Chapter Twenty-Two

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"The newly Mr and Mrs Brooks will be leaving for their Honeymoon in ten minutes, SO GET THE FUCK CHANGED" Beau screams over the speaker. What, I don't want to go yet, Im having to much fun, but I can't miss our honeymoon. "Come on babe" Jai says taking my hand and leading us to get our clothes to change into. Over the past few hours Jai and I have danced with relatives, chatted with guests, been attacked by certain Janoskians, Danced, tripped over and kissed. Its been fun.

After were changed into more.suitable clothing we head outside where everyone is waiting. "Nathan, bubby, I'll miss you" I say gently taking him from mum's arms. Mum will be taking care of him while we are away. "Bye Nathy" Jai whispers kissing him on the forehead. "I love you" I whisper to my baby before kissing him goodbye and hugging my mum. "No more babies for a little while" Mum orders Jai and I as she hugs us goodbye. "Bye dad" I say giving him a quick hug. I walk over to Luke. "Bye Lukey Pookie" I yell jumping into his outstretched arms. "Bye Nat Cat" he yells back. Next I hug skip, James and Ellie. "Bye Gina" I say hugging her. "Bye Nat" she replies hugging me back. Last but not least I hug Beau goodbye. "BYE SLUT" He yells loudly grabbing me around the waist and lifting me up and off the ground. "Bye Beau bear you bitch" I reply hugging him goodbye. "Not to many more baby Nai's okay" He teases. "Shut up" I yell smacking him on the arm. "Get moving you two" Gina says pushing Jai and I into the limo, literally and Jai fell on top of me. "Jai get off" I whine trying to push him off. "I kind of can't, my arms are kind of stuck under you" He replies. "Wait till you actually get to Paris, not in the limo" Beau jokes laughing. "Oh haha" I say sarcastically arching my back so Jai can get his arms out from under me. "See you love birds in a week" Beau farewells us as he closes the door. "Paris here we come" I yell wrapping my arms round Jai's neck and pulling myself onto his lap.

When we arrive at the airport Jai and I get out of the limo and grab our bags from the back. Jai wrapped his free hand round my waist as we check in. I honestly can't believe I'm married to this amazing boy, I love him so much. "Flight 277 to Paris is departing in ten minutes" a voice rang out from the intercom snapping me out of my thoughts. "Lets go" Jai said leading me onto the plane. we took our seats

The plane had been flying for a couple of hours now and we were. watching a movie when I felt Jai's hand rub up and down my thigh. "Jai not in public" I whispered to him swatting his hand off. "I want you" he whispers back seducivly. "Well your going to have to wait, Mr sexual" I tease him. "No, now" he whines putting his hand back on my leg inching his way higher and higher up my leg. "Stop it" I moan, but he doesn't listen his hand slips under my skirt. "Bathroom now" he whispers slipping something into his pocket (Three guesses what) ;) and walking towards the bathroom. I actually can not believe he wants to do this on the plane. I get up with a sigh and head towards the bathroom.

I slide the door open to find him standing impatiently in the middle of the bathroom with a large bulge in his shorts already. I locked the door behind me. As soon as the door was locked he pushed me against the wall and started sucking on my neck, I let out a few quiet moans as his fingers slipped under my skirt massaging the insides of my thighs getting higher and higher until he reached my underwear. His fingers slipped inside me and I let out a gasp as he began pumping them in and out. "Jai" I moaned. God it felt good. "Did you like that" he asks cheekily as he pulls his fingers out of me. My turn for some fun now. I push him back and down on a stool in the corner, climbing on top of him. I position myself so my crotch is right over the top of his ever growing bulge and start moving my hips in a figure eight on the top of it. He lets out loud moans and I know he likes it. I slide off him and slip his shorts off and put my hands on the large bulge and gently massage it making him get harder and harder. "FUCK" he exclaims "Stop teasing me". I giggle and hop off him, "But I love teasing you Jaijai". He gets up and wraps his arms round my waist and presses his lips roughly against mine, pushing me up against the wall again. I put my hands under his shirt and trace his perfect abs with my fingers. Suddenly he lifts my top off and pushes me harder against the wall. His hands slip from my waist down to my bum as he lifts me up and I put my legs around is waist. I pull his shirt off and he takes my skirt off. "Jaaaaai" I moan into his mouth, I want him bad. He quickly un-clasps my bra, chucking it on the floor. Suddenly the plane veers to the left, Jai looses his balance and we tumble to the floor. We both giggle, I was straddling him. Jai pulled me down so I was Lying on him and pressed his lips against mine again rolling me over so he was on top. He started kissing down my neck leaving love bites everywhere. He kissed down past my coller bone and down to my breasts. He nibbled on them gently. "Jai" I moaned, running my fingers around the inside of his boxers trying to pull them off. He kissed down my stomach until he reached my undies, which he removed with his teeth. I quickly pulled his boxers off revealing a large boner which slapped up against his stomach. I took his throbbing penis in my hands massaging it gently, I leant in and swipped my tounge over the tip of it barely making contact. "Dooooont" He moaned pulling my head forward pushing his dick into my mouth. He thrusted his length in and out of my mouth making me moan onto his dick.

Jai pulled himself out of my mouth and pushed my back onto the floor. I felt a tickle at my entrance, where he was positioning himself. I really badly wanted him inside me, we hadn't had sex in a while. "Jai" I whined, knowing this was his revenge for teasing him. "Yes" he asks smirking, knowing i want him inside me. "I want you" I moan trying to pull him forward. "It's my turn to tease you babe" He grins. "That's fine. Put your boner away, you don't get sex with me right now then" I say smartly pretending to get up. "Natalie" he complains pushing me back down. I grin knowing i got what I want. He pushes himself into me and thrusts in and out slowly at first. "Your so tight" he says. "What do you expected, your so big" I moan as he starts thrusting faster. "Harder" I exclaim. He go's faster and faster hitting my g-spot every time as I let out loud moans. I felt myself tighten around him as i came. He grins down at me at me "Happy now babe" he asks panting a little. I smile "No" I reply. His face falls and I quickly press my lips against his. "Now I am" I giggle. "Thank god, I was scared you were going to ask for a second round, I'm tired now" He sighs in relief. "I wouldn't ask for that you can barely take one round" I tease running my hands over his toned abdomen. "really" he asks. "Yup" I reply smirking, when suddenly he pushes himself into me again thrusting fast and hard.

When he pulls out again he grins smugly at me. "I was wrong" I pant sitting up and hopping on his lap. "I wish we weren't on a plane" Jai sighs pulling me closely into his chest. "Why not" I ask pecking him on the lips. "So we dont have to get dressed and we can cuddle in bed" Jai replies running his finger down my spine. "We can put our chairs back and put the arm rest up and we can cuddle under a blanket, but we have to wear clothes" I announce. "Okay" he smiles lifting me up off the ground and setting me on my feet. "I love you" I whisper hugging him romanticly. "I love you too" he replies kissing my forehead. We pull away and scurry about the bathroom, picking up or clothes off the floor and putting them on. I finish putting my clothes back on first and Jai's just putting his shirt back on, he still has a large bulge in his pants. "Calm your dick" I giggle poking it. "Stop it, You always make it worse" He whines pushing my hands away. Its true, I always do make it worse by touching it. "Sorry" i laugh trying to push it down. "Are you trying to make it worse" he moans. "Yup" I reply laughing . "well stop it, I know you like touching my dick, but not until were under a blanket" he says smacking my hand and grinning cheekily. "Lets go" I say grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the bathroom.

We quickly walk back to our seats and sit down. I pull a blanket from my bag and put it over us. Jai puts our seats back a bit and lifts the arm rest between us up, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me close. "Jai you know, I kind of feel sorry for Nathan" I announce. "Why" Jai asks stroking my hair. "Because he has the most immature parents in the world" I answer. Jai chuckles "That's true". "When he's older he's going to be the one setting the example for us" I laugh. "Mmm" he replies not really listening to me because he's to busy stroking my hair. "JAI" I exclaim pushing on Jai's dick with my hand. "Sorry" he moans in pleasure. "Your not listening to me" I pout leaving my hand on his bulge because I know Jai likes it. "Sorry, your just so beautiful" He apologizes. I feel myself blush. "And your so horny" I reply giggling a little. "Says the one with her hand on my dick making me horny" he laughs. "So you admit you like me doing this" I ask pressing down on it again, he lets out a little moan. "Yes" he whispers. I do it a couple more times and he lets out a few more moans. "Is that appropriate on a plane" Some bitchy old lady asks angrily from a few seats behind us. Jai and I both blush, I didn't think he was moaning that loudly. "YOLO" I say to her, doing it to Jai one more time just to piss the bitch off. Jai laughed as the lady sent me a death stare. "Your being naughty on purpose" Jai Chuckles kissing my temple. "You know me too well" I chuckle, feeling a little tired. "What time is it at home" I question being too lazy to check my phone. "4:37 in the morning" he replies pulling me on top of him. "No wonder I'm tired" I giggle as I try to get comfortable on Jai. "I hate planes" I complain. "I know you do, I hate them too" he replies pecking me on the lips. "There scary when they take off and land, they have no beds and no room" I say. "no room for sex" Jai asks being cheeky, I smack his leg "I wasn't talking about that but that too" I chuckle closing my eyes. "Natalie Alison Brooks" Jai asks. "I still can't get used to the fact were married" I whisper. "I love you" he says kissing me passionately. "Love you too, Jaijai" I reply as we pull away and I find myself falling into a uncomfortable sleep.


Hey gals,

So i did a sex scene, i hope you don't mind, its the first one i've ever written unless you count the one i did earlier in the story, but i didn't really go into details. Comment if you want me to write more or just not go into details, thanks for your support, and i might have a few more then two chapters left so yeah

Thankies xoxox

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