Chapter Ten

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For the Past three days Jai, Luke, Beau and I hve been staying at Skips house. Jai had talked to Gina about it and she agreed that I needed to get away from mum and Cory. Originally only Jai and I were going to go but Beau and Luke wanted to come and comfort me aswell. Skip Knew the whole story now too and was really supportive. School ha just finished for the year and we were leaving for Hawaii in a few hours. Beau picked us up and we all went back to skips to grab the stuff we had left there, then we drove back to the brooks and my house to meet James and say goodbye to our parents. I dont know if my mum will say good-bye to Past three days Jai, Luke, Beau and I have been staying at Skips house. Jai had talked to Gina about it and she agreed that I needed to get away from mum and Cory. Originally only Jai and I were going to go but Beau and Luke wanted to come and comfort me aswell. Skip Knew the whole story now too and was really supportive. School ha just finished for the year and we were leaving for Hawaii in a few hours. Beau picked us up and we all went back to skips to grab the stuff we had left there, then we drove back to the brooks and my house to meet James and say goodbye to our parents. I dont know if my mum will say good-bye to me though.

As we pulled into the boys drive i saw Gina and my mum were waiting on the porch with all our bags. I was glad Mum would say goodbye, i feel like me and mum are so far Away now. We used to be really close. I still love her and all but Cory has just ruined my life, my life wasnt perfect but it felt perfect, I had one day of my perfect life but then cory ruined it all. I climbed out of the car jai linked his fingers with mine. Jai and the boys were what kept me going everyday making me laugh and smile. "Hey James" I greeted him. "hey" he replied giving me a quick hug he knew about Cory too. We all walked up to the porch and loaded all the bags into Beaus car. "Bye boys" says giving each of them a hug and kiss on the cheek. Gina gives me a hug "Bye nat cat" she whispers before hugging Skip and James. "I know your angrey at me nat but i want you to know i love you" Mum says pulling me into a hug. "I love you too" I say hugging her back. "You and Jai be safe" she says seriously. "Muuuuum" I groan. "Im not joking and dont think that i didnt see jai's boner the other day" she laughs a little bit, everything gelt almost normal again mum and I were joking about again. "I did it on purpose too" I giggle. "poor Jai" she laughs. "I miss you" I tell her truthfully, I miss our conversations, randomness, her cooking and our convosations about boys. "I miss you too hunny" she whispers giving me a big hug. "Il call you later" she says as I climb into the car full of boys. "Look after my girl" mum says "And look after the boys nat". A tear escapes my eye, Mum still loves me i thought. Jai wiped the tear away as we set out onto the road.

A while later we all boarded the plane Jai and I sat next to eachother Luke and skip were infront of us and Beau and James were behind us. "I am so tired" i mumbled to Jai as I fumbled around in my country road bag trying to find my Ipod. "Me too" he replies. "Gotcha" I exclaimed pulling it out and handing Jai a headphone. I rested my head on Jai's shoulder he put his head on top of mine. I put my songs on shuffle and the first song began to play, 'As long as you love me'. I closed my eyes feeling around for jai's hand, he gave my hand a little squeeze as we took off. I wasnt a big fan of flying. As we got into the air i found myself drifting of to sleep.

"Shhh dont wake them" I heard Skip whisper. I opened my eyes Skip and Luke were taking pictures of Jai and I sleeping. "Bitches" i muttered. "Sorry but you guys just looked so cute" Luke chuckles. "Your still a bitch" I say trying to get more comfortable accidently waking Jai up in the process. "Sorry babe" i whispered in his ear. "Where are we" he asked rubbing his eyes. "On the plane to Hawaii, Dipshit" Luke tells him. "Dont be mean Lukey, jai jai's just a bit slow when he wakes up" I jokingly scold luke. Jai nuzzles my neck with his nose. I kiss the top of his head. "Im jelous" Skip says. "Of what Skippy" I ask. "You and Jai" he replies "You have the cutest relationship and the closest thing i have to a girlfriend is Luke" skip explains. "Hey thats not very nice" Luke fakes being hirt putting his hand to his heart. "You'll find someone skip" I reassure him. "Hopefully" skip sighs. "How long were we sleeping" I ask. "I dont know but we land in about 20 minutes" Luke answers me. I look behind me to see what Beau and James are doing. Beaus fast asleep and James is listening to music. "Im so excited" I exclaim. "Me tooo skip" squeals earning himself a few weird looks. "I cant wait to see where were staying" Jai adds. "Please fasten your seatbelts as we will be landing in a few minutes" an air hostess says over the intercom. Skip and Luke turn back around fastening their seatbelts. Jai puts his seatbelt on and does mine too because im so stupid i cant put a plane seatbelt on. I fiddle with jai's fingers trying to distract myself from landing. i hated landing it was the scariest part. "It'l be fine" Jai whispers noticing my discomfort. I continie playing with his fingers nervously. He puts his hand on my cheek and kisses me gently trying to reassure me. "Awww" Skip and Luke coo. "Shut up" Jai mutters.

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