Chapter Four

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At 12:00 we finally reached our street. We had gotten lost a lot and Luke wasn’t the most amazing driver which made the trip feel like the longest ride id ever been in. I spent the whole time gripping Jai's hand to death. We pulled into the boys drive. Beau was fast asleep. "Should we just leave him here" I asked as I got out of the car closely followed by jai. "WAKE UP SLUT" Luke yelled from inside the car, Beau didn’t even flinch. "I’ll take that as a no" I chuckled. "Oi you two, a little help would be nice" Luke yells at Jai and I."BEAU BEAR, WAKE THE FUCK UP" I screamed but he didn’t wake up. "He’s like a rock" Jai commented. "Well if he won’t wake up I guess we'll have to drag him to the house" Luke explained. A minute later we were half way across the yard with Beau. Jai and Luke had a leg each and were dragging him along the ground on his back. While they were doing all the hard work I was watching from their doorstep having a laughing fit. "What a great help you are" Luke said sarcastically as they dragged Beau into the house and just left him on the floor. "I know I am" I giggled leaping onto the biggest couch. "We should make a twit am cause imp bored" Luke suggested sitting on top of me. He must have forgotten about my arms and jai and I. "Okay" Jai said getting their laptop then joining Luke sitting on me. "Argh you two are fatties" I groaned under their weight. "You know you love us" Jai chuckled turning on the laptop. "No I don't, Beaus my favourite" I joke. "Aww you hurt my feelings" Luke acts hurt putting his hand over his heart. "And your breaking my body" I cry in pain. The boys get off me and I sit in-between them. Jai starts the twitcam. "Hey guys Jai, Luke and our bestie Nat here" He says. "We've just been at a party and Beau got drunk" I explain turning the laptop towards the knocked out Beau on the floor. "Nah jokes we killed him" Luke chuckles. Even though it’s the middle of the night we have thousands of people watching. "Were really bored so let’s do a question and answer" Jai suggests. "How did we kill Beau?" Jai reads. "Well we drowned him and then dragged him into the house" Luke lies. "Were disposing of the evidence after this twitcam" I laugh. I look at some of the questions there’s a lot about me and jai asking us if were dating and why were we in bed together this morning. "Here’s another question" Luke says "Are Natalie and Jai dating? I'd like to know the answer to this too" Luke asks us. I can feel my cheeks go a bit pink. "Actually were engaged" Jai jokes wrapping his arms round my body and pressing his cheek against mine smushing our faces together. "Whatever" Luke says looking at us strangely. "I swear their drunk too" Luke says to the camera. "WHO WANTS TO SEE US DOODLE ON BEAU'S FACE" I scream. The comments all say HELL YES and shit like that. "Let’s do it" I say positioning the laptop so its right up close to Beaus face, while the boys get sharpies. They walk back into the room Jai chucks me a purple pen and we start drawing on Beau's face.

10 minutes later, Beau's face was covered in doodles of dicks and we'd written on his face stuff like...*I am a gay shit 

*Dicks are for me 

*Natalie is sexy  

*I love penis 

*Jai, Nat and Luke are hot 

*Jai, Nat and Luke were here 

*I have a small dick  

*I love my mummy.

"Doesn’t Beau look nice" Luke asks the camera. "We’re going to bed now" I say. "Byeeee" we all wave to the camera before switching it off. "Well I’m going to bed" Luke announces "You two can do whatever" he yawns walking up to his room leaving Jai and I alone with Beau. "I’m not tired" I say running and jumping onto Jai's lap. "Me neither" He replies wrapping his arms round me. "Do you want to go swim in the pool" I ask. "Okay I’ll just get my swim shorts" he gets up leaving me on the couch and quietly runs up to his room. A minute later he comes back down with his shorts and chucks me over his shoulder. I let out a small scream. "Put me down Jai I can walk" I moan as we head out of his house and over to mine. "Jai I know you love my pool but. Seriously put me down" I mumble. "Fine" he puts me down and wraps his arm round my waist which I’m glad about because it’s freezing and I’m in a tiny dress. When we get to my house I quietly unlock the door. "Stay here I’m going to get my bikini" I whisper before heading to my room. I dig around in my draws trying to find my hot pink bikini. "Gotcha" I mutter to myself as I pull it out of the draw and tip toe back to Jai. "Let’s go" I grab his hand and pull him down the secret stairs to the basement pool as we used to call it when we were little. I turned on the fairy lights that we put up in here recently giving the pool a romantic pink glow. We had a large pool in the middle of the basement and a large Jacuzzi in one of the corners. We had a few pool chairs here and there and a sound system on the walls. There was a small bathroom through a door on the left. "Il get changed in the bathroom you get changed here and tell me when you’re done" I smiled as I kissed his cheek and running off into the bathroom to get changed. I quickly stripped my dress and underwear off and slipped my bikini bottoms on and then the top over my neck. "Fuck" I muttered under my breath, I couldn’t tie my bikini up at the back. "Jaijai are you done" I called to him. "Yup" he replies. I open the bathroom door to find a very sexy Jai Brooks standing in front of me. He was just in black swim shorts showing me his six pack of abs. "Can you tie me up" I aske turning around. He took the two strings and tied them together his warm hands touched my cool skin sending shivers up my spine. "Thanks" I said great fully as I went over to the sound system and put Adel on, Jai's strong arms wrapped round my waist and picked me up. "JAI PUT ME DOWN" I squealed knowing exactly what he intended to do. "You know me too well" he chuckled. "PUT ME DOWN" I screamed again then suddenly regretted it because we were standing at the edge of the pool. "ACTUALLY DON'T" I was holding onto him not particularly wanting to be dunked in the cold water. "Going down" he chuckled as he threw me in. The cold water rushed over me and I quickly swam to the surface. "It’s so cold" I shivered swimming over to the side of the pool where Jai was cracking up. "You’re such a meanie" I cried. "Awl I’m sowwy" he said adorably as he offered me his hand. I took it but instead of him pulling me up, I pulled him in. "Shit it is cold" Jai swore as he broke the surface. "Ahhhh revenge is sweet" I sighed wrapping my arms round his neck and jumping on his back and putting my legs around his waist. He spun me off his back so I was facing him. "You look pretty when you’re wet" he says adorably. "That could be interpreted differently" I chuckle. "You've always had a sick mind" he laughs brushing a loose strand of my chocolaty coloured hair behind my ear. "You can’t talk" I say remember our sick minded texting we did as immature 13 year olds. "I know but I was serious you look really pretty in the POOL" Jai emphasizes pool. "You look pretty good yourself" I chuckle and start tracing his six packs with my fingers. He lifts my chin up so I’m looking at him he leans in slightly so our noses are touching. My heart flutters a bit and I close my eyes and lean in pressing my lips against his. It’s a gentle passionate kiss but it’s nothing like I’ve experienced before there were fireworks it just felt so right kissing him and I didn’t want it to ever end. But unfortunately al good things come to an end. I hadn’t been breathing throughout the kiss and had to pull away for air. That was an amazing first kiss like no other omigod. What the fuck am I thinking? Jai leans in again for seconds. I kiss him back tenderly wrapping my arms round his neck and running my fingers through his wet hair. Jai deepened the kiss gently nibbling on my bottom lip. "You taste good" I whispered pulling away. "You look good" he chuckles. I shiver as I get out of Jai's arms he’s so much warmer than the pool. I paddle over to the side and hoist myself up and out. The cold air is even more horrible then the water I quickly run over to the Jacuzzi and hop in. The hot water rushes over my body and feels really good. I feel Jai's body slide in next to me. "We have to go back to school tomorrow" I moan not wanting my weekend with Jai to end. "No we don’t" Jai says confused. "It’s like two in the morning which makes it Sunday and Sunday is the day before Monday, Dipshit" I giggle curling up on his lap and closing my eyes suddenly feeling tired. "We've nearly finished school" Jai says. "Argh I’m looking forward to no more school" I laugh I really don’t like some of the stuff we do at school. "Aww I’ll miss taking photos of you sleeping in maths though" Jai chuckles. "Remember that time where we had a sleepover the night before and how we both fell asleep in maths and woke up on top of each other on the floor and the teacher didn’t even notice" I laugh remembering that time. "What about last year when you forgot to do that science project and stayed up all night doing it and fell asleep on the bus and Luke and I had to carry you and your project to school" Jai reminds me. "Argh I’m trying to forget that day" I complain it was the most embarrassing day of my life. "How do you think I felt you were asleep and I was carrying you around the school asleep getting teased" He complains.

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