Chapter Nineteen

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"Nat how about this one" Gina asks holding up yet another dress."Its a bit to frilly" I replied. Gina, Mum and I were out shopping for my wedding dress while the boys were at home looking after Nathan. I was looking for a dress one week before my wedding because I wanted to wait until i had shrunk back down to my normal size. "I still can't believe my daughters getting married before i am" Mum exclaims as she rifles through a rack of dresses. "I know its so strange that our kids are getting married" Gina replies. "Seemed like only yesterday they were taking baths together, now their getting married" Mum sighs. "Oh my god" I squealed, id found the perfect dress. I pulled it off the rack and held it up for mum and Gina to see. "Its beautiful" Mum exclaims touching the silky fabric. "Try it on" Gina ordered marching me over to a changing room. I closed the door locking it behind me and slipped the dress on. I gasped at my reflection, it looked even better on. It was beautiful. The dress hugged the top half of my body tightly and flared out around my waist and down to the floor. The top half was very low exposing a lot cleverage, it was amazing. I stepped out to show my mum and Gina. They both gasped in awe. "We are getting this dress" Mum said practically ripping it off me and walking to the counter to pay for it.

We arrived home at about 8:30 after a massive shopping spree, they wanted to buy me new clothes for our honeymoon. Jai and I were going to Paris!!! "Whoa how much did you buy" Luke exclaims as we dump the bags in the lounge. "They wanted to buy me new clothes" I explain to him as Gina and mum walk into the kitchen. "You say your going to buy a wedding dress and come back with half the mall" Luke chuckles as mum and Gina go and join Cory in the kitchen. "I know right, my feet are killing me" I complain collapsing onto the couch next to him. "Where's Jai, Beau and Nathan" ask. "Beau's at skips with James and your boys are upstairs" he replies. "I'l be back in a minute, I Havnt had any quality time with you in a while" I tell him as I head up the stairs. "Okay" He replies. I check Nathan's room first, neither of them are in there so I guess they must be in my room. I head down the hall to my room and open the door. "Awwwww" I coo seeing them. Jai and Nathan chuckles are both fast asleep on my bed, Nathan curled up in one of Jai's arms. I take a picture and upload it to twitter...

@brooksbrosnatcat @Jaibrooks1 Awww Daddy and baby fell asleep, cuties

I kiss both of them on the forehead before I quietly walk out of the room and back downstairs to Luke. "Cute" Luke says holding the picture i just uploaded to twitter up to me on his phone. "How's my little Lukey Pookie" I ask jumping on the couch next to him. "Very bored" He replies sighing. "Why didn't you got to skip's place" I ask. "Your boyfriend wanted me to stay here so he wouldn't be a loner while he looked after Nathan, and then he fell asleep" He laughs a little. "Aww poor Lukey" I say giving him a hug. "How long have they been asleep" I ask as I pull away and put my feet up on his lap resting my head on the arm rest. "About two hours" he replies "I've just been hanging out with my imaginary friend 'Bob'" Luke jokes. "Did you and Bob have fun" I ask chuckling. "Yes we did, we spent the whole day watching T.V". "Fun" I say sarcastically. "WHAT'S UP BATCHES IM HOME" Beau yells walking in the door followed by Skip and James. "Beau watch your language" Gina calls from the kitchen. "Sorry Mum" he replies sitting on top of me. "Beau get off you fatty" I complain trying to push him off. "Important quite comfortable here" he chuckles, being annoying. "There's two empty couches yet you decide to come and sit on top of me" I sigh. "Yup, pretty much" he replies. "Oh how I love you Beau" I sigh sarcastically . "I know you do, Nat" he laughs hopping off me and going to sit next to James and Skip. "Where's Jai" Skip asks suddenly realising Jai isn't in the room. "He's upstairs crashed on the bed with his son" Luke replies looking at me and laughing. "Check twitter" I suggest. all three boys pull out their phones and start laughing. "Like father, like son" James chuckles. "That's so true" Beau laughs. "What's so funny" a sleepy looking Jai asks walking down the stairs carrying Nathan. "You'll find out later" Skip winks."Did you have a nice sleep" I ask him shuffling towards Luke so he can sit down next to me. "Yeah, I did" he replies happily. "And you thought you would be a loner" Luke sighs. "Yeah, sorry about that" Jai smirks. "Were going to stay the night and sleep on your bedroom floor" Beau announces. "What if we say no" Jai asks raising an eyebrows. "Then we'll sleep there any way" Beau replies grinning smugly. How did I know Beau would say that. "I knew you would say that" I giggle. "Uh gah gah la ah" Nathan gurgles happily. "What's that Nathan, you want uncle Beau to have a sleepover and sleep o the floor" Jai asks, Nathan laughs happily to himself. "I'm going to steal your baby" James announces . "James you weren't meant room tell them" skip jokes smacking James over the head. "Oops" James chuckles. "You steal my baby, I will kick you so hard in the ball's, that you will never be able to have kids" I say jokingly, Jai laughs. "We not steal baby, we not steal baby" they all raise their hands in the air in surrender. "Good" I chuckle. "Just wondering, but is your baby normal, I Havnt heard Nathan cry once" Luke asks. "He's normal, he's just an extremely happy baby" Jai replies. "He's Probly so happy because he has the best parents ever" I giggle kissing Jai on the cheek. Jai wrapped his arm round my shounder. "I think its because he has and awesome uncle Beau" Beau announces. "You Probly scare him, Im his most awesome uncle" Luke exclaims.

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