Chapter 15

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"What?!" I asked confused.

"As you heard, take your things and go home." he said giving me his back and tried to walk away but I stopped him.

"But....... Why?! I don't want to go!!" I said feeling tears stream down my cheeks.

"It's final." he said walking off but instead of letting him leave I stopped him by hugging him tightly from the back.

"Please, Yoongi. I don't want to lose good friends like you guys. Especially not you. I know I was stupid and I know I blamed you on things that weren't your fault but I am really sorry. Like really really sorry, I was hurt at that time and I didn't know what to do." I said pouring most of my emotions into words.

His shirt is really wet now with my tears.

"I'm sorry (Y\N) but you must go." he said pushing me back a little and going to his room and closing the door behind him.

I felt really sad and really hurt I don't want to leave I really don't want to.

"Please Yoongi please let me stay, please." I said crying harder now and knocking on his door but nothing happened, he didn't come out and tell me to stay instead he simply sent me a text.

You'll leave tomorrow. ~Yoongi

I was now more hurt, I walked back to my room, packed my bag and cried myself put the whole night.

I really want to know why's he doing that. The next morning Yoongi called everyone for breakfast downstairs and I know exactly what he wanted to say.

"Guys I'm sorry to say this but (Y\N) will be leaving after breakfast." he said causing everyone's eyes to widen.

"Why would you do that?" Jin asked surprised.

"Yes, why?" Jungkook asked looking really sad.

Hobi and Taehyung were already crying.

Jimin simply sat there clearly shocked that he didn't even breath.

"This is the only way." He uttered quietly.

During breakfast no one ate much and they all looked sad. After breakfast we all had to say our goodbyes.

"I'm sorry guys but don't be sad, I 'll always text you." I said forcing a smile.

"I don't know why is this but I hope everything turns out well." Jin said giving me a small hug.

"Don't leave us!!" The maknae line all said hugging me tightly and crying.

"Please (Y\N), stay." Jungkook said wiping always some tears but it was useless because more just came pouring out.

""I know we hadn't talked much but your company was nice." Namjoon said with a hug.

When I came to Hobi he hugged me really tightly crying hard, he didn't even utter a word.

Once I went over to Yoongi I saw a couple of tears falling down his cheeks.

"I'll still call you if I need anything in the studio." he said and I nodded smiling a little.

"I'd love to help." I answered and with that I simply left feeling devastated.

Since right now I needed someone by my side, so I decided to go to Jooheon's place.

I felt really depressed and I didn't care about anything when all of a sudden..............

-----------------------------------------Yoongi's POV
Everyone went their rooms right after (Y\N) left. I felt painful as if someone was stabbing me a thousand time but this was the best for all of us. To simply take a break.

A while later my phone went off, looking over at the ID it was (Y\N)

"Hey are you Min Yoongi?" I heard someone say.

"Yes, doesn't this phone belong to (Y\N)?" I asked.

"It does. But she had been involved in a car accident and was taken to the hospital. Right now she is struggling to stay alive. she could die any second." The man said and I hung up taking my car and driving to the hospital.

The whole ride my heart was beating really fast and I was panicking like crazy.

"Where is (Y\N) (L\N)? tell me. Now!" I yelled at the woman in the reception.

"I'm sorry but you can't see her right now. She's between life and death." She answered. "You can wait outside her room. Room no.7" she said and I ran directly searching for her room.

While I was searching I remembered that number and the fact that I was sitting on a table with the same number when I first bought her.

That number was the start of everything. Could it possibly be the end too?

I can't lose her I haven't told her I love her yet!!
I simply can't.

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