Chapter Fifteen

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I opened my eyes sitting up slowly, I had been a week since Beau took us clubbing. I pulled back the duvet and wriggled out of jai's grip and getting out of the bed and to my feet. Suddenly felt like throwing up. I ran to the bathroom and leant of the toilet, just in time, I managed to get it all in the toilet thank god. "Jai" I called before throwing up again, I got no reply. "JAI" I screamed. "What" he replied sleepily. "Come here" I yelled gripping the toilet. I heard his feet padding along the floor. He walked in with a sleepy expression on his face. "Whats wrong" he asked sleepily, I throw up again. "SHIT ARE YOU OKAY" he panics sitting down next to me pulling my hair out of my face. "No" I whimper, Jai rubbs circles into my back. A horrible thought suddenly hits me. "Jai whats the date" I manage to choke out in barley a whisper. "The 22nd of december" he replies. My body freezes. "I-I m-missed my period" I cry throwing up again. Jai sits there with his mouth wide open, in shock. "You might be pregnant" he whispers understanding. I nod my head unable to speak. "We must have had it in the hotel room, then" he says in shock, with that he gets up and runs out of the room. I put my head in my hands and cry. He was leaving me just like Cory left my mum. How could he told me if he got me pregnant he would stick with me, what a load of bullshit. "Nat" someone whispered. I turned around trying to wipe my tears away so Beau wouldnt see. "Did you and Jai just break up, because he just ran out of the house" Beau asks. "I think so" I choke trying to hold back tears "But its not just that". "Shhh tell me all about it" He says pulling me into a hug. Beau was like a big brother, all the boys were but he felt like it the most. Lukes like my best friend, Jai was my boyfriend but Beau, He was caring, stupid, sometimes annoying and very protective, just like a brother. I cuddled into his chest and told him what happened.

A little while later the door burst open, Beau was still hugging me while I cried. "Natalie, Im so sorry, I only realised when I got to the pharmacy to get you some pregnancy tests that it probly looked like i was leaving you, I would never do that" Jai cried. I pushed Beau's arms from aroun me and ran over to Jai jumping into his arms and hugging him close, almost knocking him over in the process. "Well im just going to leave" Beau said awkwadly leaving the room. "I thought you left me like Cory left my mum" I cried burying my face in the crook of his neck. "I love you, I would never leave you" he whispered. "I love you too, dont ever do that to me again" I muttered into his neck. "I promise I wont ever do it again. I know what its like to have a dad fuck off on you before being born. And If your pregnant, I dont want our baby to grow up with no dad" He said putting his hand on my stomach. I kissed him gently on the lips. "Lets make sure your actually pregnant" Jai says pulling away a little and placing me on my feet. We walked into the bathroom.

The tests all came back

+ Positive

+ Positive

+ Positive

And I was crying again "Im to young" I cried into Jai's shoulder. "Im sorry babe, its all my fault" he apologised. "No its not" I sniffed. "Yes, Im the one who got you pregnant" he exclaimed. "Its both our faults we were both drunk" I reply. "I guess your right" he says. "How are we going to tell our mums, WHAT WILL CORY THINK" I cry. "I dont give a fuck about what he says, Its our baby and il always love you" he whispers stroking my stomach. "Im scared about telling everyone" I cry. "Shhh it'l be fine" he coo's "Beau probly told the boys already". "I'm glad your the father to our baby" I whisper "I couldnt imagin it with anyone else". "Im going to be a daddy" he giggles cutely. "Nah Niall Horans is the father" I chuckle. "Im offended" he acts hurt putting his hand over his heart. "Can we call it Niall" I joke giggling like an idiot. "No, I think we should call it Jai" he chuckles. "Eww, who would call their kid Jai" I tease. "Meanie" Jai pretends to sulk. "I was just joking, babe. I love your name, Its my favourite name in the world" I giggle kissing his cheek. "I think we should call it Natbat" Jai chuckles. "I like that name" I laugh smacking him. Then theres a loud knock from outside the door. "Come in" Jai sings stupidly. Beau walks in holding his phone. "Its mum, you might want to hold the phone away from your ear" Beau whispers sprinting out of the room. Jai and I look at eachother. "Hello" Jai practically whispers. "JAI DOMENIC BROOKS, YOU AND NATALIE ARE GETTING ON THE FIRST PLANE HOME" Gina screams into the phone "I CAN NOT BELEIVE THIS, PUT NATALIE ON HER MUM WANTS TO SPEAK TO HER". Jai passes me the phone looking terrified, I take the phone from him holding it away from my ear. "Hi mummy" I say. "Is it true, are you pregnant" she asks. "Yes" I reply in barley a whisper. "Natalie Alison Carter, I dont even know what to say, I expect you on the first plane home" with that she hangs up. "Fuck, were dead meat" I moan. "I cant beleive Beau told her though" Jai cries. "Im going to kill him" I yell running out of the room down the stairs. "BEAU PETER BROOKS" I scream jumping on him. "I DIDNT TELL THEM" He squeals fending my fists off. "Really then who did" I ask. "I was telling Skip and James when mum called, and Luke walked in and they were talking about it and luke screamed 'WHAT NATALIES PREGNANT'. Im sorry" he explained. "Jai and I have to go home" I sigh not wanting to ever leave this beautiful paradise. "No, we were having such a good time though" Beau whines. "I dont want to leave" I exclaim. "Nat, mums sending me threats now" Jai says walking into the room and showing me his phone...

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