Chapter 16

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Yoongi's POV

(Y\N) had been out of it for a couple of days now she didn't wake up at all she barely breathes and the doctors are really worried about her condition.

"Hyung, Going to (Y\N)?" Hoseok asked when he saw me dressed.

"Yes, Do you want something?" I asked.

"I'll come with you." He said getting up, taking his coat and putting on his shoes.

This had become my routine ever since (Y\N) entered in her coma state. Once I get back home from work I change up and go to the hospital and stay by (Y\N)'s side hoping that she would wake up but unfortunately every time visiting time is over and she doesn't wake up.

"Are you still blaming yourself??" Hoseok asked.

I looked over at him with a sad smile "I just feel down that she isn't waking up. Maybe if I hadn't sent her home this wouldn't have happened." I said putting my head in my hands and giving a sigh.

"Don't blame yourself it isn't your fault. It's true you sent her home but you didn't cause the accident so stop." Hoseok said with a frown on his face.

"I'll try." I answered.

I spent the whole time simply looking at the girl whom I had grown to love. When I first got her I wouldn't have even dreamed of loving her that much.

Another day passed and another and another, a whole month passed and she still hadn't gotten up. I always went and visited her but nothing.

With every passing day I feel more and more depressed. Sometimes I get the feeling that she might not wake up at all.

"Hyung you should really pull yourself together. I know she had been out for a month but she will hopefully wake up soon." Namjoon said patting my back.

"Yeah but that's too long." I answered still feeling down.

"No one would have ever guessed that you would fall in love with her." he said giving me a sad smile.

"I didn't think I would either." I replied hanging my head low.

Will I ever be able to tell her I love her??

"Why don't we all go out and try to have some fun??" Jin said trying to lighten up the mood.

"I don't feel like it." I replied.

"Oh, come on, Maybe Jin hyung is right we really need to get out of this gloomy atmosphere a little." Taehyung said liking Jin's idea.

"They could be right hyung." Jimin said.

"Maybe we can all go grab some coffee or go shopping." Hoseok said smiling a little.

"You all don't really care and you don't get it!! She might not come back and all you are thinking about is shopping and coffee!" I yelled feeling myself get angry at how stupid they were acting.

"Hyung we just wanted..." Hoseok started but I cut him off.

"And you Hoseok, I thought you would be the one to understand how I was feeling since she was close to you but no you don't even care." I said going upstairs and slamming my room's door.

I know that I might have overreacted there but honestly I hated the fact that they act as if they don't care and that I am the only on who is hurt here.

A whole month passed, and another and another until a full year passed and she still hadn't gotten up.

I was getting more and more devastated by the second, depression had taken over me and I always felt really hurt. But furthermore I was scared. I was scared that she might not come back to me. I was scared that I will never get to see her smile or to see her wearing that necklace I got her.

I wanted her here by my side, I don't care how she would act. I don't care whether she would hate me or not. I just want her back. Is that too much to ask.

"You're crying again Yoongi." Jin said looking at me with sad eyes.

"Huh, don't worry I'm fine." I replied wiping my tears.

"Still?" he asked.

"Shut up, I don't feel like talking about her." I said getting up and walking out.

I took out my phone and texted her like I used to before whenever I ask her to do something or to get me something.

Hey, I really miss you. Honestly I still cry over the fact that you're not here. I know I am stupid but I can't help it. then I clicked send.

I looked over at the past texts too, Most of them I sent after her coma.

I feel off, It's my first time to not be able to write any lyrics.

When will you get up?

Did you miss me??

I found the necklace I bought you on our day out and you looked really beautiful wearing it.

I wish we can go out stargazing again.

Will you come back to me and I promise I won't hurt you again?

I promise I will stop yelling at you or ask you to do work.

Just come back, please.

I still remember when I fell asleep in the studio and you covered me and left me that note telling me to get home when I feel tired. I still have it with me.

By the way I heard you that day when you asked me why I had changed and said that I can be nice.

Once you get up I will make sure you're the happiest person alive but just get up.

And more and more of this type of texts, always whenever I feel like telling her something or something comes to mind I would always text her.

(Y\N) I love you. Then I clicked send and tears were falling badly down my cheeks, knowing that I might never be able to say it in reality.

A couple of days passed since I last texted her that 'I love you' message and honestly I didn't try to text her again to not get that message lost in more messages. I am now sitting quietly on my desk not knowing what exactly to do but I had a really really bad feeling as if something really bad was going to happen, and suddenly my phone went off.

Looking over at the ID,

(Y\N)'s doctor

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