Chapter three

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It was only seven o’clock and there were drunks everywhere...

"Guys um let’s not drink" I suggested. "You little ones aren’t even allowed to" Beau said "But I am". "Oh god imagine Beau being drunk, he’s bad enough when he’s being normal" I exclaimed. "Umm Beau if you get drunk how do we get home" Luke yelled but it was too late Beau had already gone. "So what’s the plan" Jai asked face palming himself. "Stick together, Party and smack every drink that beau is drinking out of his hands" I explained. "Ok let’s go" Jai said pulling Luke and I out of the car. I almost fell over but Jai grabbed my waist saving me from falling. "Thanks" I said as I regained my balance. "Let’s go" Luke said. I followed the boys towards the house music was blasting loudly and there were people everywhere. We walked in the door Beau was nowhere to be seen I could only see body’s grinding against other bodies. "You wanna dance" Some drunken guy said grabbing my waist. "Um... no" I replied. "Come on pretty I don’t bite" he slurred. "She said she didn’t want to dance" Jai said protectively, pulling me away from the Jerk. "So you can’t have her all to yourself" he said angrily. "He doesn’t, she’s with me too" Luke said smugly. The guy just walked off angrily. "Thanks guys" I said giving the twins a big hug. "Hey look its Beau" Luke said pointing over my shoulder. "Where?" I asked pulling out of the hug. "There" he points over to the bar/kitchen thing. I walk over to him. “Beau no drinking" I said sternly. "Noooo" he wails. "SHIT" Jai cursed "He’s already drunk". We've been here ten fucking minutes and somehow he manages to get drunk in that short amount of time, I don’t know how he does it. "We're screwed" Luke mutters under his breath. "Well were going to have to get my mum to come and get us" I groan pulling out my phone and sending her a message to give her some warning...

"We'll figure something out later" I tell the boys. "Good this asshole is in so much trouble" Luke says smack Beau over the head normally Beau would smack him back but this time he just stares stupidly into space. "Okaaaay lets just leave Beau here" I say backing away from him dragging the twins along behind me. "Let’s dance" Luke suggests disappearing into the crowd of grinding bodies. "What you want to do" Jai asks me. I opened my mouth to reply but someone grabbed me from behind and dragged me into the crowd and towards the stairs. "WHAT THE FUCK" I screamed this was going to be bad because from what I know bedrooms are upstairs and bedrooms at parties lead to well I think you already know. "Shut up bitch" I knew that voice not very well but I knew it. "JAI, LUKE, BEAU" I screamed and attempted kicking the guy in the balls but he fended my leg off. "You’re going to have to do better than that" he said smugly. I still couldn’t put the voice to a face. He dragged me up the stairs and into a dark room and pushed me onto a bed. He closed the door behind him and flicked on the lights revealing who he was.


"THE FUCK" I screamed standing on the bed. "Your little friends won’t be able to save you now" he laughed. "I am not doing it with you" I said folding my arms trying to take control of the situation. "Il make you" Kieran said smugly. I’m not one of those helpless girls that can’t defend themselves. I've had enough wrestling matches with Beau, Jai and Luke to know where boy’s weakest spots are. "I’m not as defenceless as you think" I said. He tried to grab me but I jumped off the bed and tried to run to the door but he was quicker. He grabbed me and pushed me onto the bed straddling me. "GET OFF" I screamed. He tried to kiss me but I turned my head so he only got my cheek. I punched him in the face "You little bitch" he yelled grabbing my arms and digging his nails into my skin. It really hurt and his nails made my arms bleed I couldn’t help it I let out a pained scream. Kieran looked down at me and digged his nails further into my skin I squirmed in his grip the pain was so much that I started crying.

Suddenly Kieran was pulled off me, I curled myself up into a ball and cried blood was trickling down my arms. I heard a pair of feet leaving the room slamming the door behind them. That was horrible I don’t handle pain well. A pair of strong arms wrapped round me from behind. I turned my head to see who my rescuer was. "Jai" I hiccupped. "Shhhh" he cooed as he picked me up in his arms I felt so safe with him. Jai carried me to the bathroom where a couple were making out. "Oi get out" Jai said they picked themselves up and left. Jai set me down gently on a stool. "What did he do" He asked softly holding up one of my bleeding arms. "" I stuttered through hiccups. Jai got some tissues and cleaned the blood off my arms. Suddenly I realised why I felt so safe with jai...

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