Chapter Eight

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"Natalie, why didn't you tell me before" Luke says hugging me as as Jai and I walk back into their bedroom. "Because I forgot" I say honestly "I was trying to forget, and It worked". "Oh how did It go downstairs" He asks. "she told us the story about how we were all born and how he fucked off on us because he wasn't ready to be a dad" I explain breifly. "Beau you gotta help us mums trying to give us a sex talk" Jai begs. "Nope" he says popping the p. "But were going to die, pleeeeeaaaasssssee" I plead. "Its not what you think its going to be about, Mum told me she was waiting for one of us to start dating you and she's had this planned out for a while, its just because we all practically live together, so dont stress" Beau says reassuringly. "Thanks Beau" I say giving him a big hug. He lifted me up off the floor and spun me around in a circle before putring me down. "I love you guys so much" I said. "We love you too" they all chorused.I started crying "I dont deserve friends like you guys" i choked out. "Yes you do if anything we dont deserve you" Jai whisper's. "Thanks guys" I smile pulling them all into a group hug. "You guys want to watch a movie downstairs" Luke asks. "Or do you two want some alone time" Beau winks at Jai and I. To be honest I do want some alone time with Jai i want to talk about cory with him. "Sorry guys but I dont really feel like watching a movie right now" I apologise. "ALONE TIME, QUICK LUKE RUN BEFORE THEY START HAVING SEX" Beau screams running out of the room. Beau knows just how to brighten my day, by being himself. "Bye guys, have fun make sure you use protection" Luke calls as he walks out of the room closing the door behind him. "Do you want to stay in the guest room since your going to be here a while" Jai asks. I could never figure out why the had an extra room instead of Jai abd Luke having seprate rooms. "Only if you sleep with me" I say shyly. Jai smirks this is obviously what he wanted. "Okay". "I smack him on the arm. "This is wxactly what you wanted isnt it" I chuckle. "Yup" he grins. "Lets go" I say picking up my bags and walking down to the end ofthe hall to the guest bedroom. It was a really nice room with cream coloured walls and red carpet. There was a doubke bed in the moddle of the room and the duvet was red and white to match the room. There was two creamy colourd side tables on either side of the bed and one large dressing table pushed against the far wall. There was an ensuite aswell. Wait I do know why the twins share a room, because this one is way to nice. I stand in the doorway looking into the room when Jai comes up behind me and wraps his arms round my waist, and rests his head on my shoulder. "Your so beautiful, even when you cry" he whispered in my ear, his warm breath sent shivers down my spine. "Im not even pretty" I say back. "Have you ever looked in a mirror" he exclaims. "Yes and im just average looking" I reply. "Your not average your gorgeous, you dont see the way other b

oys look at you" he whispers. "Whatever" i reply pulling his arms off me and walking into the room properly. "Aww i want to cuddle you" he whines wrapping his arms round my waist again. "Jai" I giggle. "What" he asks. "I want to cuddle you too" i say spinning around in his arms and putting my arms round his neck. "YAY" he squeals pushing the door shut and pulling me onto the bed with him. "But, i would prefer to get changed first" I grin when I see his face fall. "Well to bad your not leaving" he chuckles holding me tightly. I squirm around in his arms trying to escape. "Fine il cuddle you now" I chuckle knowing that I cant win. We lie hugging eachother in silence.

"What would you do if your dad came back" I ask softly breaking the silence. "The same thing as you" He replies. "I dont want to give Cory a second chance" I state. "If I do he probly wont let me hang out with you anymore because i know he already hates you and Beau" I say as a tear dribbles down my cheek. Jai gently brushe it awa with his thumb. "Im not telling you to give him a chance or not to but we'll make it work either way" He whispers softly brushing more tears away. "What if they get married" I exclaim horrified at the thought. "I dont want my last name to change unless its being changed to brooks" I whisper smiling a little at the thought of marrying this boy. Jai smiles "Natalie Alison Brooks, I like it" Jai chuckles. "Oh my God imagin our kids" I chuckle thinking of little crazy Natalie and Jai's running round the house. "I think they would be very naughty, cheeky, immature and extremly crazy kids" Jai chuckles. "Ten times as worse as us" I giggle. "If I got you pregnant I wouldnt bail on you" Jai smiles. "Are you suggesting something" I tease. "Maybe when were older, I dont partucularly want to be a teen dad" he replies a little bit embarresd. "Oi Lovebirds dinners ready" Beau screams from downstairs. "Come on Beautiful" Jai says pulling me up off the bed.

After dinner Jai and I attempt to sneak away without Gina having a conversation with us.Unfortunantly Gina noticed us "Where do you think you two are going" She asks hands on her hips "To bed" Jai replies. "Were having that conversation now" She says. Unwillingly we walk back to the table and sit down. Beau and Luke quickly left the room. "So i just want to set some rules" Gina starts I fidget slightly under the table. "Well actually its only really one rule" She continues. "Because your so close I know your going to want to have sex sooner or later". I feel my face go very red this convosation is already awkwad. "But I dont want you to end up teenage parents so I got you these" she said putting a box of condoms on the table. "OH MY GOD!!!!! MUM NO!!!!!" Jai Yells embarresd while I just sit there in shock, Gina was expecting us to have sex soon. Jai's face was so red. "Calm down Jai, I dont want to end up a grandmother so soon" She says calmly trying to give Jai the box of condoms. "WHAT THE FUCK, WHAT THE FUCK, WHAT THE FUCK" Jai repeatedly screams pushing them away, I just sit there trying to register whats going on. "Your joking right" I manage to choke out. "Im serious take them" she says pushing them towards me now. I push them back. "Lets go" Jai babbles grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room. Where Beau is videoing us with his Iphone in hysterics. "I think you should have taken the condoms" Beau teases. "Fuck off" I mutter as we walk upstairs to Jai's room to get changed so we can go to bed. Neither of us have said anything and its an awkwad silence. "I cant beleive she tried to give us condoms" Jai says breaking the silence as he chucks me one of his shirts and a pair of sweat pants. "I know that was so un-expected" I exclaim slipping his sweat pants on under my skirt. "Yeah i thought she was just going to tell us not to have sex until were older" he said stripping his school shirt off. "Yeah, that was so awkwad" I reply taking my shirt of and putting his on over my head and then gathering all my uniform and walking back into the guest room with Jai hot on my heels. "Lets watch a movie" I suggested pulling my laptop out of my bag and gettong into bed. "Okay, il go get one" he replies walking out of the room in just his boxers. A minute later Jai comes sprinting up the stairs with a movie. "Why are you sprinting" I ask. "She tried to give me the condoms again" he manages to spit out. "Does she ever giive up" I moan. "What movie did you pick" I ask. "The hunger games" he replies putting the disk into the laptop and turning off the light off before slipping into bed with me we put the laptop at the end of the bed so we could cuddle up together. Jai put his arms around me and pulled me closer to his body I rested my head on his chest.

Neither of us really watched the movie we were to obsorbed in eachother. When the movie ended i turned my laptop off and put it on the dresser. "Im cold" Jai joked because he wanted me to come back to bed. I climbed back into bed and lay on top of his bare chest. "Better" I giggled kissing the tip of his nose. "I can't wait till the end of the year" I exclaimed. Gina was letting the boys and I go to Hawaii alone for two weeks. When I say boys I mean Jai, Luke,Beau, Skip and James. "Hawaii is going to be awesome" he exclaimed. We were leaving on friday after school and I still needed to pack my bag. "Shit. Ive still got to pack" I exclaim. This meant i'd have to go home and face mum and Cory. "I'l go with you if you want" he says reading my mind. "Thanks Jai" I thank him greatfully. "No problems" he replies pecking me on the cheek. I grab his face "It means a lot to me" I whisper quietly before pulling his lips to mine. Its a soft but meaningful kiss. I pulled away and rested my head on his chest. "Night Jai, I love you" I whispered. "I love you too, forever and always" he whispers back making me smile. I couldnt ask for a better boyfriend he was the best you could get...


Hey guys,

Enjoying the story??? I hope you are!!! I Love hearing from you guys so feel free to comment, sorry about the last chapter it kind of decided to be stuffed up, so sorry if u were confused I read it over and was like dafuq Hahaha





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