who wouldn't fall in love with his beautiful gummy smile?!

We both sat there side by side watching T.V. silently.

--------------------------------------------Yoongi's POV
Suddenly I felt a weight on my shoulder and looking down I saw (Y/N) fast asleep and her head fell on my shoulder.

She looked so beautiful and adorable. Her (H/C) hair covering her eyes a little. she looked really peaceful.

I decided to get up, pick her up bridal style and put her down on her bed.

"I hope you get your memories back soon." I said kissing her forehead and leaving

I really want to tell her how much I love her.-------------------------------------------------------------- (Y/N)'s POV
"Pssssssssssst........ (Y/N) wake up" I heard someone say before shaking me a little.

Opening my eyes and looking up I saw that it was Yoongi.

"What time is it?" I asked getting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Don't know. I didn't look at the time." Yoongi replied.

"Then why are you waking me up?" I asked a little confused.

"Jin hyung prepared breakfast and Jooheon is downstairs." he answered..

"Jooheon!" I exclaimed getting up happily and going to the bathroom.

Once downstairs I saw Jooheon sitting down beside Hoseok and I went and sat on his other side.

It's true I don't remember much about him but I know we were close.

"So, we had decided on a little something." Yoongi said and everyone looked at him.

"We decided to redo that stargazing trip maybe it would help (Y/N) remember something or 2 plus it would be fun." Yoongi said wit a little smile.

"Good idea hyung." Hoseok said with a smile.

"Yaaaay, another outing with all my best friends." Taehyung said.

"Don't forget about the 2 beautiful ladies that will accompany us." Jimin said with a wink.

"(B/F/N) is taken."Hoseok said.

"Don't try to get near (Y/N)" Yoongi also said glaring at him.

"So, now you're both interested in ladies Jimin?" Taehyung said with a smirk and raising an eyebrow.

"N-nothing." Jimin stuttered shifting a little under Tae's gaze.

That day we all got ready and headed to the van, went to the market to buy some stuff, took (B/F/N) with us and the rest of the ride was quiet..

Once we reached the place and we set everything down everyone chatted happily while eating.

"Hey wanna lay down and watch the stars?" Yoongi asked a little shyly.

"Sure." I said and we both simply laid down.

For some reason while watching the stars I felt like something similar happened but instead of Yoongi I had Hoseok by my side or so I remember.

"By the way I remembered something." Yoongi said searching for something in his pockets.

Seconds later he got out a little necklace and gave it to me. Once I saw it, some memories flashed by again.

I went shopping with Yoongi after we both had a little fight and he got me this necklace as an apology.

Also I had worn it here and we were both walking side by side chatting happily.

"Nah, I just hate your mean attitude, is all" I said.

"I know I could be mean but I also could be nice."Yoongi replied.

"Maybe we can be friends?" he said.

"Sure." I replied with a smile.

These were the little scenes I had remembered.

"My head hurts again." I said.

"Remembered something again?" Yoongi asked and I nodded and told him everything causing him to smile.

We spent some more time with everyone then we all headed home. Everyone went to their rooms and I again decided to look through the messages since I hadn't seen anything yesterday.

After Yoongi's messages there were Hoseok's. I read some of the little texts between me and Hoseok after skipping Yoongi's.

Then I found this....... "I love you" I had written it and sent it for some reason this made my head ache like crazy. I went out of Hoseok's conversation and went to the next one which was (B/F/N)'s. There on the same date was a message from her.

(Y/N), great news! I'm dating Hobi ~bestie

So, I liked Hoseok and after confessing I discovered that (B/F/N) was already dating him.

One memory after another came rolling in and flashed in front of me. When I was rolled on the floor crying and feeling painful. When I fought with Yoongi and told him that II will always hate him. Then I felt guilty for blaming him and decided to apologize and on that day he asked me to leave.

Then everything went dark!

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