Chapter 17

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Yoongi's POV
I picked up my phone fast and replied, My heart was beating like crazy. I was really scared.

"Hello." I said trying to act calm.

"Mr. Min I'd like to deliver some news." The lady said her tone a little sad.

"What kind of news?" I asked panicking even more now.

"You have to come and see for yourself." she said.

"Okay I'll be over." I said getting up, grabbing my coat, wearing my shoes and running out.

Once I reached the hospital the lady at the reception walked me to her room and asked me to enter.

Once inside (Y\N)'s room I noticed 2 things,

The first was that Jooheon was here.
The second was that (Y\N) was sitting on the bed looking around.

Wait! (Y\N)'s up!!

"You're up!" I said overjoyed. After all this time she finally woke up and I can tell her that I love her. I really wasn't able to hide my smile. What she said next caused my heart to sink.

"Do I know you?!" She asked looking confused.

"What?! You're kidding right?!" I asked waiting for her to smile and tell me she was but that never happened.

"She has a temporary memory loss." Jooheon said sadly.

"She only remembers her name and age other than that she has general knowledge but she doesn't know any of the people who had been in her life." The doctor said.

"Is there a way for her memories to come back??" I asked.

"Her memory will be back eventually. There is something that would target her memory back. Like something that happened in the past or so. Something she really cherishes." The doctor replied.

"That memory could be anything." Jooheon said with a sigh.

"Anyway she can be out today. She will get to remember some things gradually so don't push her to remember anything." The doctor said before leaving.

Seconds later a nurse entered and (Y\N) smiled at her.

"Honestly she had been up for 2 days now but we had to help her walk and move around since her bones were so week because of the coma she had been in." The nurse said taking (Y\N)'s hand and helping her get up.

"Who are they?" (Y\N) asked pointing at us. It really did hurt to know that she doesn't remember me.

"I'm Jooheon. I am one of your closest friends." he said giving her a smile and shaking hands with her.

"I guess I know why, you seem so kind." she said smiling at him and he nodded smiling back at her. Then she looked at me.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you once we're home." I said and she nodded.

"so, are you my boyfriend or something??" she asked looking at me while I was driving. For some reason I felt nervous but I didn't show it.

"No, I am not. I told you already it really is a long story." I said and she nodded without saying anything else.


(Y\N)'s POV
I sat there quietly not knowing what to say or whether I should even talk.
For some reason I do feel some kind of connection but I don't even know whether it's a good or a bad one.

Awhile later we entered a huge building. Do I really live here this is luxurious for someone like me,I guess.

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