Chapter five

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It was 4:30 and i was starting to get nervous about sneaking out all i could think about was what would happen if Jai and I got caught. Suddenly I realised i had to get changed into something niceish. I got up off my bed and over to my wadrobe. "What to wear" i thought allowed as i pulled out 3 dresses one of which i would wear.

The first one was a pale blue spaggetti strapped dress that hugged mu slim figure.

The second one was a spaggetti strapped dress too. The bust was gold and it was one of those kind of heart shaped tops. the bottom was a pale green, it came halfway down my thigh and was a bit flowy.  

The last dress was black on the top and the skirt had pinky flowers on it and it hugged my body tightly.

I couldnt decide which dress so i texted Luke for help:


Pookie: UR NOT PREGNANT R U!!!! xxx

Nat: WHAT. NO. i need help with choosing a dress for jai and my date, look out the window xx

Pookie: thank god xx

I put the firstt dress on and walk over to the window. Lukes standing in his room waving. I wave back and do a pose. He opens the window "Next dress" he yells. I close the curtain and slip on the green and gold dress and show Luke. "Looking good" he says giving me thumbs up. I close the curtain again and put on the last dress and go show Luke. "Hmmm wear the second one you look hot" he chuckles. "THANKS POOKIE" I yell blowing him a kiss before waving goodbye.

I quickly got in the shower washing al the chrorine from the pool off me and washed my hair. When i was done i turned the water ofd and dried myself before slipping into the pretty dress. I blow-dried my hair and brushed it, i couldnt be bothered with make up considering i didnt really need it. By the time i was done it was six thirty and already dark. I still needed shoes though so i just grabbed a pair of cute gold sandals and strapped them onto my feet. Then there was a light knock on my window. I scurried over to it and let Jai in. "Hey Jaijai" i smiled as he climed into my room. Daym he looked fine. He was wearing a grey top that fitted him perfectly, beige jeans and black vans. "Hey beautiful" he replies pecking me on the lips. "You ready to go" I ask. "No" he whispers as he leaves a trail of kisses down my neck. "Jai" i moan when he starts sucking on a sensitive spot on my neck leaving a love bite. He pushes me on to the bed, climbing on top of me and he starts kissing my jaw trailing up towrds my lips. "Jai i thought we were going out" I manage to get out inbetween moans of pleasure. "We-will-soon" he says inbetween kisses. I get fed up of his teasing and just pull his lips to mine. He tastes like chocolate and i end up biting his lip a little bit i wrap my arms round his neck and tangle my fingeres in his chocolaty locks. I push him off me so im on top of him and he puts his hands on my thighs moving them up and down gently. "NAT" my mum yells from outside the door, fucking hell she always decides to check on me at the wrong time. Frustratedly i end the kiss but i dont get of Jai he happily continues rubbing my thighs. "WHAT DO YOU WANT" I reply harshly angry because she made me have to break away from Jai. "Dinners ready if you want it, you havent eaten all day" she replies softly. "No im on strike and im not hungry" i lie im actually so hungrey and really want to go out with Jaijai to get food. "Okay hun" she sighs "I've got a date tonight at 7:30, and no funny buisness" she explains and i listen to her footsteps go down the hall, but they dont shes still outside my door. what a sneaky bitch. Jai opens his mouth to say something, but i quickly cover his mouth and press my finger to my lips, telling him to be quiet. We wait in silence, a few minutes later i hear he walk down the hall and the stairs. "Shes a sneaky bitch" i break the silence. "That was close, I almost started talking" he replies letting out a sigh of releif. "Can we go now im actually starving" i complain. "Same, lets go" he pulls me off the bed and over to the window. We climb out together, Lukes in his bedroom pulling faces at us, I poke my tounge out. There is one thing i do agree with my mum about. Jai, Luke and I are very immature sixteen year olds. "Jai i have a question" i speak up. "Yes beautiful" he smiles, i love it when he calls me beautiful its so sweet. "How exactly do we get down" I ask as we wonder around on the roof. "That tree" he replies pointing at a gum tree. "Oh joy" i sigh not looking forward to climbing down the tree in a short dress. Jai goes first he climbs halfway down the tree easily, normally i would be fine with climbing the tree. The boys and I have been climbing trees forever. but on this occasion im not looking forwad to it because short dresses and trees dont go extremly well together. "Come on" Jai whispers not wanting to be caught. "Catch me if i fall" I ask as I take my first step onto a thick branch that easily holds me up. "Nice view from down here" Jai chuckles. "Pervert" i giggle. The second branch is risky, I know I havent chosen the best branch to stand on. Its quite thin and under my weight its bending and on the verge of snapping. Just as im about to jump to the next branch the one im standing on snaps. I let out a small scream as I fall, but I dont reach the ground instead Jais arms snatch me out of the air and pull me into his chest. "Thank you" I moan into his shirt. "Be more careful, i dont want you to get hurt" he whispers softly. "Do you think mum heard us" I ask. "Probly so lets hurry" he says as he pactically carried me down the tree. We had to crawl past the lounge window because my mum was watching T.V in there. When we got past the window and onto the street Jai wrapped his arm round my waist. I leant into Jai he was so warm.

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