Chapter Nine

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I opened my eyes sunlight streaming through the curtains, jai was sleeping peacfully next to me. I grabbed my phone and checked the time it was 11:15 I put my phone back on the dresser and cuddled back up to Jai and closed my eyes again. Wait what was the time, i grabbed my phone. "Shit" I exclaimed sitting up and running my hand through my messy hair. We were very late for school, why hadnt Luke woken us. Jai stirred beside me opening his eyes a crack. "Meh" he groand closing his eyes again and puting his head on my lap, He was just so cute. "Jai" I whispered, softly kissing his lips trying to wake him. I felt him smile and start to kiss me back. "Jai, babes get up" I whispered. "Mmmm" he muttered opening his eyes. "Jai its nearly 11:30" I told him. He looked confused as usual then he registered we were rather late for school. "FUCK, why didnt Luke wake us" he exclaimed. "I dont know I just woke up and it was 11:15" i say flustered. "Hold up I got a message" he says unlocking his Iphone. He looks at the screen confusion written all over hos face. "What does it say" I ask. He hands me his phone the message is from his mum.

Mummy xo: Dnt hav 2 go 2 skool 2day, nats been thro a lot since yestaday, her mum said to keep her home didnt wanna lev her alon coz Beaus out xox

"Im confused" I state. "Well we dont have to go to school so come here" he says pulling me back into bed and putting the blankets over our heads. I snuggled back into his chest and closed my eyes again driftinf back to sleep.

I woke again to Jai kissing my face. "Why hello there" I giggled. "hello" He smiled. He was leaning over me. "What time is it" I ask propping myself up on my elbows. "Kissy time" Jai giggles childishly making kissing noises. "Your so immature" I chuckle pushing his face away with my hand. I check my phone it was almost 1:00. "We should go over to mine and pack my bag, mum should be at work and hopfully Cory's not there" I announce. "Okay, what happens if he is there" Jai asks. "Then we act like he's not. "Lets go" he says. "Are you going in just your boxers" I ask smirking a little. "Yup" he replies lifting me out of bed and giving me a piggy back downstairs, out the door and over to my house. He bends down to grab the spare key from under the pot plant pot. "Move it horsey" I giggle smacking his bum. "Oww" he fakes being in pain as he goes to unlock the door. But its already open, Jai puts the key back and catiously walks in gripping my thighs tightly. We walk through the kitchen and into the lounge to a horrible sight. My mother and Cory makind out on the couch. "WHAT THE FUCK" I scream horrified. They break away and look at us stunned like a deer caught in the headlights. "What are you doing here" Cory askes. "IF YOU HAVNT NOTICED I LIVE HERE" I yell angrily. Mum knew i didnt want a father, she knew i didnt like Cory but what do I find the fucking bitch making out with Cory. "Jai why are you only in your boxers" Mum asks "Because we just woke up" he replies a little coldly. "Or were you doing something else" Cory asks. "THATS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUISNESS YOU FUCK HEAD" I yell still on Jai's back. "What were you doing" Cory asks narrowing his eyes. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE LIKE YOU DID BEFORE I WAS BORN" I scream "IM GETTING MY STUFF AND NEVER COMING BACK". Jai takes the hint and piggy backs me out of the room, Leaving Them shocked. Jai carried me upstairs to my room and put on my bed before locking the door so they couldnt come in. My fists were clenched and my sharp nails were digging into my palms but I didnt care. "Natalie stop" Jai said uncurling my hands. "Im sorry Jai" I cry not really knowing why i was apologising. He sat next to me on the bed pulling me onto his lap. "Its going to be okay, were going to Hawaii in three days you can jusr forget about him for two weeks and have fun with meand the boys" he says reassuringly. "Three days is two long I cant take it, I feel like my brain is going to explode" I exclaim "This is all to much to quick". "Shhh we're going to ge throug this" he whispers "I'll ask mum if we can stay at Skips untilwe leave for Hawaii, we just have to pack your bag and were gone". "Okay, I dont know what I would do without you Jai i really dont" I say squeezing him tightly. "Lets pack your bag" he says lifting me off the bed and putting me on my feet. "I was serious about moving out" I say. "Lets just pack your bag first" Jai says. "Okay" I say turning on my stareo really loud, what makes you beautiful comes on and Jai starts singing

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