Chapter 9

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"Won't you eat breakfast??" Yoongi asked one morning.

"No, thanks. I drank my coffee this morning." I answered.

"You should eat something." He insisted.

"Don't worry about me I will already eat with Jooheon before we start working." I said.

"Jooheon?? Is that your colleague??" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." I said snapping at him leaving the room and closing the door hard behind me.

Honestly he had been acting like that ever since I helped him with the studio, he would always call me to help out with something or ask me to eat with him. He would even force me when I refuse, it's getting really annoying.

"Woah, someone's really angry." Hobi said once I got down.

"Well, of course!! He keeps forcing me to eat and he keeps calling me at work to help him with anything, and that's annoying!!" I snapped getting some of my bottled up feeling out.

"Well, that's odd Yoongi hyung never asked for anyone's help or asked them to spend time with him, not even us." Hobi said raising an eyebrow and thinking deeply.

"Gotta go!" I said running out and leaving a confused Hobi.

Yoongi's POV
I had been sitting for a while now thinking of some lyrics to write but I simply can't get my head straight.
She was acting really stupid and it was getting on my nerves. Plus why would she leave me to eat breakfast with Jooheon, Am I not good enough for her. And why does she always make me breakfast and head downstairs to drink her coffee with Hoseok.

Maybe she doesn't like my company. Or maybe she likes Hoseok.......
Just maybe......

Should I call her and ask?? Nah, That would be stupid.

-----------------------------------------------------(Y\N) POV
Hey! What do you think of going shopping and then heading over to your place??!! ~bestie

I saw the text once I opened my phone after we were done with work.

Sure. Why,not. I answered and clicked send. Now I have to go and change.

A while later, I was in my room trying on heaps on heaps of clothes, and at least I decided to wear a simple shirt and a pair of ripped jeans, threw my hair into a ponytail and headed straight to our meeting location.

"Hey, You made it!!" (B\F\N) said once she saw me.

"Yup, I won't miss spending some quality time with my bestie." I answered with a smile.

"Let's go~~~" She said taking me by the hand and guiding me to one of the shops.

We shopped for lots of clothes we also chatted a lot and when we felt that it was getting late we decided to head to the guys' apartment.

"Yo, (B\F\N), (Y\N)" Hobi said once we came in.

"Hey." I replied back with a smile and sat beside him.

"Hello, how have you all been doing?" (b\f

)asked looking over at Hobi and they all mumbled a little 'fine'.

We all sat and chatted happily.

"I'll go get some water." Hobi said getting up causing his shoulder to touch mine and that single move made my heart beat faster.

Why in the world do I feel that way? Nah, I think I could be over thinking.

"Earth to (Y\N), are you here??" Hobi said snapping me back to reality. His face was super close to mine and I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Y-yeah sorry." I said feeling myself blush furiously.

"Sure? You seem off." Hobi said resting his forehead to mine causing my blush to deepen more and my heart to skip a beat.

"You're heating (Y\N). Are you sure you don't have a fever??" he exclaimed surprised.

"No, I'm not. You know what I think I gotta go, I forgot the clothes in the oven, I mean the cake in the laundry. I mean the cake in the oven!" I said getting up and leaving to the bathroom.

----------------------------------------------------Hobi's POV
"Is the oven in the bathroom??" Jungkook asked confused.

"No, I think there must be something." I said thinking a little.

"Don't worry it must be a girls' thing." (b\f

) said moving and sitting beside me.

"Do you mean she's on her........" I asked understanding.

"On her what?! Tell me!" Jungkook asked completely not understanding anything.

"Nothing" I said fast.

"You'll get it when you grow up enough bunny." (b\f

) said making me laugh.

"Hey I'm 22!! Clearly old enough!!" Jungkook fought back.

All of a sudden Jimin room's door opened revealing a cornered Jimin by the wall with Taehyung super close to him.
Jungkook fake coughed making the two snap their faces toward us causing Jimin's face to become beat red.

"It's not what you think!!!" Jimin said waving his hands in front of his face his face still beat red.

"I could completely see that." (b\f/N)

said with a smirk across her face.

"Jimin I told you to lock the door!" Taehyung said closing the door behind him.

"Why is his room down here and not up with you guys??" (b\f/N) asked

"He just chose this one." I answered.

----------------------------------------------------(Y/N) POV
Once I entered the bathroom I tried calming my racing heart but what I got in the process was one little understanding.

I though back at everything, His smile, how happy I get when he compliments me, how hard I try to make him happy and I understood one thing.

I think I like Hoseok!!!

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