Chapter Twenty-One

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Jai and I were sitting at the large table set up infront of the restaraunt with our bridesmaids, parents, groomsmen and Nathan was there to with mum and dad. Jai and I were in the center of the table. Under the table he had he had secretly lifted my dress up and had his hand on the inside of my thigh. We had just finished eating dinner and the speeches were about to begin. Luke stood up first and Jai and I started laughing at him for absolutely no reason. "I haven't even said anything and your already laughing at me" Luke complains into the microphone making the audience laugh at him. "In just going to start" He announces opening his paper up and begins reading "Jai and Natalie have been my best friends since their birth. I honestly can't believe their married now and that im a loner" he begins, everyone laughs. "Im going to miss you guys when you move out into your own house, I'll be stuck with Beau. I hope you guys will be happy forever and take good care of Nathan, Love you guys forever" he finishes with a tears in his eyes. Jai and I look at eachother thinking the same thing. We both jump up and hug Luke. "Love you too Lukey" I whisper, the crowd awws as we all at back down. Gina and Mum get up next. "Since the day Natalie was born Gina and I always knew that this would happen" Mum starts. "We weren't sure who, Luke, Beau or Jai and it turns out being Jai the one that Natalie fell for" Gina continues. "We weren't impressed when we found out Natalie was pregnant with Jai's baby and the fact that you decided to get married" Mum continues. "But we grew to love the idea and w just can't believe our little babies are all grown up now and married with a little baby" Gina smiles as they continue the speech. "We just want to wish you the best and hope you have a wonderful life together and you better bring your kids around to see us, we love you both" They ended the speech together and sat back down. Beau stood up next with a mischievous grin on his face. "He's up to something" Jai whispers to me. "Yeah, he's got the look written all over his face" I reply. "Slut, Fuckwit, I will nickname you this forever, Do you remember the days when I was your horsey, Luke was the baby and you two were the mum and dad? I guess it turns out that you guys are the parents, I still seem to be the horsey but Luke's not the baby anymore he's the uncle and Nathan's the baby" Beau begins his speech making everyone laugh at the part when he called himself a horse. "Ever since you two and Luke were born, I knew that either Luke or you Jai would end up dating Natalie. I guess I was right, but I didn't know you would be getting married at eighteen!!!" Beau exclaims. "Im going to admit something, Nathan being alive is all my fault" he begins the crowd all gasp, thinking that Beau's the father. "I took them clubbing, lost them and Jai showed Natalie a good time" he says with a wink, Oh god Beau you had to say that didn't you. "Jai, Natalie, when you get your own house im going to live in it with you aaaaaand" he says walking down the end of the table and holding the microphone to Nathan's face. "Unctle Beau aweswome" Nathan giggles into the microphone, everyone Aww and chuckles. "Bad Nathan, Uncle beau is dumb" Jai chuckles. "No, Unctle Beau aweswome" Nathan replies shaking his head. "Good Nathan, took me two weeks to teach him" Beau laughs patting Nathan on the head. "Beau" I whine giggling as he sits back down next to me. Ellie gets up. "I've known Natalie for a while, I've known for a long time that they liked eachother, I don't think either of them really knew but I saw it, by the They acted around eachother and looked at eachother. "When they turned up at school dating I thought, 'finally'. It took them a long time to realise it. "Jai, Natalie, im so happy for you and I hope you will have a great life and love eachother forever" Ellie concluded the speech sitting back down.

After a few more speeches, Music began to play and Jai and I were to lead the first dance. Jai took me by the hand and led me to the dance floor. Jai put his hands on my waist pulling me close round him and i put my arms round his neck as we began to dance. "You look so beautiful" he whispers in my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine. "I nearly died when I saw how amazing you looked" I reply. He chuckles I don't look anywhere near as amazing as you look". I felt my cheeks going red. "Why is it even though were married you still blush when I compliment you" he asks. "Because I love you Jai Domenic Brooks" I whisper. "I love you too, Natalie Alison Brooks" Jai replies. "Oh my god I'm a Brooks now" I exclaim. "Yes you are and your al mine" He chuckles. I lean up and kiss him on the lips, "Yes I am".

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