Chapter Thirteen

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We all went back up to the house to get ready. "Jai, what should I wear" I call to him from in the shower. "Umm, I dont know. A dress or something" he replies. "That helps a lot" I say sarcastically as i step out of the shower wrapping a towel round my body. "How am i supposed to know, I'm not a girl and have never gone clubbing" he says a

with frustration in his voice. I walk out of the bathroom "Sorry babe i didnt think" I apologise. "No Im sorry i didnt need to get fraustrated" he shushes me. "Its okay, I just honestly dont know what to wear" I reply opening the wardrobe and staring into rhe mess of clothes. "I know what you should wear" Jai announces reaching over me and grabbing a dress. "No not that dress" I groan. "You'll look good in it" He smiles. "I look like a slut in it" I whine. "Just try it on" Jai pleades. "Fine" I mumble taking the dress from him and march towards the bathroom. "where are you going" Jai asks. "To the bathroom to get changed" I reply. "Why bother, Its not like I havnt seen you naked before" he chuckles. I smack him with my dress "Asshole" I mutter cheekily dropping my towel, Jai just stares at me dumbly. "Jai stop staring or you'll get another boner" I tease "Oops to late". He already had a buldge. His cheeks torned bright red and he looked at the floor while I slipped on a bra, undies and the dress. The dress was black, tight and barely covered my bum. It was spagghetti strapped, It was very low around my boobs. "Im in the dress" I told him, he looked me up and down. "You look good" he stated. "I dont want to wear it, i look slutty" I moaned. "You dont look like a slut you look beautiful" he whispered. "No, i dont want to wear it" I whine. "Pleeeeeeaaaaaassse, wear it for me. "Fine, but only this once" I gave in to him quickly grabbing a pair of black heels. "Yaaaaaay" Jai exclaimed. I quickly put on some make up. "Why do you wear make-up your already beautiful" Jai whines. "No im not" I mutter. "I dont care what you say, your the most beautiful girl in the world to me" Jai whispers in my ear making me blush. "Jai, I love you" I say hugging him. "I love you too" he replies hugging me back.

Half an hour later were all squashed up in a taxi outside the club. "So Beau how are we actually getting in" Luke questions Beau. "Its simple, The bouncers my mate jak, I texted him this morning. He'll let you babies in, he lets a lot of underaged people in" Beau says smuggly. "Oh and you guys can even drink, because they think your 18" skip adds. "Now lets go" James says marching towards the scary looking bouncer with Beau and skip. "I seriously think this is a bad idea" Jai says. "Me too, maybe we should just go back and watch some movies" Luke adds. "I like that idea, i feel like im going to be raped" I chuckle. We were about to get in a taxi when Beau runs up to us. "where do you think your going" Beau asks grabbing Luke and I. "Home" I mutter. "Chickens,scared of getting caught are we" he asks dragging us towards the entrance with Jai following. "You must be the little 17 year olds" Jak smirks. "Yeah and you must be the guy who's going to let us in or kick us out" I say with sas even though the guy scared me he looked about a 150kgs. "Thats me and get in before I change my mind" He says coldly, he doesnt like me. Beau dragged us inside, "Do what ever, have fun" He said before ditching us. I took in my surroundings there was one giant room with peaople dancing and a bar, I was dark and there were rooms coming off the large one, and thats about it. "Lets have some fun I giggled grabbing the twins by the hands and joining the crowd of people dancing. I start dancing even though I cant dance amazingly alone, the boys just stood there. "Come on, lets have some fun" I yelled over the music. "YOLO" Jai shouted and started grinding on me. "Lukey Pookie, come join we'll have a threesome" I joked. He started grinding to the music aswell.

We'd been dancing for quite a while and Luke had gone to find skip, so it was just Jai and I. "Do you want a drink" Jai asked. I was so thirsty "Yes please" I said. "Stay here i'l be right back" he told me walking towards the bar. Stood in the middle of dancing leople feeling like a loner. "Hey sexy wanna dance" Some drunk guy slurred. "Sorry I've got a boyfriend" I told the guy hoping he'd leave me alone. "He wont have to know" he slurred. "No thanks" I said getting a little scared. The guy started grinding on me. "GET THE FUCK OFF" I screamed trying to get away from him, images of kieran at the party flashed through my mind. the drunk put his hands round my waist. "GET OFF" I cried trying to push him away. His hands slipped down to my bum, I didnt like this at all. "GET YOUR HANDS OF MY ASS" I screamed. He tightened his grip on my bum, it wasnt pleasure like when Jai grabs my bum, it was utter pain. "GET THE FUCK OFF MY GIRLFRIEND" Jai yelled. "Calm down mate its just one dance" the. drunk guy said. "GET OFF ME" I screamed punching his chest. Jai grabbed my waist trying to pull me away but the guy had a firm grip on me. "GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF HER ASS" Jai yelled but the guy wouldnt let go. "Do what you did to Beau today" Jai told me. My knee shot up getting him right where it hurt. The guy let go of me his knees buckled and he fell on the floor in pain. Jai pulled me into his chest. "I'm so sorry I never should have left you by yourself" He whispered. "Thank-you for saving me" I reply kissing him passionatly on the lips.

"You didnt even get the drinks". chuckle after the kiss ended. "I was about to when I saw that Jerk groping you" he explains leading me towards the bar his arm wrapped tightly round my waist. We walked up to the bar and ordered two beers.

The night went on and Jai and I were getting quite drunk. "Jaaaai" I slurred. "Naaaataaaalieeee" He replied just as drunk. "Leeeets daaance" I said wobblely getting getting to ny feet. Jai followed me into the crowd where we started grinding, we were so tipsy that we fell over sevral times. Jai grabbed my ass "I want you" he slurred sexily. "I want to go to bed" I giggled foolishly. "Lets go" Jai said leading me out of the club. We climbed into a taxi and started making out.

--------------Beau's POV----------------

It was getting late, time to round up the Janoskians I thought to myself. I had only had two drinks so I wasnt drunk at all, after that party that I got so drunk at I promised mum that I would only have a couple of drinks if I was in charge of the twinnies and Nat. I found Luke sitting at the bar all alone, I kind of felt sorry for him for two reasons, the first being that he was on his own and probly had been all night and two, because he Loved Natalie the same way Jai loved her and had probly spent the whole night watching them. He told me the day that Natalie's dad came back, he was so upset...


"Beau can i tell you something" Luke asked me. "Yes" I replied. "Promise you wont tell anyone" He said. "I promise Lukey" I chuckled at how childish we sounded. "I love Natalie" He stated tears in his eyes "But I can never be with her now because I would never want to hurt Jai" he explained. I pulled my little brother into a hug "I honestly dont know what to say" I sighed. "I have to pretend to be happy for them, even though i'm actually breaking inside" he continued. "I talked to ellen today about it she told me that not wanting to hurt either of them was the right thing to do".


"Luke are you all right" I asked tapping him on the shoulder. "BEAU BEAU I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" He screamed jumping on me giving me a massive hug. "Shit your drunk" I swore trying to get him off me. "Luke get off" I yelled he let go of me and tried to run off but I grabbed his arm pulling him back. I am so going to regret this I thought to my self as i took Lukes hand in mine dragging him along behind me trying to find the others. Skip was dancing with some girl, time for some fun. "Excuse me but its past Daniels bedtime I better take him home" I said to the girl. She giggled and kissed skip on the cheek. "Thanks Jerk" Skip laughed. "Your welcome" I replied "Have you seen James or the lovebirds" I asked. "TWEET TWEET, IM A BIRD" Luke squealed. "SHIT HE'S SO DRUNK" Skip exclaimed. "I never noticed, I was juat holding his hand for fun" I chuckled sarcastically. Skip laughs "James is over there and I havnt seen Jai and nat" skip said pointing towards James who was danding alone looking like an idiot. "Come on james lets go home" Skip said to james. "But i wannna daaaance" James slurred. "We can dance at home" I chuckled. "Otaaay" he replied. "Three down two to go" I announced.

We spent the next half an hour searching for Natalie and Jai and I was starting to panic. "Maybe they went home" Skip said seeing me freaking out. "Im going to try and text them" I announced.

I texted and called them about a hundred times but got no response from either of them. Then I had an Idea, Jak might have seen them leave. "Skip, Jak might have seen them leave" I exclaimed. "Good idea" he replied. I took Lukes hand again, he is the dumest drunk person I have ever met. Skip and James followed. We went outside to where Jak was standing looking bored. "Have you seen my brother and his girlfriend leave here" I asked. "Does your brother look like that minus the lip piercing" Jak asked pointing at luke. "Yeah their twins" I replied excitedly. "Then I saw him leaving with a brunette, they were quite drunk and managed to get into a taxi" Jak explained. "Thanks man, They probly went home" I said letting out a sigh of releif. Im going to kill them when we get home. We got in a taxi, Luke fell asleep on my shoulder and then wouldnt wake up so I had to carry him into the house. All the lights were off, Jai and Nat were probly in bed. I carried Luke upstairs to his room and tucked Luke into bed. I walked towards Jai and Natalies room just to make sure they were there, I opened the door and turned the lights on. "OH SHIT" I yelled...


Dum, dum, duuuum

Hey there,

Beau opens the door and turns the light on what does he see??? comment what you think. Hope you liked this chapter.




Thank you all for reading xoxoxox

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