Chapter 2

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The rest of the ride was completely quiet no one said a letter.

After what seemed like hours, The car stopped and Yoongi or Mr. Min motioned for me to follow him.
That guy really likes silence.

We entered the apartments lobby that looked close to a hotel's lobby. Mr. Min headed over to the receptionist, told her something and after awhile he came back holding a plastic bag, handed it to me and started walking.
I glared at him and sighed before following him all the way to the elevator.

We got in the elevator and he pushed the button to floor 50.
This place really is huge.

The whole elevator ride was really quiet and, Ding, the elevator doors were open revealing a really luxurious floor 50.

We passed multiple doors with numbers on them and at the very end of the hallway stood a door with the letters BTS labeled on it.

Mr. Min opened the door revealing one hell of an apartment and he motioned for me to follow him. We walked through a huge living area which looked really modern.

"There is the bathroom, and this is the kitchen. But mostly you won't be working here." he said pointing at 2 different doors in the living area.

We took the stairs to the second floor of the house. Once upstairs 7 different doors with different names written on them were revealed.

We walked along the hallway until we reached a door labeled "Min Yoongi". He opened the door saying "You're lucky the others aren't out."

Once in I saw what looked like a whole other flat. 2 bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen.

"What is this place?!" I asked completely astonished by how huge their house is. "This is where you will be staying." he said ignoring me and pointing at one of the bedrooms "and the other is mine" he continued.

"You will also be working in the hotel to earn your money. I mean I didn't buy you to take care of your finances. And this is your uniform you will start working from tomorrow 10am." he said pointing at the plastic bag he gave me earlier.

"That wasn't part of the rules!!" I said a little angry. I mean who is he to make me work as a maid in a hotel.

He throw me a disgusted look before continuing "It's none of my business, I bought you for you to do exactly as I say not to simply play around. Also your room has everything you will need except for the clothes there are a little but you will have to go buy your own when you get paid. Also when I need you I will simply call you. And don't try to break any rule. Now go to sleep since tomorrow will be one hell of a day for you." he said going to his own room.

I walked into 'my room' as he called it and looked around. Honestly the room was big it was mostly white, black and gray. It had a queen sized bed a hair dresser and a closet. I walked over to the closet and opened it to find a shirt, a pair of jeans, a pair of sneakers and a pajama.
How am I supposed to live in those until I get paid was he stupid or something. Now I was pissed off from him.
There was also another door in the room, after opening it there was a huge bathroom.

I changed in the PJ and lied down on the bed thinking about everything that had happened today.
How did walking out late of my friend's house get me here?!
I set my alarm on 8O'clock and simply drifted off to simply with just one thought in mind.

I really hate Min Yoongi already.

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