Chapter two

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"I’m going to kill you now" Jason said starting up his chainsaw. "No" I cried. "YES" he said evilly "And I will kill all your friends too". "Don’t hurt them" I screamed. "Natalie, Natalie" he said why is he saying my name I thought. "Natalie wake up it’s just a dream".

I woke up opening my eyes. "Are you okay" Jai asked as he wiped my tears away gently. "I-I had a nightmare" I stuttered as my tears rolled down my cheeks. "Shhh...It’s okay" he said soothingly wrapping me in a warm hug. "It was really scary" I cried into his shoulder. "It was just a dream" he whispered as he rubbed circles around my back. I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. Jai held me till I stopped crying. "You okay now" he asked. "Sort of" I replied wiping my tears away. "You can sleep with me if you want" Jai said. I didn’t reply I just simply crawled into his bed and curled up into a ball (Yes I sleep strangely). Jai slid in and pulled the blankets over us. He snaked his arms round my waist pulling me close to him and uncurling me from my ball. I rolled over wrapping my arms round his neck. I felt so safe in his arms.

The next morning I was woken by giggles. "Shh don’t wake them we need more pictures" said a voice that I think was beaus. "Aww lil jai jai and nat nat" Beau whispered. "Da fuck are you doing" I groaned half asleep and to lazy and comfortable to move" just making a twitcam" Luke replied. "That’s nice have fun" I said half-heartedly. (I’m a very oblivious half asleep girl). "Did you hear much of what was going on in the bottom of the bunk last night" Beau asked Luke. "Well I heard some crying, must have been her first time and the bunk was shaking a lot" Luke replies. Wait what I think suddenly fully awake and remembering that I’m in Jai’s bed and Beau and Luke are making a twitcam and talking about jai and I. I sit up quickly banging my head on the top of the bunk "Shit" I cry in pain falling on top of jai clutching my head. Jai suddenly bolts awake. "Are you Okay" he asks looking me in the eye. "Yeah I just smacked my head on the top bunk" I moan. Beau and Luke laugh at us and have been videoing the whole thing. "I’m going to kill you beau" I yell as I attempt to get out of bed but fail and end up getting tangled in jai and the blankets and pull everything off the bed and end up on the floor. Jai and I lie helplessly on the floor tied up in blankets while Luke and Beau take pictures of us. "Have I told you guys how much I hate you right now" I say. "Awww we love you too" Luke replies. "Is mum home" Jai asks. "Yeah, why?" Beau replies. "MUM, HELP US, BEAU AND LUKE TIED US UP" Jai screams. Gina walks into the room "Beau, Luke untie them or I won’t feed you for a week" Gina says sternly. Beau and Luke get us untangled. "Thanks Gina" I say giving her a hug. "You’re welcome Nat, oh and your mum called she wants you home in an hour" she replies. "Ok thanks" I smile. Gina’s like my second mum she always wanted a daughter and is happy with me and treats me like her own. Gina walks out of the room. "You two should check your twitter, instagram, facebook and tumblrs" Beau says grinning. "And you should look at our new video on YouTube" Luke says winking. I pull my phone out and go on twitter first. There are a few pictures of me and jai cuddling on the couch last night and in bed this morning and us tangled up on the floor. I go on instagram next there’s more just more pictures of us. I went on facebook there was a picture and a status made by beau that said "Poor Lukey ad to sleep through an earthquake in the bunk last night ;)". I commented "This is not true, Beau is an asshole, he has no life, no girlfriend and lives with his mummy revenge will be sweet beau just u wait!!! :D ;) :P" I changed my profile picture to the one of me and Jai on the couch it was kind of cute. I couldn’t be bothered going on tumblr it would just be more pictures so I watched the video of me waking up and hitting my head on the bed and falling out of bed then Gina coming in and saving us. It was actually quite funny. “You guys are bitches" I laughed. "Yes, yes we are" Luke smiles. "I should probably be getting home, you guys should come over later" I say. "Yeah, see ya later slut" Beau says giving me a hug. "Bye boo" I reply as Jai and Luke join the hug. "Bye Pookie bye Jai jai" I add before walking out the door and back to my own home.

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