Chapter Seven

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"Your no father of mine" I say coldly "A father is someone who cares for his daughter, is over protective, comforts her when she's hurt, doesnt like her hanging out with boys and is actually in her life" I spit before turning on my heel and running to my room. I am mad, I am so mad, Im furious. Angrey tears begin to stream down my face as I jump on my bed head first and cry into my pillows. The thing that makes me most angrey is the fact that mum seems to be happy Cory's back thats why I'm crying and the fact that I dont want to have a dad who fucks off on us then decides to come back almost 17 years later.

I hear someone walk into my bedroom and close the door behind them, I know its Jai. He lies down next to me on the bed and wraps his arms round my waist and pulls me into his chest. "Shhhh" he coo's softly into my ear and starts stroking my hair gently I just cry into his chest. "Beau's having a go at him now" Jai whispers. I smile a little knowing how much Jai and Beau both love and care about me, not forgetting Luke though if he were here he would be doing the same. "I love you Jai" I hiccup through tears. "I love you too" he replies leaning in and kissing me tentitivly, Jai puts his hand on my cheek as he deepens the kiss. Im too egulfed in kissing Jai to care about the yelling down the hall. "LEAVE HER FUCKING ALONE" Beau yells "SHE OBVIOUSLY DOESNT WANT YOU AS A FATHER". "I DONT CARE, I WILL TALK TO HER" Cory replies I refuse to call him my Dad. The door bursts open but i dont give a fuck I just continue kissing Jai. "EXCUSE ME" Cory shouts. I keep ignoring him and pull Jai closer. Suddenly Jai's ripped away from me and thrown on the floor. "FUCK OFF ASSHOLE, HAVE YOU EVER FUCKING HEARD OF FUCKING KNOCKING" I sceam at him and scamper off the bed to where Jai just got thrown on the floor. "I see you've inherited your friends tounge" Cory says calmly refering to me and Beau's language, he hasnt heard anything yet. "DID I NOT MAKE IT FUCKING CLEAR TO FUCKING YOU THAT I FUCKING DONT FUCKING WANT TO SEE OR SPEAK TO YOU" I yelled angrily helping Jai up. "You okay Jaijai" I ask worridly. "Yeah im fine" he replies. "I dont care if you dont want to see me im going to talk to you wheather you like it or not" Cory says. "NO YOUR NOT GOING TO TALK TO ME BECAUSE IM GOING TO THE BROOKS AND YOUR NOT INVITED" I yell smuggly gathering together my laptop, phone, ipod, a few school blouses and mu school books and chucking them into my country road bag before grabbing Jai's hand and storming out of the room dragging Beau who had been listening outside my bedroom door with us. We run downstairs to where my mums sitting in the kitchen with her head in her hands "IM STAYING AT THE BROOKS HOUSE UNTIL HE LEAVES" I scream at her before picking up my school bag and leaving my house.

By the time we walk into the Brooks house I'm a hot mess tears streaming down my face Jai and Beau are trying to comfort me as best as they can. Beau takes my bags and carries them upstairs. Gina walks into the hall and sees me "OH MY GOD NAT WHATS WRONG" she exclaims hugging Jai and I awkwadly since we were already higging eachother. "My dads back" I say. "Oh" she says suprised. "And my mum seems happy about it" i add. "Well you can stay here a long as you like" she tells me "And if you want to talk about it the boys and I will happily listen". "Thanks Gina" I say greatfully. "Jai, take Natalie upstairs" Gina tells him. Jai lifts me up bridal style. "Jai, I can walk" I chuckle a little. "I know im just trying to make you laugh though" he smiles pecking me on the lips. "Oh yeah i forgot you guys were going out now, we need to have a discussion later" Gina says as she leaves the room. Jai carries me upstairs to his room. "I'm just going to forget about Cory and have fun with my best friends" I tell Jai flopping onto his bed. "Thats a good idea" he replies jumping on top of me. "Jai get off" I groan under his weight, Hes not fat hes freaking muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. "No" he giggles cutely. "I hate you" I say poking my tounge out at him. "Dont lie, you love me" He grins trying to kiss me but i push his head away. "Meanie" he pouts grabbing my arms and pinning them to my sides and leans in to kiss me again, this time I let him. Jai presses his lips firmly against mine. "Your right, I love you, cutie" I giggle after he pulls away. "Hey bitches im home" Luke say bursting through the door. "Oh, did i interrupt something, I can leave" he says backing out if the room. "LUKEY POOKIE HELP!!!!! JAI'S RAPING ME" I squeal. "SUPERMAN" he screams diving onop of jai and I. "I HEARD SOMEONE NEEDS SAVING" Beau yells running into the room and joining the fight. "Cant.....breathe....." I gasp im at the bottom and unfortunantly all the boys together are quite heavy and I feel like im being squashed to death. "Oops sorry" Beau says jumping off followed by Luke. "Oww Jai" moans from next to me, the boys got him good. "Thanks superman thanks Batman" I laugh "You saved me from the Joker". "Glad to help" Luke laughs. "I think my face is broken" Jai groans. "It was already broken" Beau says. "Hey your calling me ugly too" Luke says Elbowing his older brother. "Well nah you look pretty much the same" Beau chuckles. "Well im the hotter twin" Jai announces. "I agree with that" I smile cuddling Jai. "Get a room" Beau says covering Lukes eyes. "If you havnt noticed we do but you just happen to be in it" Jai replies smartly. "Ha ha thats a good one" I giggle. "I'm the hotter twin" Luke complains. "Nope I am" jai replies.

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