Chapter Seventeen

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Im about eight months pregnant now and Jai and I's love is getting stronger every day. The boys have made their single 'Set this world on fire' the songs constantly stuck in my head. We told the fans about my pregnancy and our engagement a long time ago and 99.9% of them are supportive but you always have the occasional hater. When Jai and I told our famillies we were engaged, they wernt impressed but they've warmed up to it now, just like how they all cant wait for little Nai to be born. "Nat get your pregnant ass downstairs" Beau calls from down stairs. Im having another ultra sound today and Beau decided to drive Jai and I there actually dont know why, just because he can. "Coming" I yell as I waddle down the stairs. Fuck im a whale. "Lets go Nat" Jai says wrapping an arm round my waist. Jai and Beau helped me into the car. "I hate ultrasounds" I grumbled. "This is probly the last one" Jai chuckled putting a hand on my massive stomach. "Im glad im a boy" Beau grins. "Sometimes I wish I was" I moan, I hate periods and being pregnant. "But im glad your not" Jai giggled nuzzling my neck with his nose. "Were here elephant" Beau teased me. "Would you shut the fuck up" I laugh smacking him over the head. "Violent elephant arent you" He grins stupidly. "Oh shut up Beau" Jai chuckles taking my hand as we walk into the hospital. "Natalie Carter to see nurse Abbey Fitzpatrick" Beau says to the pretty receptionist. "Right this way" She says kindly leading us towards a room, Beau was checking her out. "Booboo got the hots" I tease whispering in his ear. "Yup" he replies dumbly. We stop infront of a room. "Nurse Fitzpatrick should be out soon, you can just sit here a while until she calls you" The receptionist smiled showing her lovley white teeth. "Make a move" I whisper. "If you need anything just ask" she continued. "Can I get your number" Beau asks shyly. The girl blushes and twists a piece of her blonde hair round her finger. "Sure" she giggles pulling a pen out of her pocket and walks over to Beau who offers his arm to write her number on. "Text me soon" she giggles walking away.

As soon as shes out of sight Beau pulls out his phone and texts the girl. I read over his shoulder.

Beau: Hey im Beau x

Girl: Im Lily x

Beau: Pretty name x

Lily: Thanx your sweet x

Beau: Your cute x

Lily: Tehe x

"Eww Beau you flirt" I tease. "What ive seen you and Jai's messages" Beau chuckles "Like Hey sexy". "Shut up Beau" Jai scolds blushing a little knowing its true. "Natalie Carter" The Nurse asks stepping into the room. "Hello" I say pushing myself up with a bit of help from Jai. "You going to wait here Beau" Jai asks his brother who's franticly texting on his phone. "Yup" he mutters in return. Jai and I follow the nurse into the room. "How are we today" She asks. "Not to bad" I reply hopping onto the bed thing. Jai holds my hand while the nurse rubs some gel stuff on my stomach and presses the x-ray thing to it. "The baby is very healthy and is due anytime soon, so just be warned" Nurse fitzpatrick says. "Okay thank-you" Jai replies helping me up off the bed. We walk out of the room where we find Beau, still madly tapping away on his phone. "Come on Mr flirt time to go" I laugh tugging Beaus ear. "Eh stop it" he whines getting up and following us out of the hospital. As we walk past Lily Beau gives her a little wave. Jai and I roll our eyes and Laugh at how silly Beau is.

A week later Luke and I were just walking home from the supermarket when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. "Fuck" I muttered clutching my stomach. "Are you alright, Nat" Luke asked concern in his voice. "Yup im fine" I replied. "Did bubba Nai kick you" Luke asks chuckling. "Oww" I groan as i feel another sharp jab. Lukes face goes serious. Theres a few more jabs, then I feel my water break. "FUCK LUKE IM GIVING BIRTH" I scream. Luke goes as white as a ghost and pulls out his phone.

----------------Jai's POV------------------

Ring, Ring, Ring. "FUCK SHIT WHAT" I yelled tumbling off the bed, just when I thought i could have a nap. "Oh its you" I chuckled as I realised it was my phone ringing. I picked it up, It was Luke. "Hey Luke" I answered the phone. "NATALIESGIVINGBIRTHWHATDOIDO" Luke yelled to quickly for me to hear. "What slow down" I say. "NATALIE IS GIVING BIRTH" He screamed. "SHIT, WHERE ARE YOU" I replied in panic. "JUST AT THE END OF THE STREET" He said freaking out. "BEAU NATALIES GIVING BIRTH CALL AN ABULANCE" I yelled down the stairs to Beau. "FUCK, GET IN THE CAR" Beau replied. "I'L BE THERE IN A MINUTE" I told Luke hanging up. Beau and I dived into the car and drove quickly down the street. "Did you call an abulance" I askes trying to stay calm. Beau nods his head. We got to the end of the street where Natalie was lying on the ground looking pretty calm, screaming at Luke who was freaking out running in circles swearing his ass off. I jumped out of the car before it had stopped and ran over to Natalie. "Are you okay" I asked dumbly. "NO IM FUCKING GIVING BIRTH" She cried. I watched as Beau grabbed Luke and tried calming him down. "An ambulance is coming hold up" I whispered rubbing her back soothingly. The ambulance arrived and put her on a stretcher bed and lifted her into the ambulance, I climbed in after her "MEET US AT THE HOSPITAL, TELL MUM, KIRSTY AND CORY" I yelled to my brothers.

"Deep breaths" the nurse told Nat in the hospital. "I HATE YOU" she yelled at me gripping my hand so tightly that I think it will fall off. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT" screams. I'm glad I'm not a girl "If this baby doesn't come out fast I'm going to kill you" Natalie says breathing heavily. "One more push" the nurse said. Natalie scrunched her face up in pain and gave one last push. And there it was my little baby Nai. "Its a boy" the nurse smiled handing me my little son in a blue blanket. I took him carefully in my arms, he was so cute and so small. I didnt want to let him go but I handed him to Natalie. She smiled at him "Hes beautiful" she whispered "What will we call him". I thought about it a while and came to a decision. "How about Nathan" I suggest. "Its perfect, even has the Nai sound in it" she giggles. "I don't hate you, I love you" she kisses me. "I know, I love you too" I reply.

The rest of the family enter the room, even Skip and James are there. "He's so cute" Mum exclaimed rushing over to beside Natalies bed. "Can I hold him" She asked Natalie, slightly unwillingly passed Nathan over to my Mum. "Im an uncle" Luke exclaimed. "ME TOO" Beau screamed. "Beau I swear you are going to be the reason I go deaf" Mum sighs. Kirsty walks up next to Mum "Hes adorable, I want more babies" Kirsty giggled stroking Nathans head. "Oh no, I am not making anymore kids" Natalie exclaims. "Why, was Jai bad at sex" Beau asks earning himself a smack on the head from James. "No, Beau. Because their Fucking hard work to get out" Natalie sighs. "So Jai is good at sex" Beau replies getting three smacks over the head from Luke, James and Skip. "Okay I'l shut up" Beau groans rubbing the back of his head. Kirsty was holding Nathan now. "Jai, what did you call the baby" Skip questions. I look at Nat and smile "We named him Nathan". "It even has Nai in it" Luke laughs happily "Im going to nickname him Nai". Everyone laughs at Luke. I looled over to the door where Cory was standing awkwadly. Natalie still doesnt particularly like him but she is warming to him, we plan on going back to stay at Nats house now until we get our own place which will hopefully be soon. "Dad do you want to hold little Nathan" Natalie asked smiling warmly. Every mouth in the room dropped, Natalie had never called him dad before. Cory slowly entered the room taking Nathan carefully from Kirsty. "Hello little buddy, Im your grandpa" Cory whispered to Nathan softly. "Ga" Nathan gurgled in reply. Eventually everyone in the room got to hold Nathan and they slowly started to leave until Natalie and I were left alone and I got my baby back passing him to Natalie I crawled into bed next to wrapping one arm round her and with the other cuddling Nathan, he was my little son. "We made a beautiful son" I whisper to nat. "Yes we did" she replies kissing my cheek and rering her head on my shoulder. "Hear that Nathan, Daddy says your beautiful" she coo's happily to Nathan. He lifts his little hand up and wraps it round my finger. "Your, going to grow up and be every girls desire, just like your daddy" I tell Nathan while Natalie laughs at me. "Ahga" Nathan gurgles his baby language, his eyes were open just enough for me to see that he had brown eyes, just like mine. "He has my eyes" I tell Natalie. "He's going to look like you" She smiles in response grabbing my cheek and pulling my face to hers, kissing me softly. I suddenly felt tired and my eyelids started drooping, I was so tired that I fell asleep, I fell asleep feeling like the happiest guy on the planet, I had an amazing Girlfriend, an amazing family, amazing friends and now I have a beautiful son.


Hey guys,

Hope you liked that chapter. Baby Nathan, I was thinking about a name for their baby a while ago and since I had the nickname the baby Nai when it was un-born, I thought 'hmmm NATHAN it has the Nai sound in it so Luke can nick name it Nai when Nathan gets older'. arent I a smarty, your probly thinking 'No your a dipshit' which I completley and utterly agree with I am a complete idiot, hahaha. Theres probly about five more chapters to go until I finish the book, I might write a sequal, If you think its good and want me to writhe a sequal please comment and tell me to if you dont want me to alguds il write a new book. Dont forget to...





Thanks for reading xoxoxox

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