Chapter Six

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BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, was the lovely sound I woke up too. Jai and I were still in the same position we fell asleep in. "Turn it off" I moaned rolling over to look at Jai. He was only just regersting the fact that an annoying alarm was going off because the look on his face was confusement as usual. "Jai we've got school today" I explain. "Oh yeah, lets go" He says pulling me out of bed. "I'l go home and get changed" I say opening the window. I was about to climb out when i noticed Luke was still asleep. "Luuuuke, Lukey Pookie" I cooed in his ear. "nembleableafj" he muttered. "WAKE UP" i yelled. "Ahhhh" he sceamed in shock. "Im up im up" he said. "Why are you in here" he asked looking at me confusedly. "I was going to go home last night but I was scared I was going to fall off the plank" I explain. "Ok" he said. "Well im going to go get ready for school" I say climbing out the window. "See you soon" Jai calls. I walk along the roof until I get to the plank of wood connecting our rooves. I carefully take a step onto the plank. One foot infront of the other i think to myself. Breathing heavily and trying not to look down I carefully walk over to my roof. I let.out a sigh of releif when I reach the other side. I climb back into my room through the window. I cant be bothered having a shower so i just chuck my Penola uniform on, thankfully it covers the love bite that jai left on my neck last night. I unlock the door and walk downstairs to get some breakfast.

I walk into the kitchen where my mums makieng pancakes. "Goodmorning sunshine" she says cheerfully. "Morning" I mutter still angrey at her for grounding us. "I made pancakes, your favourite" she smiles. "Thanks" i mutter as she puts a plate of pancakes infront of me. "I was thinking that it was a bit silly grounding you and the twins" Mum says sitting down next to me. "Ya think" I say rolling my eyes. "So i've talked to Gina and we've decided to un ground you three" she explains. "Thank-you" I say happily giving her a hug. "Your welcome" She replies hugging me back. I pull away and dig into my pancakes. "So how was your date last night" I ask. "It was alright, he wasnt really my type though" she replies. Yes! I didnt like the look of that guy he looked like a sleazy guy. "I didnt like the look of him" I say. "Yeah, Hold up how do you know what he looked like" she asks suspiciously. Shit im not meant to know what he looked like i was meant to be grounded. SHIT SHIT SHIT. "I saw him when he picked you up" i lie. "Oh okay" she smiles again. Theres a knock at the door. "That'l be the boys" I say grabbing my bag saying goodbye to my mum and heading for the door. "Hey boys" I smile as I open the door. "Hey guuurl" They chuckle. "Not grounded anymore" I say dancing stupidly. "Oi, No dancing like an idiot at my front door, what wil the neighbours think" Mum teases. We all laugh "Byeeeeeeeeee Muuuummmmmy" I call closing the door behind us. "What a sexy dancer" Luke chuckles. "Shut up" I laugh playfully hitting him on the arm as we walk to the bus stop. Jai takes my hand and I smile up at him staring into his brown eyes. "You two are seriously in love" Luke says snapping me out of my little fade out. "I've been trying to get your attention for five minutes and all you two have been doing is getting lost in eachothers eyes" Luke groans. "Sorry about it mr grumpypants" I giggle. "Nai nai" Luke exclaims. "What are you on" Jai asks at Lukes random outburst. "You twos romance thing can be 'Nai' for Nat and Jai" Luke explains. "Oh I get it now" I exclaim. "Yeah smarty. When are you going to tell the fans" he asks. "Were going to do a video tonight" Jai replies. "Okay" Luke replies. The bus pulls up a second later and we get on, I sit next to Jai still holding his hand. I pull out my phone and check facebook. I had 4 notifications three of them were pictures i was tagged in and the other one was a relationship requeast from jai. I accepted the request and rested my head on his shoulder scrolling through mu news feed. I auddenly started getting a whole bunch of notifications, people were commenting on my relationship status...

'Knew it wud happen sooner or later'

'Haha cute'

And stuff like that Beau had commented, 'When did this happen???' I replied to his comment 'Party when u wer drunk'

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