Bonus (End)

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A couple of months had passed since I confessed to Yoongi....

When I woke up, I tried getting up off the bed but for some reason I was pinned down and I wasn't able to get up. Then I remembered that I had fallen asleep beside Yoongi last night. I turned around and faced him to find him smiling.

"You're finally up!" he said. His smile is so adorable it is one of the main reasons I fell in love with him.

"Yeah, How are you??" I asked.

"I am happy as long as you are." he said smiling a little wider.

"Well and I will always be happy as long as you are by my side." I replied smiling back.

"Yooooongiiiiiiii~~~" Jungkook yelled coming in all of a sudden..

"What is it now?!" Yoongi said getting up with a sigh.

"We're going to the beach today!! You 2 have to get up and start packing!!!" Jungkook said looking really excited.

"Can't this 'huge' announcement have waited until we came downstairs or must you always ruin my moments!!" Yoongi half yelled before getting up.

"Sorry." Jungkook said going out.

"A day at the beach sounds perfect!!" I said getting up too and smiling widely. "I'll go get everything ready." I said smiling.

"Where's my kiss??" Yoongi asked pouting.

"Not now~~" I said going out.

I went to my room and started packing my things, my swimsuit, my sunscreen and some other stuff. Then headed back to Yoongi's room. He was still in his bed with the blanket on his head.

"Won't you get up? You have to pack your stuff." I asked.

"No, I won't get up." he said acting sad

"Why? What happened?" I asked rising an eyebrow at him.

"I can't wake up without my morning kiss." he said pouting.

"Fine" I said going over to him and pressing my lips to his.

"Happy now?" I asked pulling back.

"OF course!!" he said smiling widely and sticking out his tongue before getting up.

I started packing his stuff knowing that Yoongi would be lazy AF and he would work really slowly. After I was done we went down stairs and the guys were all gathered up chatting about the day happily.

"Are you two finally done??" Jin asked looking at both of us.

"Yeah.... Sorry it took Yoongi a while for him to get up." I said looking at him and huffing a little.

"We should go. Plus we will meet up with (B/F/N) and Jooheon there." Jin said and everyone got their bags and stuff and headed to the van.

The ride was kinda long but I could tell that everyone was really excited for today. I could tell that Yoongi was really tired because he kept dozing off.

"You can lay your head on my shoulder." I said and he nodded humming happily then he laid head on my shoulder and fell asleep.

He looked really adorable like that. I wanted to kiss him because of how adorable he is.

"Everyone, We're finally here!!" Namjoon said with a huge smile then he opened up the van's door which caused sunlight to fill the place.

"Can't I sleep for a little while people." Yoongi said rubbing his eyes tiredly and getting up.

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