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Jai and i had been in Paris for almout two weeks, we only had a couple of days left here. "JAI!!!" I scream jumping up on the sink. "What's wrong" he asks panickedly running into the bathroom. "THERE'S A GIANT SPIDER IN THE BATH" I shriek pointing to the bath. "I'm sure its not that big he says peering over the side of the bath. "HOLY SHIT" exclaims jumping away from the bath. It was like the size of my hand big black and hairy. "Kill it" I squealed. "With what" Jai asks me staring at the motherfucker the was invading the bath. "I don't know" I reply. "How bout we leave it" Jai suggests grabbing my waist and I jump into his arms. "Okay, as long as he doesn't eat me" I giggle pulling myself up higher on Jai as we walk past the evil spider. Jai closed the bathroom door so Mr spider could only be in the bathroom and he put me down on the bed. "The spider won't eat you" he laughs kissing me lightly on the lips. "He will" I pout shoving him away from me. "No it won't" he pushes me down on the bed and crawling on top of me pinning my arms down. "He will eat me" I whine. Jai looks down at me with a cheeky smile on his face "Not if I eat you first". He gives me a seducive look before he buried his face in my neck and began nibbling lightly on my soft skin. "Bad Jai" I smacked his head playfully. He smirks, getting up off the bed "Lets go out for dinner now". I got up and followed him to the door slipping on my black pumps. I was nervous tonight, I had to tell Jai something really important.

We walked out of the hotel and got in a taxi. "Nat, are you alright" he asked as we drove along, probably noticing I was a bit nervous. "Ill tell you at the restaurant" I reply, he nods his head and takes my hand "It'll be okay". I smile and kiss his lips lightly.

The taxi pulls up infront of the restaurant, Jai pays the driver, and then we hop out. His arm snakes round my waist, pulling me close to him. "Reservations for Jai Brooks" He said to the person at the front desk. The girl was probably about twenty, she had long black hair and blue eyes, she was pretty, I hope she isn't like that lady that tried to flirt with Jai on our first date. "Sure" she smiled at us, leading us to a table, set out with candles. We sat down and the girl walked away. "So what was it you needed to tell me" Jai asked. I took a deep breath "Do you remember the first day we got here" I asked. "Yeah" he nodded his head. "Well, when we did 'it' in the shower, we didn't use protection" I told him "I'm pregnant, Again". I hold my breath, waiting for his response. He smiles "Mum is going to murder me, but YAY" he exclaimed picking me up off the chair and kissing me on the lips. "Your the most beautiful girl in the world and Im a lucky guy getting someone like you" he put Me down. and I smiled at him, I was just as lucky to get a guy like Jai "I love you". "Forever and always" we said together.



And that is the end guys, I hope you enjoyed it, sure loved writing it. Thank-you for reading it. not sure if I'm going to do a sequal though, I might. anyways I hope you like it, and that's all

love ya xoxox

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