Chapter Eighteen

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A few days after Nathan was born we were released from the hospital, Jai had stayed with us the whole time, he was the best botfriend/Dad you could get and I love him to pieces. We were finally going home, I was craddling Nathan in my arms while Jai had his arm wrapped round my waist. We were waiting for Gina to come pick us up. "Where is your mother" I ask Jai getting impatient. "I dont know" he replied checking his phone for the one hundredth time. "Fuck it im texting Beau" he exclaimed pulling his phone out I read what he was texting over his shoulder.

Jai: Oi faggot wheres mum @???

Beaujob: Idk she went out to get you an hour ago

Jai: She's not here, do you think somethin happend 2 her???

Beaujob: Fuck, i hope not. Il come get u's b der soon

Jai: k thanx bro

"Mum was meant to be here about an hour ago" Jai says worryingly. "Jai im sure shes fine" I reply hugging him with one arm so Nathan didnt get crushed. Beau pulled up infront of us and we climbed in. "Oh my God Beau you even brought a carrier thing that you strap the seatbelt over for baby" Jai says suprised. "Im a good uncle arent I Nathan" Beau giggles tickling Nathans tummy. Nathan lets out a noise which sounds like a laugh. He was a happy bubby he hasnt cried at all, which Jai and I think is great, hes really smily too, he dribbles a lot though, which is yucky. "Im your favourite uncle aye" Beau chuckles tickling him somemore before he starts driving us home. "Where could mum have gone" Jai asks Beau worridly. "Im sure shes fine, Jai calm down" I told him reassuringly rubbing his leg gently as we arrived back home. Jai got Nathan out of the car and we followed Beau into my house. wait, why my house as we walked in the door everyone yelled "BOO", everyone as in Luke, Skip, James, Gina, Cory, Mum and Beau. "What the fuck" Jai and I screamed together in shock. "Haha your faces" Beau laughed a us. "I got it on camera" Luke cheered. "Why did you scare us" Jai questions in confusion. "We have a suprise for you" James announced taking Nathan gently from Jai's arms and heading upstairs. Jai and I looked at eachother and followed James towards the spare room next door to mine. We walked in the room and I gasped. They had turned the room into a babies room. The walls were baby blue with plush white carpet, there was a changing table in one corner and a cot in the other. On the roof were those little stars and planets that glowed in yhe dark, there was a box with a few toys in it sitting on a shelf, I was lost for words. "Wow, thanks" Jai managed to say, I just stood there like an idiot gaping at what everyone had done for us. "Nat close your mouth, or you'll catch flies" Mum chuckles making everyone else laugh including me. "Sorry I didnt mean to catch any flys" I laugh " I was just a bit suprised, thank you all so much, I really love you guys. "GROUP HUG" Beau yells pulling everybody into a massive group hug. "Beau what have I told you about yelling" Gina scolds Beau. "Sorry mum" he mutters for the millionth time after being told off. "Who wants some dinner" Mum asks heading downstairs. Theres a chachophany of 'Me's' as everyone begins slowly leaving the room to have dinner, until Jai, Nathan and I are left alone. "Awww Nathans asleep" I coo looking down at our adorable little baby. "Yeah, I want to put him ro bed" Jai says carrying him ovee to the cot. I watch as Jai carefully puts Nathan in the cot putting a blanket over him. Jai was going to be a great dad. He kissed Nathans forehead before taking my hand and leading me out of the room closing the door behind him. "Your going to be a great dad" I whisper leaning into Jai resting my head on his shoulder. "And your going to be a great mum" he replies kissing me on the cheek. "What dates our wedding day, again" I ask feeling like an idiot forgetting the date of something as important as my own wedding. "October 19th" he replies wrapping his arms around my waist and begins kissing my neck. everything has been planned and is all sorted. "Thats in three weeks" I exclaim excitedly. "" Jai mutters between kisses. "I can see that Mr obvious" I giggle as he starts sucking and biting gently on the soft skin on my neck. "Jaaaiii" I moan in pleasure, he always knows my weakest spot. "Nat, Jai din- EWWWW" Beau squeals covering his eyes. Jai just ignores his older brother's immaturity, honestly you'd think Beau was five, and keeps sucking on my neck. "Can you not do that in the hall" Beau laughs. "We like the hall though" I laugh. "Do you know how disturbing it is seeing one of my bestfriends and my brother doing this in the hall" he asks. "Nope I dont" I state plainly "Think about us having sex , then you'll get the kissing image out of your head" I joke just to be annoying. "OH GOD, now ive got that mental image in my head" Beau exclaims. "Ew Ew Ew, get out of my head" Beau squeals, I can feel Jai smirking on my neck. "Beau, you are so immature for a 20 year old" I chuckle "But thats what I love about you, your like a stupid big brother". "Now your making it seem like you and Jai are siblings and having sex" Beau exclaims shaking his head. "Ewwwww Beau, I would never have sex with my brother" I say disgusted at the thought "That is if I actully had a brother". Jai pulls away from my neck "Eww both of you stop talking, now im getting mwntal images" Jai says resting his head on my shoulder. "I think we should go bave dinner before we imagin anything else" Beau suggests heading down the stairs. Jai and I follow after Beau into the dining room where every one is crammed round the table. There was only one seat left. "MINE!!!" I screamed pushing myself out of Jai's arms and diving towards the chair. Unfortunantly he had the same idea and we both ended up wretling around under the table. "I thought they would be more mature after having Nathan" I hear mum sigh. "Well I guess some things will never change" Gina laughs grabbing Jai's sweatshirt hood and pulling him out from under the table, I quickly get on the seat. "HAHA I won" I celebrate. "No fair, Mum you cheated" Jai complains to Gina. "Yup, still just as immature" James laughs. Jai gets up off the floor and comes over and sits on my lap. " Jaijai get off" I whine trying to push him off, but he doesnt budge. "Isnt it meant to be the other way round" Luke says "Shouldn't Natalie be sitting on Jai". Jai gets. up and off me. "Whooo I get the chair to myself" I exclaim, but it turned out I was wrong. Jai scooped me up in his arms and Sat on the chair with me on his lap. "This better, Luke" Jai questions his twin. "Yup, you look like a normal couple now" Luke replies giving us a wink. "Oh haha" I say sarcastically crossing my arms pretending to be angry,"I just lost the seat to myself". "Aww poor Natalie" Skip chuckles teasingly. "I'm sowwy" Jai whispers in my ear cutely , holding me in his arms more tightly. I put my hands ontop of his and lean into his body. "Your forgiven" I say to him as mum brings the dinner out. During dinner we talk about our up coming wedding, and i get all hyped up again. I can't wait to become a 'Brooks'.

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