Chapter 20

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I got up all of a sudden and hit my forehead against someone. Opening my eyes and looking at that person I saw Yoongi holding his head.

"It hurts ya know!!" he exclaimed hissing from the pain.

"What happened??" I asked confused a little.

"I came in and you were sweating like crazy. I thought you had a fever." he replied.

"Yoongi." I said quietly taking in what I was about to say.

"What??" he asked confused.

"I remember everything." I said looking at him and he looked back with pure shock.

"Everything Everything??" He asked and I nodded a little.

"When? How??" he asked opening and closing his mouth not able to say anything else.

"Give me a second..... when did that happen??" he asked still apparently confused.

"I got up now and I had remembered everything. I left you guys yesterday with no memories and once I woke up I had my memories. So of course today pabo!!" I replied laughing at him a little.

"Sorry, I meant to say, what made you remember??" he asked.

"I went through my messages yesterday night." I replied he looked at me and his eyes widened a little.

"So, you did read mine??" he asked tensing up and acting nervously.

"No not yet.... I did forget about them and I went to Hoseok's directly. I saw the text where I told him that I love him and then I saw (B/F/N)'s texts too." I answered.

"Sooo, this was the important memory that made you remember huh....." he said looking down a little sad.

"Yeah I guess....." I replied a little awkwardly. I really didn't know what to say in this situation.

"Well, let's just go down since breakfast is ready." Yoongi said heading out.

He really seemed kinda disappointed for some reason. I got up, got ready and went downstairs. Jooheon and (B/F/N) sitting with the guys.

"Guys I have a little something to say." I said once I saw them all and they turned their attention to me.

"All my memories are back and I simply remember everything." I said and they all looked at me trying to comprehend what I said.

"Yaaaaaaayy" (B/F/N) said jumping up and hugging me tightly.

"Is that for real??"Jooheon asked smiling widely.

"Great newwwwws!!!!!" Taehyung said with a smile.

"Finallyyyyyy!!!!" Jungkook said jumping up and down happily.

We sat there and chatted for a while. We talked about some of my memories and they asked me little questions to make sure that I remembered everything.


Taehyung's POV

The guys had all been talking with (Y/N). I was really happy for her. Now (B/F/N), Jooheon, and (Y/N) are talking amongest themselves and I felt a little bored so I decided to go and play some videogames.

"Tae....~~" Jimin said coming in.

"Yes.." I replied still concentrating on the screen.

"I am bored." he said sitting in front of me.

"Can't you see that I am really busy?" I asked looking behind him.

"But...." Jimin whined a little.

"You're the one who asked for my attention. Don't blame me later." I said pausing the game and then kissing Jimin.

"I was thinking of watching some videos together but this is better." Jimin said smiling at me a little.


(Y/N)'s POV

We sat there talking for a little while when all of a sudden Yoongi asked me to talk a little privately.

"There is this little thing that I wanted to tell you for a while now." he said looking a little tense and nervous.

"What is it Yoongi??" I asked rising an eyebrow I was kinda scared of what he would say.

"Umm..... I wanted to say....." he started but all of a sudden Jungkook and Hoseok fell on the floor. Obviously they were eavesdropping.

"What are you guys doing here??" Yoongi asked little pissed off.

"Nothing we were walking around and we happened to fall here." Hoseok said stuttering a little.

"As if I will believe that." Yoongi said walking past them and going out obviously pissed.

I looked at the guys confused raising an eyebrow. They looked at me and shrugged then got up.


Yoongi's POV

I went out and decided to take a little walk outside to calm my racing heart a little. I can't believe that I was about to confess to (Y/N)) I really wanted to confess to her but maybe I should wait for the right moment when I am at least a little sure if she shared my feelings or not.

All of a sudden my phone went off and looking at it, it was a little text from (Y/N).

I love you too Yoongi!!~(Y/N)<3

The end is near guys!! Stay tuned for the last chapter!!

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