Chapter 7

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The next day I woke up, prepared myself for work, went downstairs and made breakfast for the guys. I was really happy that I was getting close to them. I thought I would never say that but Yoongi is kinda cute. I hadn't stopped thinking about that little outing we had yesterday.

"(Y\N)!! You're already up." Hobi said entering the kitchen.

"Mhmm." I hummed softly.

"I will be looking forward to today's breakfast then." he said happily going out to the living room.

A while later we were all sitting in the living room eating and everyone was chatting happily. I looked at them all feeling happy that I didn't even notice the smile on my face.

"(Y\N), you seem to be in a really good mood with that smile." Hobi said with a smile.

"Yeah, I just am glad that I was able to get close to the others." I said smiling back, looking back at the others I noticed Yoongi's eyes on both of us but when I caught him looking he simply averted his eyes.

"I have to go now." I said getting up, waving at them and left for work.

----------------------------------- "Morning Jooheon." I said once I saw him.

"Morning." He answered with a smile. "Can you help me organize these." He said pointing at some water bottles that should be arranged in the fridge.

"Sure." I answered going over and started helping him

We finished organizing the bottles and started in cleaning the room. A couple of hours had passed and work was getting to an end. We both chatted a little while working and time seemed to fly by so quickly.

Hours later I felt my phone go off in my pocket, looking over at the caller's ID I found that it was (B\F\N).

"Can I pick it up?" I asked.

"Sure go ahead and I will continue those." Jooheon answered with a smile.

"Yooooooo!!!" (B\F\N) said once I answered.

"Hey!" I said back smiling even though I know she can't see me.

"It's been a while, where in the world are you? I tried going over to your house but you're not there." she asked, making me get a little nervous not knowing what to say, to sum it up, Jooheon is here.

"I am currently working. Sorry, I know I forgot to tell you that I had found myself a job at a hotel and I changed my living place, you know I just had to cut out on the expenses." I answered hopping she would be convinced.

I know Yoongi had ordered me not to say a word about what had happened, and even though I didn't care about his rules I just thought I shouldn't say a word knowing it would ruin the guys' career.

"Really? You should have said something." She said.

"Sorry." I apologized

"So, can't we hang out today after you finish your shift?" she asked in hopeful tone.

"I'm not sure. Give me 5 minutes and I will give you an answer." I said thinking back at Yoongi not knowing what he would say.

"Sure." she said hopefully and hung up.

I decided to call Yoongi and take his permission. The phone rang a little and then he picked up.

"What is it that you want?" he asked a little sternly.

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