Chapter 21

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(Y/N)'s POV
After Hoseok and Kookie left I went upstairs to my room and threw myself on the bed.

What in the world could Yoongi have wanted to say? He looked really nervous and tense.

Then I remembered what Yoongi had said and how he acted when I talked about my text messages and I decided to take a look at them. There were really a lot from him and I had to go through them all and read them.

Some of them were sweet and most of them really showed how hurt and depressed he was when I wasn't there with him. While I reading I remembered lots of memories When I first came and how I hated him, when we used to fight a lot, the day he took me and we both went out shopping. Honestly that day was the best he acted really adorable then. I looked up at my desk to find the necklace he had gotten me as an apology there and I ended up smiling widely.

I kept going through all the texts until I reached the last one.

(Y/N) I love you~Yoongi
I smiled at it and my heart started speeding up while I typed in these words.
'I love you too Yoongi!' and clicked send.

I sat there thinking about what might happen. I was really scared of the worst.

A while later the door to my room opened revealing a sweaty Yoongi

"Were you running?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Doesn't matter. Did you send this by mistake?!" he asked

"I wrote your name, dumb." I replied laughing a little.

He smiled a little before coming over, cupping my face with his big hands and asking "Are you sure about me? I mean I did treat you badly at first."

"Of course I am sure. You prove that you really can be an amazing person." I said smiling.

He got a little closer to me and I felt his breath on my lips when all of a sudden the door flew open and Hoseok came in.

"Yoongi hyung!! You need to know this!!" Hoseok said overly excited for some reason.

"For fuck's sake , Am I not allowed to have one sweet moment in my life??" Yoongi said half yelling at Hoseok.

"What is it?" I asked while laughing little. I was kinda curious.

"Taehyung and Jimin are a thing!!!" he said with a wide smile.

"What??!! I asked completely surprised.

"As expected , these 2 can't seem to keep their hands to themselves." Yoongi replied unfazed.

"How did you know?? I mean I hadn't noticed at all." I asked.

"Caught them kissing." Hoseok said blushing a little.

"At least now we are not the only people with happy news" Yoongi said smiling really widely.

That day after Hoseok left Yoongi went to his room after we decided that we should tell the others about us. I sat on my bed thinking for a while about everything that had happened. I honestly can't believe I am dating the person whom I used to call a jerk at first.

The next day after we all gathered for breakfast Yoongi came down smiling happily and stood in front of everyone.

"Listen up everyone!!" He said catching everyone's attention and getting them curious.

"I have a really important announcement today. Something that you would all want to know." He said smiling even wider.

"What is it??" Taehyung asked getting really curious.

"Yeah hyung tell us already." Jungkook said with a smile.

"VMIN are a thing!!!!" Yoongi trying to hold back but obviously he's failing miserably. Jimin and Taehyung both blushed furiously.

Mostly no one was surprised "It isn't that surprising, I kinda had a clue from the start." Namjoon said smiling at both of them.

"Was I the only one surprised here?!!!!" I said huffing a little and everyone simply nodded. "Anyway Yoongi are you sure this is the most important thing you wanted to say??" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I just thought of making the main event at the end. (Y/N) is now officially mine. Happy now?" He asked looking in my direction and I nodded happily.

"About time!!" Jin said with a huge smile.

"Really hyung??" Jimin said smiling widely.

"Yaaaaaaaaay, my favourite 2 couples are finally together" Hoseok said smiling really widely.

"Congrats!" Taehyung and Namjoon said smiling at us.

Both Yoongi and I were really happy. Everyone sat around talking about it and about how at first they thought it would never happen. I mean honestly who did. We both used to fight a lot but look at us now we're simply perfect together.

"I love you (Y/N)" Yoongi said while we both were sitting side by side watching T.V.

"I love you too!!" I said leaning my head on his shoulder and smiling to myself.

I really do love that Jerk.
Hey since I am thinking of making one bonus chapter for our lovely couple. Tell me what you would like to see!!

And By the way I am planning a whole series for Underground secrets for the rest of BTS, It will contain the same prologue but different story line and different secrets for the guys, So please do tell me who do you want to see next!!

See ya!!!

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