Chapter 1

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 As Willem had ordered the guards took me to table number 7. Once I got close enough and I was able to see who got me I was completely taken aback and astonished.

There sat the famous Min Yoongi from BTS. I did hear a lot about the boyband BTS and their reputation was a really good one but nothing was ever mentioned about them buying girls, ever.

"Sit down." he said sternly motioning on the seat beside him. I glared at him in disgust for a second but did as told and sat down.

After what seemed like hours the auction was over. Yoongi got up and motioned for me to follow him.

He guided me to an all black car, once inside the car was super luxurious.

"There are rules that you must know since you will be working for me." he said sternly once the car started moving.

"1- You must call me Mr. Min, unless I say otherwise.
2-You must completely obey me and you must do everything I ask of you whatever it is
3-Never talk back to me.
4-You are never allowed to tell anyone about any of this.
5-You will have to wake up before 9 O'clock am to prepare my breakfast before I head to work and I must come back to find diner ready no matter what time it is.
6-You will have 2 phones with you. Yours, and the second one I got for you, so if I need you in anything I can call you easily.
Now 7 and most importantly Never wake me up. NEVER!!" He said all his rules sternly and handed me my phone.

I can't believe the famous Min Yoongi is a jerk.

"So your fans don't know that their favorite person buys girls from auctions." I say glaring hard at him

"Talking back now, Are we?!" he said warningly. "Break one of my rules Miss (Y\N) and you're as good as dead to me. And by the way all your social media accounts are watched and even your calls and messages." he said before turning all his attention to his

Now what am I gonna do?!

*Wow I hadn't though it would be that short.*

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