Chapter 6

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The next day I decided to prepare breakfast for everyone since today was off and I was in a really good mood. I went to the kitchen downstairs and started cooking. I made some sweets to be eaten beside their coffee or whatever they would drink.

A while later Hobi came downstairs and when he saw me in the kitchen he was taken aback. "(Y\N), what are you doing here?!" He asked.

"Making breakfast of course. Can you tell me the guys' favorite drinks?" I asked with a smile.

"Sure, but don't you work for Yoongi?" he said and I nodded.

"But I though that maybe I should try to get a little closer to you all since I might be staying for long and there is no better way to do so than by food." I said smiling widely.

"Well they all mostly drink coffee, Namjoon likes to drink Espresso, and Jin like to drink vanilla late, and Taehyung like strawberry milkshake. Other than that we all drink coffee." He answered with a smile.

"Thanks." I said smiling back.

"Do you need any help?" he asked.

"Nah not really I can manage." I answered.

"Well if you need anything I will be in the living room." He said heading out leaving me all alone in the kitchen again.

A while had passed and I can hear the guys chatting out.

"What is this amazing smell?" Jungkook asked coming down. "Jin hyung what are you cooking?" He asked

"It's not me. It's (Y\N)." Jin answered.

"What really?" He said.

I can hear the guys' conversations and they all seemed happy and content even Jungkook seemed to lighten up that cold attitude of his. Once I was done I got out the drinks and then the food and they all were looking at me with huge smiles on their faces.

"They all smell absolutely amazing." Jin exclaimed happily.

"I can't wait to try them all!!" Taehyung said rubbing his hands together.

"I won't wait!!" Jungkook said a huge smile on his face grabbing one of the macaroons and shoving it in his mouth.

He really looked  handsome and cute with that smile of his.

"Thanks (Y\N), this really is the best breakfast." Jimin said his mouth full of food.

"By the way where is Yoongi?" I asked since he was no where to be seen.

"Still asleep." Namjoon answered.

I went upstairs to wake him up so he could eat breakfast so he wouldn't miss it. Once up I headed straight to his room. He was completely asleep and he looked really peaceful honestly.

"Mr. Min." I said shaking him a little to wake up but he didn't budge.
I tried to wake him up multiple times and when he opened his eyes a little he looked really angry.

"What could be so important in this world for you to wake me up this early on my day off?" He asked sternly.

"I just thought to wake you up so you could have breakfast with the others downstairs since I made you all breakfast." I said smiling a little.

I honestly felt happy and accomplished for what I had done and how close I was getting with the others and I thought that no one can get me to feel down. Thought.......

"You woke me up to eat breakfast that you made, this early on my day off!! Honestly?!" He asked half yelling at me. I was really taken aback by his stern attitude.

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