Chapter Twelve

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I wake up lying on the couch on top of jai. Pushing mysef up a bit off Jai's chest using my hands i manage to get off him without him waking. I kissed his cheek before walking next door into the kitchen. I was hungry and craving waffles. I got a bowl and all the ingridents from the fridge and cupboards and started making the batter. I searched around for the waffle maker that I knew Beau had brought with us because he had an addiction to waffles just like me. I couldnt find it anywhere so I guessed it was probly in his bag.

I tip toed quietly up stairs to Beau and Skips room opening the door a crack. They were both still sound asleep. I opened the door properly and walked over to Beaus bag that hadnt been un packed, just what I thought. I unzipped it quietly and rummaged around through all his shit until i found the waffle maker. I quietly walked out of the room closing the door behind me. waffle maker in hand, I walked back into the kitchen and heated the waffle maker up.

I was halfway through the batter when a pair of warm arms wrapped round my waist from behind me. "Morning sunshine" Jai whispered Pecking me on the cheek. "Morning cutie" I replied. "What you doing" he asked. "Making waffles for breakfast" I tell him spooning more batter into the waffle maker. "Will you just marry me already" He asks. "When were at least eighteen" I chuckle. "Thats only a few months away" he replies happily. "What if I say no" I tease him. "Then I'l cry until you say yes but I know you will say yes because you love me" He whispers. "Yes jai, I do love you so I would say yes" I laugh kissing his nose.

I finish making the waffles and get six plates out puttin two on each plate, except for Beau's I put four on his because every time we make them he has about a hundred. "Jai, babe can you get the nutella and a knife" I ask him. He lets go of my waist and goes to get the Nutella while I pick up two plates and carry them to the table and sit down. Jai puts the nutella down on the table leaning over me. "Thanks Jai" I thank him. "Your welcome" he grins taking a seat next to me. I start putting nutella on my waffles. "So what are we doing today" I ask begining to eat. "Beau wants to take us clubbing tonight, even though you, Luke and I are still 17" Jai replies. "How are we going to get in" I ask confused. "Apparently he knows a guy that can sneak us in without ID" Jai tells me. "Oh my god I really want to go" I exclaim excitedly ive always wanted to go clubbing and get drunk, tonight I hoped would be the night. "Same" Jai chuckles. Beau walks into the room with Skip. "WAFFLES" Beau screams when he sees what were eating. "I made you guys some their in the kitchen" I tell him. He runs into the kitchen, Skip rolls his eyes and follows Beau. "I LOVE YOU FOREVER" Beau squeals hugging me. "Thats what you said last time" I chuckle as skip re enters the room "thanks Nat" he says giving me a quick hug and digging in. "I hear your going to sneak us into a club tonight" I say to Beau. "Yup and it will be fun" he grins evily. "You know you sometimes scare me" I say chuckling. "Yes i do know that I scare you sometimes" He laughs. "What are we going to do for the rest of the day" I ask eating nutella out of the container with my fingers. "We can all go to the beach for a swim since its so hot" Skip suggests. "Mmm can we go shopping tomorow I have to get you guys christmas presents" I say since were spending christmas here. "Okay we'll go shopping tomorow" Jai replies. "we should go wake those two fags" Beau announces finishing his last waffle. He had Nutella all over his face. "Beau your face is covered in nutella" I say laughing. "I honestly dont know how this happens" he sighs trying to wipe it off. "Come here" I chuckle. He walks over and sits on the floor. "Yes mummy" he Jokes. I grab a handful of his shirt and rub it all over his face getting all the Nutella off. "All better" I say Skip and Jai are cracking up Beau is so stupid. "Lets wake up Jamesy and Lukey pookie now" I announce heading to Lukes room first the boys follow me. We silently walk into his room and Beau climbs into bed with Luke wrapping his arms round his little brother, Jai decides to record it. "Babe" Beau says to Luke in a high pitch squealy voice. "Fuck off Beau" Luke grumbles. "Who's Beau are you cheating on me Luke" Beau says trying not to laugh. "Your Beau and your my faggot brother" Luke replies. Skip, Jai and I all climb on the bed and start screaming 'WAKE UP' really loud. Luke lets out a shocked scream as he falls out of bed Jai was still recording. "Ouch" He moans picking himself up off the floor. "Were on holiday and you fags dont let me sleep, best friends ever" he says sarcastically. "What the fuck are you fags doi-" James starts to asks. "Oh wake up time" he says answering the question. "Nat made waffles for breakfast" Beau announces. "YUUUUUM" Luke squeals running downstairs with James hot on his heels. "Well that was easier then I thought it would be" Skip laughs. "Lets get into our togs so we can hit the beach" Jai suggests to the group. "Come on" I tell Jai grabbing his arm heading for our room.

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