Chapter Twenty-three

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I open my eyes and find myself still lying on top of Jai uncomfortably on the plane. I wriggle around a little bit trying not to wake Jai, but to get more comfortable. Unfortunately I manage to wake him up. "What are you doing" He asks sleepily. "Trying to get comfortable" I reply finally settling down more comfortably. "You woke me up" he whines brushing a strand of stray hair from my face. "I'm sorry babe" I apologise kissing the tip of his nose. He pecks me on the lips "Your forgiven" He smiles tightening his arms round my waist. "We will be landing in Paris in ten minutes, please fasten your seat belts and prepare for landing" the air hostess says over the speaker. "Yes" I exclaim, wanting to get off the plane. I crawl out of Jai's arms and sit on my own seat stuffing the blanket back in my bag and clicking myself in. Jai does the same and takes my hand, knowing I hate landing, as you probably already know.

The landing is pretty bouncy but we land safety. We get off the plane hand in hand and pick up our other suitcases. We managed to get in a taxi to our hotel. We walk up to the receptionist praying that he speaks English. "Jai brooks" Jai says to the receptionist. "Honeymoon suit" he questions. We nod, "congratulations" he smiles warmly. "Thanks" I reply. He hands us keys and room number. We thank him and head for the elevator and step inside. Jai pushes the button for the 15th floor, the top floor.

The elevator doors open and we step out into a corridor. "What room are we in" I question. "Um, four hundred and eleven" Jai replies. We walk down the hall, to our room. Jai unlocks the door and we walk in the room, I'm so tired that the first thing I do is sit on the king sized bed then decide to lie down. "Aww you sleepy" Jai asks coming and standing between my legs rubbing his hands up and down them. "Mmm" I mumble in reply closing my eyes and enjoying the feeling of him touching me. His hands leave my legs as he moves away from me. "Jai" I whine wanting him to come back. "Just stripping off give me a second" he replies. I feel him come back he pulls my skirt and top off leaving me in my bra and undies. He lifts me up off the bed and I wrap my arms and legs around him tightly resting my head on his shoulder. He pulls the blankets back and puts me down on the bed cuddling up behind me, pulling the blankets over us. "I love you, baby" he whispers kissing my neck. "I love you too" I reply sleepily pressing my hands on top of his that are on my stomach. He kisses my neck repeatedly as I fall asleep.

"Natalie, Naaaatalie" Jai whispers in my ear. "What" I mumble, I still hate being woken up. "I want to take you out for dinner" I whispers stroking my hear. "Could you have told me that when it was actually the evening" I ask. "It is the evening" he chuckles. "Oh, I forget were not in Australia anymore" I realise sitting up. Jai grabs my waist and pushes me back down. "I thought you wanted to go out" I ask as he leans over me. "After this" He whispers pressing his lips against mine I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. God I love him, his body fell onto mine and the kiss got a little heated.

When we finally pulled away, I announced that I was taking a shower. I walked in the ensuit and turned the water on nice and hot, I quickly stripped of my clothes and jumped in letting the water was over my body. Suddenly I felt a pair of strong arms wrap round my waist and join me in the shower. I turned around to see Jai, he looked so good with water dripping down his bare body. "What are you doing" I giggled playfully. "Having a shower" He chuckles smiling seducivly as his his hands slip down to my bum. "So what your really saying is I'm going to experience sex on a plane and sex in the shower" I laugh. "Yes babe" He smirks pushing me against the wall and kissing Me hungrily. Here we go again!!!

An hour later I was lying naked on the bed not really knowing why. "Are you going to get dressed" Jai asks. "I don't know what to wear" I complain. "Well hurry up because your turning me on again" Jai replies. I throw a pillow at him, "Shut it Jai" I giggle. "You could at least put some underwear on" he chuckles as he throws me a lacy black bra and matching underwear. "So I'm guessing these are for round two tonight" I ask slipping them on and flopping back onto the bed. "Maybe" He grins lifting me up off the bed and onto his shoulder. "Jai put me down" I squeal smacking his back. "Get dressed and we have a deal" he chuckles putting me down. "No" I say playfully and jumping on the bed. "Don't make me come get you" He laughs trying to pull me off, but I jump off on through opposite side. "Naughty girl" Jai scolds jokingly crawling across the bed towards me. "Catch me if you can" I tease playfully running away from him. "Come back" he whines chasing after me to the sofa. I stand on one side holding on to the arm of the chair while he's on the opposite side. I attempt an escape to the left, but he follows my movement. "I'm going to catch you" He laughs waiting for me to move. I dart on way then quickly change direction and go the other way trying to trick him. Unfortunately it doesn't work and Jai grabs me round my waist and I let out a little squeal as we fall on the couch. "Your so stupid" He teases nuzzling my neck with his head. "Thanks Jai, I love you too" I joke cuddling him close. "I know you love me" he grins cheekily and pecks me on the lips. I put my hand on his cheek, tracing his jaw with my thumb. He's just so adorable. He smiles happily and puts his hands behind my neck lifting my head up so its resting on the arm of the chair. His face gets closer and his lips connect with mine and we kiss passionately for a while. "Do you still want to go out" I ask rubbing his back. "Tomorrow, lets just stay here and watch a movie and get Chinese or something" He replies stroking my hair. "Okay, do you want me to get dressed or do you not really care" I ask being a little bit cheeky. He pretends to think about it for a minute before he strips his top and chinos off leaving him in just his boxers. I grin stupidly staring at his abs. He leaves the room for a minute before coming back with a blanket. He puts a movie on and we order Chinese. He sits down next to me on the couch and I cuddle up to him, resting my head on his shoulder as he puts the blanket over us and starts playing the movie.

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