Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up with a pounding headache. What happened last night all i remember is that guy feeling me up, then Jai saving me and having a few drinks. Jai was lying next to me. I sat up slowly my head was spinning but I had to wake Jai up. "Jai, Jai" I said shaking him. "What" he moaned unhappily rolling over, suddenly I noticed we were both naked. Shit shit shit. I fell back down on the bed, my head hurt too much. "I feel like i've been hit by a bus" I groan. "I feel like ive been hit by a plane" he moans. "Do you remember last night" I ask. "A little" he replies. "Did we have sex" I ask worridly. "I dont think so, i vagley remember getting out of my clothes and then i think we crashed" he replies. "I don't remember a thing" I mutter. "We got so wasted" he laughs "Oww laughing hurts" he mutters. "Where are we" I ask. "I think were in a hotel" Jai replies slightly confused. "SHIT, THE OTHERS ARE PROBLY FREAKING OUT" I exclaim grabbing my phone. I had 45 messages and 19 missed calls. all from Beau asking where we are. "Beau's freaking out" i exclaim jumping out of bed pain shot through my head doing my best to ignore it i started chucking my clothes back on. "FUCK" Jai exclaims grabbing his clothes aswell. We quickly scramble down to reception chucking the receptionist the money and jumping in a taxi.

"Beau is going to kill us" I groaned as we clamboured out of the taxi, my head still throbbing. All I wanted to do was lie down. Jai silently opened the door, we attempted to sneak upstairs but Beau was waiting at the top. "Where have you two been" He asks sounding like a adult now, it was so strange Beau had always been childish and crazy. "We dont know" Jai mumbled holding his head in his hands in pain. "Can we talk about this later, were hung over" I moaned. "Fine, I'l bring you some pain killers" Beau replied as we walked into our room and crashed on the bed.

---------------Beau's POV---------------

The two hungover lovebirds had just arrived home, I hadnt slept at all last night. I was just worrying about them, when I walked into their room last night to find they wern't there I broke down crying. It was all my fault, that My little brother and best friend wern't at home. I should never have taken Jai, luke and Nat to that club, they'd all gotten so drunk and i'd lost two of them and the third had gone crazy. But what worried me the most about them not being here was that i didnt know what they were doing for all I knew they could be having unprotected sex right now, I didnt want to be an uncle anytime soon.

When the two idiots walked in the door I was so releived, yet worried what had they done last night. "Where have you been" I asked. "We dont know" Jai mumbled holding his head in his hands in pain. "Can we talk about this later, were hung over" Nat moaned. No shit eienstin you dont even look like you got hit by a truck, I think to myself sacastically. "Fine, I'l bring you some pain killers" I reply knowing im not going to hear anything from them while the hungover, Il have to wait until later. I walk downstairs and grab some pain killers. "I'm so a servent all day" I mumbled unhappily, the joys of being the oldest. I had five hungover best friends to deal with. I walked up to Luke and Skips room first, I opened the door and burst out laughing. Luke was literaly lying on the floor covered in all the blankets, while skip was in a starfish position taking up the whole bed but had no blankets. I took a photo and put it on twitter. "Luke" I whispered shaking his shoulders a little. He jolted awake headbutting me in the process. "Oww" I whined clutching my head. "Sorry" He moaned flopping back down "My head hurts like a bitch". "Your hungover" I explain "Take a panadol". I handed him some panadol and glass of water, he took them thankfuly. "How did I get on the floor" Luke asks suddenly noticing. "Well im guessing starfish up there pushed you off while he was asleep" I chuckle. "The floors actually quite comfy" he replies snuggling back into all the blankets. One down four to go. "Skip wake up" I yelled moving on from Luke. "Could you be any louder" Luke whines. "What" skip groans. "I have panadol for you" I reply holding it out for him. "Are Jai and Natalie back" he asks sitting up, he wasnt really that hungover but he took the panadol any way. "Yeah, they came home about 20 minutes ago" I reply. "How are they" he questions. "Very hungover" I sigh. "I dont know where they were or what they did and I'm worried" I explain. "What, Natalie and Jai didnt come home last night" Luke asks with panic in his voice. I'd completly forgotten he was there. shake my head "No". Luke looks like he's in shock, I know sort of how he feels, It must hurt a lot more though because he loves her but cant have her. "Do you think they-uh-had-you know" Luke said awkwadly. "I honestly dont know, and im really worried" I told him. "Guys calm down, Im sure everything will be fine" Skip said in attempt to calm us. I hope he was right.

The day dragged on slowly me being the personal slave to the hungovers. Skip was the only one that actually got up he only got a little tipsy last night. "I dont like being a slave" I moaned to skip. "Me either, do you think Nat and Jai will be up to talking about last night" he asks. "Maybe, lets go find out".

Skip and I walked upstairs to their room. "Time to talk" I yelled at the sleeping couple. "About what" Natalie asked sitting up groggily rubbing her eyes. "About last night" Skip replied. "Oh, Jai wake up" she said smacking Jai on the head lightly, which earned her a tickle fight. "JAI, STOP IT" she squealed squirming away from him. "Uhh guys" I said awkwadly. "Oh I didnt know you were here" Jai blushed. "We need to talk" Skip announced. "Where were you guys last night" I asked them. "We woke up in a hotel, thats all I remember" Natalie says. I know she was telling the truth, i could see it in her eyes. "I remember getting to the hotel in a cab having no control over my own body, but then its all a bit fuzzy" Jai adds. "This is going to sound so awkwad" I announce "but, did you guys have sex". Natalies reaction to this was to pull the blankets over her face because of the awkwardness. "I dont know, Jai only remembers us stripping off but not doing it" She mutters from under the blankets. "I so hope we didnt" Jai says bashfully. "For all our sakes I hope you didnt either" Skip says. "Because if your pregnant, It will be all my fault" I cringe


Hey guys,

Sorry its so short, It was a bit of a filler chapter sort of and I've got a bit of a writers block. I have a big Idea for the next chapter and I promise you it wil be longer. hope you are enjoying 'Always and forever'.

Dont forget to...




Thank you xxxx

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