Chapter Eleven

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My eyes slowly flickered open, I was curled up on top of Jai in the weirdest way the blankets were half on and half of the bed. Jai was lying on his back and I was in between his legs . His chest wasnt under any blankets and my head and hands were resting on it while his hands were on my hips and his boner was pressing against my stomach. The blankets were completly covering me though. Wondering what the time is I carefully take Jai's hands off my bare hips, trying to get up without waking him. I manage to roll off him and out of bed, but he woke up. "Come back into bed, babe" he groans sleepily grabbing my wrist and pulling me back into bed with him, pulling the blankets right up around our bodies. "Whats the time" he asks groggily. "I was going to check but you pulled me back" I reply. "Oh well, I wanted your warmth" he says snuggling up to me. "Your so cute" I giggle playing with his hair. "Your so beautiful" he replies making me blush. "Thanks Jai" I reply shyly. "I dont think the boys are back yet do you want to head down to the beach and find them" Jai asks. As if on que the door swings open and four shirtless boys in swimshorts walk into the room. "Hey Love birds" Beau screams jumping on top of us. "Beau go away" I groan praying he would leave so we could put some clothes on so that our little secret would be kept safe. "What you been doing" he asks. "Un packing and sleeping" Jai replies. "Well were going to get some chinese for dinner so you two better get up before we get back because were going to eat on the beach" Luke tells us dragging his older brother out of the ropm followed by Skip and James. "Lets put some clothes on" I Suggest. "I wish we didnt have to but thats probly a good idea" he says cheekily. "Jai" I chuckle playfully slapping his leg as he crawls out of bed. "Nice boner" I giggled teasing him. "Shut up" He says going red. I couldnt get used to his body it was so perfect, from head to toe. I watched as he slipped his boxers on. "You know you have to get dressed too" he says trying to pull me out of bed. "Nope" I reply playfully, staying put. "Il dress you myself then" he says grabbing one of my bra's and a pair of underwear, this was going to be interesting.

15 minutes later Jai finally managed to put my underwear and bra on me. He figured out that pinning me on the bed and sitting on my back was the best way to put my clothes on. I felt like being naughty today. "Okay now that were not naked, get back in bed" he orders. "Yes boyfriend" I reply stupidly flaying my arms and legs out. "Babe" he chuckles moving my arm making room for himself. "When the boys get back pretend to be asleep" I tell him. "Why" Jai asks confused. "Because I want to see what they do" I tell him. "Okay" he replies. I put my arms round his neck pulling his head close to mine so that our lips are millimetres apart. "WERE HOME" Beau screams from downstairs. "Pretend to be asleep" I whisper closing my eyes and moving my head forward making our lips just touch. "Fuck their still in bed" Beau swears walking into the room. "Awwwww" he coo's. He must have just noticed us. I hear more feet walk into the room. "They must have fallen asleep in the middle of kissing" I hear Luke chuckle. "I want a relationship like that" Skip speaks. "Who wouldnt" James says. "should we wake them" Luke asks Beau. "HELL YEAH" Beau yells. Someone starts jumping on the bed, Its probly Beau knowing him. "Fuck off Beau" I groan pretending im half asleep. "Wakey wakey" Luke says cuddling his twin. "HE'S MINE" I scream playfully wrapping my arms protectivly round Jai. "Fiesty little one" James chuckles. "Guys I think they need to be in separate rooms" Beau announces jokingly. "And why is that" Jai asks raising an eyebrow. "Because You get here and the first thing you do is get into bed together" Beau explains. "We were just testing the bed and we've got a bit of jetlag" I giggle sitting up not caring that the boys could see me in a bra, if the boys can walk round in their boxers I can walk round in a bra. "Jai you had your first time sleeping with a girl in her underwear" Skip says winking. He had more then that I think to myself. "You feeling a bit sexual" Beau asks. "No!" Jai exclaims, well he might say hes not be now but he certainly was a few minutes ago. "Lets have dinner before I decide to kill you" I tell Beau climbing out of bed in my undewear. "Ahhhhh" skip squeals covering his eyes. "Skip, Youve seen me in a bikini its practically the same thing, Skip" I chuckle walking over to the closet and grabbing a green sundress and slipping it on. "Nat are you jelous" Luke asks pointing at Beau cuddling up to Jai in the bed where I was lying before. "Get your own twin, this ones mine" I giggle jumping in between Beau and Jai. "GANG BANG" James yells as the rest of the boys dive on top of us. Luke get off I dont want to be humped by you" I squeal at luke who landed on top of me. "Yeah, you wanna be humped by Jai dont you" he teases. "RAPE RAPE" I scream trying to push Luke off me. "Guys Im hungry" Jai complains as all the boys get off us finally. "Then put some clothes on and you can eat" James orders. Jai gets out of bed and puts a t-shirt and shorts on. We walk out of the room and down the stairs. Jai and I hadnt explored the house yet. We followed Beau into the kitchen where the food was, It smelt so good and I hadnt eaten all day. Luke led us down to the gorgeous beach with golden sand. We sat down on the sand a little bit away from the ocean and began eating and talking about the usual stufd we talk about, The janoskian videos, fans, New video ideas and stuff like that.

The sun was slowly starting to set as we finished eating. "Jai, I want to tell you something" James says pulling jai's head and whispering something in his ear. Whatever James said caused Jai to blush slightly. James gives Jai a little push "Do it" he James says. He gets up. "Lets go for a little walk" Jai says taking my hand and pulling me up. We walk down the beach hand in hand. "What did James tell you" I question him. "He told me to take you for a walk and be romantic" He explains blushing. We'd walked about 200 metres away from the boy's when Jai decided to sit down, he patted the sand beside him asking me to sit next to him. I sat down next to him, Jai put his arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his. We watched the sun set in silence. Cheesy right, but it was really romantic. When the sun disappeared I looked up at Jai, he was looking back at me. We both leant in and our lips connected and we shared a passionate and loving kiss. "I love you" he whispers, "I love you too" I reply. "I love you more" Jai whispers in my ear. "I love you the most" I say. "I love you besterest" Jai smiles. I try to think of something else to say "I love you" I simply repky pulling him into another kiss.

We sit on the beach for a bit longer, that is until i start shivering so we decide to head back. The boys have already gone back to the house. And we find them all sittin in the lounge watching T.V. "How was your little romantic time" Luke asks as we walk in. "Romantic" I reply grinning like a fool. "Good explanation" Luke chuckles as Jai takes a seat next to him, I sit on the floor between Jai's legs, suprisingly its a very comfortable way to sit. Jai starts playing with my hair. Im pretty sure the Brooks brothers love my hair because when their bored they all play with it which I think is really cute. Luke, Skip and Jai are watching some movie while Beau and James are tapping away on their phones, probly on twitter. Speaking of twitter I havnt been on in ages. I get my phone out of my pocket and login. Beau and James are on twitter tweeting random stuff. I read through some of their tweets...

'@Jaibrooks1 & @Brooksbrosnatcat have been in bed all what are they up2'

Beau had tweeted earlier today

@Jaibrooks1 gets some advice on how to be romantic

James tweeted not long ago

'@Brooksbrosnatcat and @Jaibrooks1 romantic time watching the sunset in Hawaii ;)'

Beau tweeted a few minutes ago

I noticed that 'Nai' had been trending.

I make a tweet

'@Brooksbrosnatcat my hair seems to be fun for brooks brothers to play with'

I look at Beau whos chuckling at my tweet. Beau retweets it.

Beau makes another tweet

'@Jaibrooks1 having fun with @Brooksbrosnatcat hair <3'

I put my phone away starting to feel tired again, I rest my head on Jai's leg closing my eyes. "Jai your girlfriends falling asleep" Skip chuckles. Jai's arms snake around my waist lifting me onto his lap. I rest my head on his chest he kissed the top of my head. "Go sleep, Beautiful" he whisperd. It's weird to think that weve only been dating for about a week, It feels like so much longer. In the space of a week Jai had asked me out, we'd been grounded, we'd gone on a secret date and we'd lost our virginity. I fell asleep thinkong about the boy I love.


Hai der,

Chapter 11 yeaaaah buddddiii, well im writing at one in the morning not sure why but i am so i can keep you readers happy I guess, next chapter will be up soon dont forget to...




Much appriciated xox

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