chapter 11

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Yoongi had been acting really friendly. We did have a couple of meals together but not a lot though. The only annoying thing he still does is when he calls me over to his studio to finish something but I already am working at the hotel with Jooheon. Also I always wonder why he tenses up or he seems to get a little hurt whenever I tell him that I will go out with Jooheon or with Hobi.

Something else off he had been doing is that he always tries to get me away from Hobi whenever he sees me with him. I mean I still hadn't told him anything about me liking Hobi but I also don't show it so why does he always try to get us away??

"I will be out today." I said before heading out this morning.

"Where?" Yoongi asked a little take aback.

"I will go out shopping with Hobi today after work." I answered.

"But I wanted to go out with you since I am off today." he said pouting a little and honestly he looked really cute.

"Sorry I will make sure to go out with you the next time but I had promised Hobi a week back." I said waving and going out.

Yoongi's POV
She always seems to take time off for Hoseok. I know she also spends time with me and she is also holding up with my annoying attitude when I call her to come over while she is working but still. I already had noticed (Y\N)'s love for Hoseok but I simply don't want them together.

For some odd reason...... I just hate it.

----------------------------------(Y\N)'s POV
"Yoo!! (Y\N), Are you ready." Hobi said once I was done changing.

I was done with work and I changed my clothes for today's outing with Hobi. I also made sure I looked cute for him.

"Yup I said coming out.

"Wow!! You look really beautiful." he said smiling a little at me and we both headed out.

A while later we both reached a big park and we both simply walked around and chatted. It was really simple but ever moment spent with him made me happier and I really cherished the time I spend with him.

After a little while my phone went off and looking over at the caller ID I saw that it was Yoongi and I was sure he called to ask something from me.

"Take it." Hobi said smiling at me.

"Thanks." I said walking off a little.

"I had been calling for a while now." he said a little annoyed.

"you know I was going to go out with Hobi, Why call me now??" I asked obviously angry with him.

"I need you to come over and organize some really important papers." he said.

"Didn't you say you were off today?!" I said angrily. Right now I could honestly kill him.

"Yeah but something came up and you need to come over." he said.

"And why would I do that??" I asked half yelling at him.

"Because I told you so and I am the one who paid to get you here so you're obviously mine!!" he yelled back hanging up.

I was really angry with him and I could simply kill him when I get there. I went over back to Hoseok.

"You can go and we can go out another time." Hobi said once he saw the defeated look on my face.

"Sorry!!" I said a little sad. "I really didn't want to leave but as friendly as Yoongi had been acting lately but he is also acting really annoying. I don't know what to do with him anymore." I said

"It's okay." he said "Now go and don't get him angry." Hoseok said and I simply nodded and headed over to the studio.

Once inside I saw Yoongi all his attention on the screen in front of him.

"So where are those important papers." I said venom lacing my voice.

"I organized them." he said bluntly.

"What?!!!!!!" I yelled loudly.

"I said I organized them are you deaf??" he asked not even looking at me.

":you got me all the way here and you made me leave Hoseok to tell me you already organized them!!" I said snapping at him. I've really had enough with his shitty attitude and he really had to stop.

"You were late so I thought you decided to ignore me." he said.

"And that was exactly what I should have done." I yelled back.

"Go back to him now if you want to." he said to me harshly.

"You know I can't do that since the place we were at was really far off." I said back to him.

I was going completely insane with this attitude and I can't control myself anymore.

"You had been acting odd Yoongi one second you are acting all friendly and cute and the next you are acting all stupid and shitty. I don't get what's happening in that mind of your!!" I said harshly at him.

"It's Mr. Min for you and I don't want you here anymore you can go." he said coldly.

"Now you want me to call you Mr. Min?? Where did that friendship you asked for go??" I said completely confused and hurt now.

"You don't know anything. You're simply acting innocent without taking much care of what's happening around you. Stop being blinded by that love of yours and open your eyes. I am shielding you here not hurting you!!" he snapped back at me.

"What do you mean? What are you shielding me from??" I asked really confused.

"From getting hurt, now go because I won't say anything else." he said turning back his attention to the screen and I left defeated.

I was really hurt by how mean Yoongi acted that I ended up calling Jooheon.

"Hey, What's up?" he asked and I could feel his smile from the other end.

"Are you free? I really need to talk with someone right now." I said feeling the tears spill down on my cheeks.

"(Y\N) Are you crying?? Sure you can come but I have a friend over." he said

"I'll be there in 5." I said.

A while later I reached his place and he opened up for me. Once I saw him I simply hugged him and cried and he hugged back. All I wanted right now was some comfort.

I stayed over at Jooheon's place for so long simply crying and he did his very best to make me feel better. I stayed there until it got really late and he helped walk me home.

Upon entering the apartment everything was really quiet and everyone had already headed to sleep. I went up stairs to find Yoongi on his phone.

"where were you?" he asked sternly.

"I went to Jooheon's place." I said quietly still hurt.

"I really wish to know why do you even like Hoseok?" Yoongi asked bitterly but I simply didn't answer and headed over to my room to get some really needed sleep.

----------------------------------------------Yoongi's POV
I stomped back to my room still angry at that stupid girl who is really blinded.I'm sorry to say that  but they can never be together.

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