Chapter 18

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Getting up the next day, I went to the kitchen downstairs to make breakfast for the guys. It's more like I simply had that feeling that I used to do so.

Once done with preparing, everyone was already down chatting happily except for Yoongi. So, I decided to wake him up despite feeling that if I do so it might end but I went anyway.

Going into his room I found him fast asleep hugging his blanket like a baby. He's so adorable.

"Umm... Yoongi?!" I said quietly shaking his shoulder. For some reason all this felt so familiar. . I called his name 2 more times until he finally muttered a "mhmm.."

"Don't you want to eat breakfast down with us?" I asked and for some reason I was afraid.

"Oh, sure. I'll be down in 10." he said getting up and rubbing his eyes like a cute baby.

"Aww.... You're so cute." I said with a smile.

"I'm a man, I can't be cute. Now get out." he said and I dashed outside.

"So?" Jin asked once I went down.

"He'll be here in 10" I answered making the others look at me in amazement.

"What?!" I asked confused.

"Nothing."Jin replied.

-----------------------------------------------------------Yoongi's POV
Once she was out I remembered the first time she woke me up and ended up yelling at her. I also remembered the necklace, the one I got her as an apology for what I did that day. I got up and got it out of my drawer and put it on the desk close to the door in order to remember and give it to her.

I went downstairs and forgot all about the necklace. Once down everyone was already eating happily and once they saw me, (Y\N) motioned for me to come over and sit by her side.

Sitting down by her side I felt my heart beat quicken a little. After breakfast we all decided to call (B\F\N) and all of us can go out and have some fun.

"Hey, since (Y\N) is here I thought why not we all go out and have some fun it might help her remember something or two." Hoseok said after he called (B\F\N).

"Was that the girl you told me about yesterday??" (Y\N) asked a little eager to know and I nodded at her.

"She remembered her?" Jimin asked.

"Not really she just went through her photos and found her and asked about someone she saw in them and I told her." I replied.

--------------------------------(Y\N)'s POV
A while later the girl whom I saw in the pictures walked in and once she saw me she squealed and jumped over hugging me and I hugged back.

"I missed you like crazy" she said with a smile and when she pulled back Hoseok raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, sorry I forgot about your memory loss." she said giving me a sad smile "So where are you going?" she asked looking happily at Hoseok. For some reason I felt a little pain when I saw them together but again I didn't know why.

"Well I don't know think of a place that might mean something to (Y\N)" Yoongi answered.

"Well I know just the place!!" (B\F\N) said with a smile then she took my hand and guided me out.

We all got into the guys' van and (B\F\N) drove us to a park.

"Where are we??" I asked confused.

"This is where we both first met, Don't you remember??" she asked looking down a little. But no I wasn't able to remember anything.

"Oh, now I'm out of ideas." (B/F/N) said with a sigh.

"Sorry.." I said feeling a little guilty.

"Why?" She asked.

"For not being able to remember something that important." I replied.

"It's not your fault." she answered.

"Now where should we go?" Hoseok asked again.

"Let's take her to Yoongi's studio. She used to spend lot's of time there." Namjoon said and everyone agreed.

Once I entered the studio my head seemed to spin a little and my mind was filled with different thoughts and many different memories. I hate to sit down to be able to concentrate and get everything straight.

I remembered many fights with Yoongi here, we really did fight a lot. "Stop being blinded by that love of yours and open your eyes." This is one of the things he said and I remembered, I also remembered that one time when he fell asleep while working and I covered him saying "I know that since you can be mean you can also be nice."

"My head hurts." I said looking up at the guys once I felt my head calm down.

I sat there and told them all of the things that I remembered.

"So, it's good you remembered some things." Hoseok said.

"Yeah, mainly fights." I said and Yoongi looked down sheepishly.

"Let's all go and grab a little something to eat." Jimin said with a smile and we all nodded

Once in the restaurant Jimin sat at the very end beside the window and Jungkook sat beside him.

"I want to sit here Jungkook." Taehyung said pouting slightly.

"I came here first." Jungkook replied sticking out his tongue.

"But I want to sit beside Jiminnie." Taehyung said once again whining a little. He looked adorable.

"Guys get this over with." Jin said causing Tae to huff and sit by my side causing Yoongi to eye him slightly then he stuck out his tongue to Jungkook.

After everyone was settled we all ordered and chatted happily while eating. It was honestly so much fun but again whenever I see (B/F/N) close to Hoseok I feel hurt but I simply pushed the thought to the side.

We all went home a little late and decided to head straight to our bedrooms. Once in my room, I thought of going through my phone once again and this time I will be going through my text messages.

There really is a lot from Yoongi.

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