Chapter 14

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(Y\N) Great news! I'm dating Hobi. ~bestie

What?! I was really surprised. I didn't even know they were friends and suddenly they are dating!!

What?! ~Hobi, He texted back to my confession.

Of course I love you Hobi, you're my older brother. I replied

Oh! I love you too :) ~Hobi

Right now I was really hurt. The person whom I love doesn't love me exceptionally he's dating my best friend of all people.

My best friend!!

Unfortunately I can't blame her she didn't even know that I liked him.

I sat there really stunned with tears spilling down my cheeks and I couldn't bring myself to stop crying. I was really devastated. I curled myself up on the floor and cried hard since my heart hurt like crazy.

A while later I heard someone running up the stairs and the door opening behind me but I didn't even care who could that person be. Plus I kinda knew who it was.

"(Y\N)?!" I heard Yoongi's quiet voice and he came over to me shaking my shoulder slightly.

"I know you're hurt a lot right now. I also know that you confessed to Hoseok and found out somehow that he's dating (B\F\N). I didn't want you to get that hurt since I knew you were blinded by your love and you were completely clueless. I tried warning you." He said his tone quiet.

Wait so he knew!!! And he didn't even say a word to warn me and he left me till I had fallen for him that badly?!

"And you left me to fall for him?!" I said completely angry now.

I felt really down right now and I had to put the blame on someone.

"Huh?!" Yoongi was really taken aback by my sudden outbreak.

"You knew that they were dating and you didn't tell me. You should have said something at least when I know that my own best friend loved him I would have tried to not get too close to him or at least I wouldn't have confessed and I wouldn't have gotten hurt." I yelled at him.

"Are you stupid?! I did my best to get you away from him! And I warned you multiple times to stop being blinded by love but you didn't listen" He yelled back.

"But you should have told me that they are dating!" I said blaming him.

"You would have gotten hurt stupid!! I didn't want to see you hurt! I fucking cared about you!!" he yelled at me now completely angry to the point that his face turned completely red.

"I hate you and I always will!!" I said going to my room and slamming the door behind me.

---------------------------------------------Yoongi's POV
I walked back to my room completely angry but once I got in and laid on my bed I felt hurt. Her last words kept on playing in my head more than once

"I hate you and I always will." Every single time I remember it, it hurts me more.

I really like that stupid girl and I wish she would also see me in the same way. But I don't think she ever will.

----------------------------------------------------------(Y\N)'s POV
A couple of days passed on my fight with Yoongi. I got over Hobi a little and luckily our friendship wasn't ruined and I hadn't gotten out of my room or talked to anyone ever since.

I thought back at Yoongi and how stupid I acted toward him. That time I was so hurt that I had to put the blame on someone else. Even though he always tried to get me away from Hoseok but I was stupid. And I decided to do one thing which is apologize to Yoongi.

I took a shower and decided to head out and talk to him once I opened the door I found him standing in front of it with an emotionless expression.

"H-hey, Is something up?" I asked looking down.

"You're free to go home, your services aren't needed here anymore."
he said.

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