Chapter 10

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"I'm bored!!" I said going downstairs and since the guys were all gathered.

"Yeah, same here." Jimin said a little annoyed.

"By the way Where's Hobi??" I asked looking around since I hadn't seen him anywhere.

"Here!!" he said coming downstairs.

"Hey!" some of the guys murmured with smiles.

Hobi come down and sat at the open spot by my side causing my heart to speed up like crazy and making Yoongi look over at us.

"Any plans for today?" Taehyung asked.

"Not really." I answered.

"No." Hobi replied while the others simply shook their heads.

"What do you think of a group outing!" Hoseok said with a huge smile.

Heck he's really cute.

"I like that idea." I answered with a smile and all of a sudden my phone went off causing me to look at it.

(Y\N) What do you think of going out?? I'm bored~~bestie

"Well, what a coincidence." I said with a smile and my phone went off. This time Jooheon was calling.

"I'll take it." I said and pressed the answer button.

"Yoo!!! (Y\N)!" I heard Jooheon say from the other end.

"Hey!" I replied.

"What do you think of hanging out?" He asked.

Heck, now I have 3 and I must choose one.

"I'll think about it and give you a direct reply." I said.

"Sure then, I'll be waiting." he said hanging up.

"Now Jooheon and (b\f

) want me to go out with them too." I said with a sigh.

"Let's all go! The more the merrier." Hobi said with a huge sigh.

I smiled loving the idea and texted each of them to whether they like the idea or not.

Of course, I'd love to go out with them!! <3 ~bestie

Well, I haven't met them before but if you will be there I'm fine with it. ~Jooheon.

"They are both up for the idea." I said happily.

I set the time and place with the guys and texted the other 2, then I went to change.

A while later, I chose the clothes and laid them on the bed but I wanted to know how many hours would it take us to drive their so, I decided to go and ask Jin. We had all decided to take a short trip, grab some snacks and go stargazing and I was really excited.

I went over to Jin's place and when I tried knocking I heard him talking with Namjoon.

"Don't you think Yoongi hyung is acting odd lately?" Namjoon asked.

"What do you mean?" Jin asked.

"I always see (Y\N) going in and out of his office." Namjoon replied.

"And?! I mean it's normal for him to ask of her do stuff. He bought her after all." Jin replied.

I know eaves dropping is bad but I can't help it.

"Yeah but Hoseok said that he even had been asking her to eat with him. You know that Yoongi hyung does it really care about such things." Namjoon replied.

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