Chapter Twenty

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Five days after our game of truth or truth, I wake up searching the bed for my boyfriend. "Goodmorning sunshine" Dad said entering my room with a plate of pancakes and a glass of orange juice on a tray. I have accepted the fact that Cory was my father and was going to be part of my life. "Morning dad" I replied feeling a little confused. Where was Jai and why was i being given breakfast in bed. "Where's Jai" I questioned in confinement. "Do you even know what day it is" Dad asks placing the tray on my lap. "Yeah its Saturday" I replied still feeling very confused. "No silly, Its your wedding day" He laughed. "Oh my God how did I forget" I gasped in realisation. Jai was at his Stag do last night and stayed at Skips "Jai's with Luke, James and Skip at James' place getting ready. Nathan is with Mum and Gina next door And Beau is downstairs, were having a small argument and we need your input" He explains. "What about" I ask eating my pancakes and sipping my juice. "Come down when you finish eating and we'll explain" Dad says leaving the room. I quickly eat my breakfasts and carry my tray downstairs where Beau and Dad are arguing. "Can you tell me what's going on" I ask putting my hands on my hips. "Were having an argument about who is walking you down the aisle" Dad says. I never really thought about who would. Ever since we were little we had planned that Beau would walk me down the aisle because I didn't have a father at the time and I had promised Beau he could. "You have only been in her life a year, I've been there for he since she was born and we always planned that i would walk her down the aisle" Beau says. "But I'm her father your just a silly boy" Dad argues, he never liked Beau. "But Im her best friend and practically her brother" Beau replies looking as though he's about to burst into tears. "I AM HER FATHER AND I WILL WALK HER DOWN THE AISLE" Dad yells. "Do I get any imputed on this because Im kind of the bride" I ask feeling upset that Copy was yelling at Beau. "Yes you do what are your thoughts" Dad asks. "To be honest I really want Beau to walk me down the aisle, I promised him he could" I say truthfully. "But Im your father and I'm meant to walk you down the aisle" He says hurt. "I'm sorry but Beau is right I've known him all my life and he has always been there for me, you only came back a year ago and I barely like you, no offense" I apologise. He sighs "Fine, but I wish I could". I feel kind of bad. "I am sorry" I apologise again. "Its fine, I understand, I havnt been a good father to you, Beau is a good guy he can walk you down the aisle" he says giving me a little smile "Im going next door your bridesmaids should be here soon" with that he leaves the house. "YAY" Beau squeals jumping up and down and picking me up and spinning me around. "I get to spend the whole day till the wedding with you" Beau chuckles. "And my bridesmaids" I giggle. "Oh no, who are your bridesmaids" Beau asks worridly, he knows I have crazy friends. "Ellie, and my two cousins Lucy and Carmal" I reply. "Is it the Carmal I met six years ago at Christmas" Beau asks with a worried look on his face. "Yes yes it is" I giggle remembering how Carmal yelled at Beau on Christmas day because he ate my desert and was being an annoying thirteen year old boy. "She scares me" Beau whimpers. "She's not that bad just don't be annoying and she won't hurt you" I tell him patting him on the head. The doorbell rings. "Be a good Beau bear" I whisper taking his hand and pulling him reluctantly towards the door. "Heeeeey" I yell opening the front door to reveal three grinning girls. "Hiya" they all reply in union. Let me give you some details about each of them.

Ellie is nineteen she has long blonde hair the falls in waves down her back and pretty blue eyes.

Lucy is seventeen she has straight brown hair with dip dyed red ends and sea green eyes. She's very slim, she could be a model.

Carmal is twenty and rather intimidating but pretty she has jet black hair that fall just past her shoulders. She is extremely tall, taller than Beau and she has chocolate brown eyes.

Guys this is Beau, Beau this is Ellie Carmal and Lucy" I introduce them pointing to each one. "Hey" Lucy giggles giving a little wave, Carmal just glare at him. "Hey Beau, shouldn't you be with Jai" Ellie questions. "Im walking Nat down the aisle so I have to stay with her" Beau explains. "Oh, why isn't Cory" She asks in confusion. "I wanted Beau to" I reply does him. "Oh that's cool" Ellie laughs. "I can't believe your getting married" Lucy giggles "I want to see your baby". "Me neither" I giggle jumping up and down both Lucy. "wow you two calm down or you'll wear yourselves out and fall asleep during the wedding" Carmal jokes trying to hold us still. "Beau I want a piggy back" I randomly blurted out jumping on his back. "Whoa shut" he chuckles. "Giddy up Beaujob" I giggle smacking his bum trying to make him run, but has other ideas. He follows Ellie into the lounge and sits on the couch squashing me. "Beau you bitch get off" I whine. "GET OFF HER" Carmal yells at Beau pulling him off me roughly and throwing him on the floor. "Carmal, we were just messing around calm down" I yell helping Beau up. "You havnt changed" Carmal glares at Beau. "And Your still mean and can't take a joke or have fun" Beau replies. "Your still a little shit" she sears meanly. "CARMAL SHUT THE FUCK UP BEAU IS MY BEST FRIEND IF TOUR NOT GOING TO BE NICE TO HIM I'LL FIND A NEW BRIDESMAID" I yell angrily. "Calm your tits, I'll be nicer if he acts like a man" She replies angrily. "No, I like the way he acts you bitch" I yell pissed off and ready to attack her. "DON'T CALL ME A BITCH YOU WHORE, YOUR GETTING MARRIED AND YOUR OFF PLAYING WITH AN IMMATURE BOY WHO YOU PROBLY ALREADY HAD SEX WITH, YOU SLUT" she yells. The words that she just said stab me in the heart, my own cousin just called me a whore, but Im not letting her win. "BEAU IS MY BEST FRIEND AND THAT'S ALL AND WERE ALLOWED TO MUCK AROUND AND STUFF LIKE ALL FRIENDS DO" I yell angrily, Lucy, Ellie and Beau are just staring at us mouths wide open. "MORE LIKE FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS, HOLDING HANDS IS A NORMAL THING TO DO ISN'T IT" Carmal yells sarcasm dripping from her voice. "ACTUALLY IT IS, I HOLD HANDS WITH ALL MY GUY FRIENDS" I yell, then suddenly regret it. "WHOA YOU ARE A WHORE" she laughs evilly. "HOW DOES HOLDING HANDS WITH MY FRIENDS MAKE ME A WHORE" I scream. "I DON'T HOLD HANDS WITH MY FRIENDS, YOU LITTLE SLUT" she yells back at me. "MAYBE THAT'S NONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ARE GUYS, BECAUSE YOUR A BITCH TO THEM" I yell smugly. Carmal opens her mouth and closes it not knowing what to say. Beau and I hi five. "Say sorry to Beau and be nice" I order her. "Sorry" she mutters sitting down angrily. Ellie and Lucy stare at us with confused looks on their faces. "Lets just pretend that never happened" I say. The nod their heads in agreement. "Do you hold hands with Skip" Ellie asks. "Sometimes" I reply laughing at the shocked look on her face "but mostly the brooks brothers, but I don't hold the others hands so much anymore, because Jai's my husband to be". "Stay away from my boyfriend" she jokes making me crack up. "I think I'l stick with Jai I giggle. "I feel awkward your talking about guys, but what makes it worse is that their my mates" Beau says awkwardly. Everyone but Carmal laughs. "Your funny Beau" Lucy flirts. "Ahh thanks" Beau replies. Beau is dating Lily, the girl he met at the hospital, I forgot to mention that, so Lucy's making it awkward for Beau. "Oh my god skip is sooo hot I just want to kiss him all day" Beau mocks Ellie in a high pitched voice ignoring Lucy's attempt to flirt. "And Jai, he is so sexy when we go on our honeymoon were going to make more baby Nai's until his dick falls off" He mocks me. Ellie laughs but I cross my arms "Not funny". "Im Beau and Im an idiot" Ellie teases "And Im so in love with Lily that Im going die, she's so beautiful that she made my dick fall off so Im actually a girl now" I continue. Beau checks his pants to see if his dick is still there. "My dick's still there" Beau laughs. "Beau your such an Idiot" Ellie laughs, making everyone else laugh, even Carmal.

"What time is it" I ask clutching my stomach stopping myself laughing. "Its two thirty" Lucy replies checking her phone. "What time does my wedding start" I question, why don't I know anything about my wedding i wondering. "Four thirty" Beau answers. "We should problem get ready" Ellie says grabbing her bag and heading to my room, everyone follows her. We should all take a shower i suggest. "Carmal you can use my parents bathroom, Ellie you use the upstairs shower, Lucy you can use the downstairs one and Beau you can just get dressed you had a shower last night" I order everyone and walk into my own bathroom with a towel.

After shaving my legs and having my shower I wrap the towel round me and walk back into my bedroom where everyone is waiting for me in their pretty purple dresses and Beau in his black suit. "Ellie passes me my dress and I walk back towards the bathroom. "You forgot these" Beau yell throwing me a white bra and undies. "He was trying them on" Ellie jokes laughing. I close and lock the door before slipping on my underwear and then the dress. I walk back out into the room. Everyone gasped. "The dress is gorgeous" Lucy says in awe. "Sit" Ellie orders forcing me round sit on the bed. "MAKE UP TIME" Beau squeals sarcastically sitting down next to me and texting Lily or one of the boys, while the girls work their magic on me.

After an hour and a half my I'm finally done. "All done" Carmal says being nice again. I stand up and look in the mirror. I look amazing, my hair was piled on top of my head in a bun with a few strands of hair framing my face. I didn't have much make up on, it all looked so natural. "You look amazing" beau comments. "Oops nearly forgot these" Lucy says as she puts the veil on my head and hands me a pair of whit pumps. "Beau if I fall over you have to catch me" I tell him slipping on the heels. "I will" Beau chuckles. "And can you carry me down the stairs I will probly fall down them if I walk" I add. "Yes ma'am" he jokes picking me up in his arms. "You wrinkle that dress, Beau, I will kill you" Ellie says seriously. "Hurry up were going to miss the whole wedding" Lucy whines as we all hurry down the stairs al ready to go. Im starting to get butterflies in my stomach. We hurried out the Door and all clambered into the awaiting limo outside.

"Im nervous as Fuck" I swore. "You'll be fine, just don't forget to breath, we don't want you fainting" Beau chuckles. The wedding is being held at the little garden restraunt place where Jai and I went on our first date. As we approached i could see all the chairs and people and the little Aisle down the middle. The limo stopped "Ready everyone" Carmal asked. "No" I replied. "well to bad" She says stepping out of the limo followed by Lucy, who Beau gets out next helping me out and links his arm through mine. We walk up the aisle Lucy and Carmal at the front Beau and I in the middle and Ellie behind us. As we get closer I see Jai for the first time, I feel my heart do a little flutter. Jai had the biggest smile on his face, it made my heart melt. When we got to the little stage thing they had set up I kissed Beau on the cheek and Jai took my hands. "You look beautiful" he whispered making me blush. I didn't really listen to what the priest was saying I was so lost in Jai's beautiful eyes. I remembered to say 'i do' and to put the ring on Jai's finger. "I now pronounce you man and wife, You may kiss the bride" the priest said. Jai lifted my veil and pulled me closer to him and his lips crashed against mine. It was the most passionate kiss we had ever shared. When we pulled away Jai swept me up into his arms and we walked back down the aisle, everyone clapped. Jai and I were married!!!



Hope you liked this chapter, only a few more to go. Don't forget to...






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