Chapter 5

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The next day I got up, prepared breakfast, drank my coffee, put on my uniform and while I was on my out Yoongi called.

"Aren't you too happy for work?" He asked not sparing me a glance.

"Well am I not allowed to be happy here?" I said sternly.

"Whatever." He said turning back his attention to the food and I just left.

Honestly, True I was really happy since Yoona said that there will be someone helping me out. I was excited to meet that new person.

"(Y\N) you look really happy. What's new?" Hobi asked once he saw me skipping happily down the stairs.

"Well, Yoona said she had gotten me a colleague to help with work and I'm excited to meet her." I answered with a smile. "I'll see you when I'm back!!" I said heading out.

----------------------------------------------- Yoongi's POV
Once done with breakfast I decided to head downstairs and spend some time with the guys before heading to work.

"Hyung, have you heard about (Y\N)'s new colleague?" Jimin asked once I sat down beside Hoseok and he simply put his head on my shoulder.

"No, She didn't say anything. How did you know about that?" I asked.

"Well, when Hoseok hyung saw her happy he asked and she told him so." Taehyung answered.

"I asked and she didn't say a thing." I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"Hyung don't you think you should treat her a little nicer? Maybe then she would consider telling you anything." Hoseok said his breath hitting my ears sending a little shiver down my spine but I acted as if nothing is happening.

"Why do you care about her that much hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't know. I just thought of helping." he said shrugging.

"Just help?!" Jungkook asked raising an eyebrow "You two seem really close for you to just help. You know, you're always sitting by her side or talking to her." Jungkook continued.

"What else would you call it then?" Hoseok asked lifting his head a little from my shoulder.

"Maybe it could be l......" Jungkook started "Nothing!!" but I said cutting him off before getting up and leaving. For some reason I felt a little annoyed that Hoseok was so close to her.

Maybe I really should act a little nicer.......... What am I thinking?!

---------------------------------------(Y\N)'s POV

Once down I saw Yoona "Morning (Y\N). Today's work will be the same as yesterday's but Jooheon will be helping you out. By the way he already started so get there and don't be late." she said with a smile and I nodded at her and headed to floor 1.

Once up I found one of the room's door open, I went over and looking around I found a tall black haired guy making the bed sheets. When he saw me he smiled saying "You must be (Y\N), Yoona told me a little about you.

"You must be Jooheon. Yoona told me you'd be helping me with work." I said nodding at him.

"Yup, I will be helping with cleaning both this floor and the second. So aren't we going to start?" he said.

"Uh, sure. Of course we will start." I said nodding.

"Well can you please help me with these?" he said pointing at the sheets and I made my way over to him and started helping.

Time passed and we finished cleaning multiple rooms, but honestly we didn't talk much. We simply made little chats but not much was said.

"What do you think of going and grabbing something to eat." Jooheon said once we were done. Looking over at my phone to check the time, '3:30pm' it displayed.

"Wow! It's getting really late." I said surprised at how long we took.

"Do you have something that you have to do?" he asked making me think about the guys and Yoongi.

"No, I don't. You're right let's grab something to eat but let me change my clothes first." I said and he nodded saying "Sure I will wait for you in the lobby." and I headed upstairs fast.

When I reached the apartment it was really quiet since all the guys are at work. I went to my room, put on the only outfit I had and headed downstairs to find him waiting for me.

A while later we both reached a restaurant sat down and ordered.

"Yoona said a lot about you but looks like she forgot to say how beautiful you are." He said with a smile.

"Flirting now?" I asked with a smile. He smiled a little rubbing the back of his neck and getting shy.

"Kidding. Thanks." I said chuckling at how cute he acted.

After eating and walking around for a while I checked my phone for the time. "It's 6:00pm. I think I have to go now." I said surprised at how fast the time had passed.

"Sure. See you tomorrow." He said with a smile and I ran back to the hotel.

Once upstairs I heard chattering from the living area.

Looks like the guys are back. I hope Yoongi is still working.

Upon entering the living are I found Jimin, Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hoseok chatting happily. Luckily Yoongi wasn't home.

"(Y\N), You're late." Taehyung said when he saw me.

"Yeah, I have to prepare dinner and then we can chat." I said running up stairs and heading straight to the kitchen.

A while later I was finally done with Yoongi's dinner and further more he was already eating. I went downstairs and once Hobi saw me he motioned for me to sit by his side and I did without hesitation.

Honestly I am close to Hobi. He is really kind and he is the only person I could talk to here.

"So, How is that new colleague? Also you really were late today." He said and I could feel Jungkook's eyes on us.

"Nothing in particular. He is nice and all. We also went and had lunch together, walked around and chatted for a bit that's why I was late." I said smiling at him.

"Glad at least you're happy." He said and just then the devil himself came down.

"Did I tell you to come down here?" He asked clearly annoyed once he saw me.

"Well, no but you also didn't ask me to work for you." I answered.

"Go up to your room." He said sternly.

"Why should I do that?" I asked back.

"Because I said so." he said more annoyed and ticked off now.

"Hyung, maybe you should leave her. She hadn't done anything wrong." Hobi said.

"Right, she is really fun." Taehyung backed up making Yoongi stomp upstairs annoyed

"Thanks." I said with a sigh of relief.

"It's nothing."Hobi said.

"We were just being honest." Taehyung answered.

Maybe Yoongi really is a jerk.

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