Chapter 13

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Hoseok's POV
"(Y\N) really did that much to you??" Jin hyung asked.

"(Y\N)?? Hyung stop mixing topics. I'm not talking about her now." I answered shaking my head.

"Oh! Sorry. Now I get it." Jin hyung apologized but I shook my head again.

"No it's okay." I said.

------------------------------------------------------Yoongi's POV
I got up to find myself asleep on my chair in the studio. Looking over I found the USB drive that I gave to (Y\N) yesterday with a little note under it.

'I did everything you asked for. Sleep tight and the next time you should go home when you feel tired.' It said. Once I read it I smiled to myself a little.

The last thing I remember before I dozed off was her saying "I don't know what had changed you so suddenly but I know that since you can be mean you can also be nice." Then I just didn't feel anything at all.

I know I had been harsh on her but that's all for her sake.

I got up, went to the bathroom, then headed to the nearest café to grab late breakfast since it was already 1pm.

I got myself a cup of coffee and some donuts but after taking a sip of my coffee I felt like it wasn't that good. I like (Y\N)'s more. Then I went over back to the studio and continued working there for hours.

I was so caught up that the time flew by so fast and now it was 10 pm and I decided to finally head home and see (Y\N).

"Hey! You're Yoongi right?" I heard someone say from behind me once I entered the hotel. After looking back I saw that it was Jooheon.

"Yes, is something up??" I asked.

"Yes, I know that you hate (Y\N) and if so it would be better to just leave her alone to Hoseok when they tell you so." he said getting me confused a little.

"(Y\N) is going to confess to Hoseok today, she might have already done it." He said causing my eyes to widen and for me to run upstairs hoping I could make it.

Once I entered I knew I was too late, I found her curled up on the floor crying hard. Now I know what happened.

And that's exactly what I tried to prevent.
(Y\N)'s POV

*A couple of hours back*
I was really super excited for today.

"I'm going to confess to Hobi today!" I said to Jooheon happily.

"Well what made you change your mind?"Jooheon asked with a smile.

"I heard him telling Jin that he truly loves me" I giggling happily.

"That's great." he said.

"I know." I answered not containing my excitement.

I was in my happiest mood ever and nothing can make me sad ever.

I went over with Jooheon. We ate some ice cream, walked and talked until night time then he got me home.

"Deliver me some good news!!" he said waving at me and I simply nodded running over to my room and taking my phone out.

I happily texted Hoseok these 3 words.

'I love you' and before I clicked send a notification appeared on my screen but I ignored it and pressed send.

Then I checked that notification.

(Y\N) Great news! I'm dating Hobi ~bestie

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