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I got up to the sound of my alarm, turned it off and headed to the bathroom to do my morning routine. Once done, I went to the kitchen and prepared a simple breakfast for the jerk, made myself a cup of coffee and decided to sit in the living room and drink it..

When I went out I found Mr. Jerk eating his breakfast, So I simply sat on the couch without saying anything. "I want you to meet the others. I don't want them to freak out when they find a girl with me." he said breaking the silence once he was done with eating then he got up and left.

I glanced at him for a second then returned all my attention back to my phone without saying anything. "Well??" he asked getting annoyed by my attitude.

"Whatever." I said getting up with a sigh.

I went to my room, put on the uniform and went downstairs with Mr. Min.

Once down in the huge living area there were 6 really handsome guys all gathered up and chatting happily. When they saw me and Yoongi their chatter died out making the whole place fall silent and they all looked at us questioningly.

"Guys this is (Y\N) (L\N), she will be working for me mostly but also she will work in the hotel, so simply if you need anything ask her." he said sitting down beside one of the guys.

"Hello, I'm Hoseok, you can call me Hobi. Nice to meet you." One of them said he had red hair and deep brown eyes. His smile was so beautiful he seemed like he was shining.

"Hey, I'm Taehyung, nice to meet you." Another one said, he had brown hair, and his boxy smile was angelic.

"Hey there beautiful, I'm Jimin. Maybe we can hangout later." he said giving me a wink. He had pink hair. Pink is a weird colour to dye your hair but he pulled it off amazingly. He looked cute but also really hot.

"I'm Jungkook." Another brown haired boy said plainly not even sparing me a glance.

"I'm Jin."Another said. I think he is the oldest between them.

"And I'm Namjoon." The purple haired guy said giving me a smile showing his dimples. Also purple is weird for hair but he was hella handsome.
"Aren't you the president's son?" I asked and he gave me a little nod.

Of course I had heard about the famous BTS but I just didn't care to know more about them, who they were, their names or anything. I only knew Yoongi since he did catch my eye when my best friend showed me one of their music videos.

I looked at my phone to see that the time was 9:55. "Heck I'll be late, I have to go, it was nice meeting you all." I said running out.

"Sorry!!" I said bowing to the receptionist since I barely made it in time.

"Just don't do it again. Anyway you'll take care of cleaning the first and second floor rooms. Whether they were empty or any of the guests asked for it. I will always update you on which room is empty and which isn't." She said smiling at me and giving me a little paper with the numbers of the rooms that are empty. And here started my first day of work.

I worked myself out for the the past couple of hours. I made sure that everything was perfect before heading to the next room and now it is 2pm and luckily I was done since there weren't that many empty rooms and none of the guests asked for help in cleaning theirs.

I went down to the lobby and went over to the receptionist since I hadn't gotten her name. Honestly I think she is really kind and sweet. "Hey (Y\N), I know you are done with the 2 floors so why not rest a bit until something else shows up." She said and I nodded at her happily.

"Thanks and by the way what's your name?" I asked "Yoona" she answered with a smile.

We both exchanged phone numbers and she showed me to where the employee's room is. Once in I sat down in the corner scrolling through my phone when suddenly my phone went off, looking over at the ID. I was none other than the devil himself.

What in the world does he want
with me now??

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