Chapter Five: Training Under Sub-Zero

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-Kuai's POV- (Time skip- Five Years later)
"Papa, Papa! Wake up!" I jolt awake, icicles forming and spreading quickly on my arms from being startled. Kana, now five-years-old, lays on my chest, smothering his laughter.
I smile, ruffling his silver hair.
"Kana, don't you ever get tired of startling me awake?"
He looks up at me. "Nope! It's fun watching you freak out and have the icicles appear." He giggles.
I roll my eyes. "I swear, you could be related to Hanzo with that mischievous attitude."

His eyes widen. "Is Uncle Hanzo coming? Can I show him my new drawing?"
With Kana growing older, he is beginning to show new interests, with drawing being one of them. Even though this drawing are mainly stick figures, he is improving from the scribbles he used to draw.
"I'm sure he'd love it. Just like the last one you showed him."

His smile falls. "Papa?"
"Um," he shuffles off my chest and looks up at me.
"Where did you get that scar over your eye?"
I trace the old scar with a sigh. I don't want to freak him out, he is still far too young to know the horrors that I've been through. "I'll tell you when you're older, okay, snowball?"
He blushes at me calling him snowball, a nickname I haven't called him in about two years.
"Okay, Papa."

I sit up and kiss his forehead. "Come on, Hanzo should be here at any moment."
I get out of bed with Kana close behind me. He is wearing a smaller blue outfit similar to mine, a symbol that he is apart of the Lin Kuei.
After breakfast, we both sit near the large fireplace in the main room and I read to him.
Kana sits on the floor, looking at me in awe, despite the fact that I've read this story to him many times.

I try not to grin when I spot Hanzo creeping up to Kana from the shadows, wearing his usual yellow mask and brown hood.
"I've got you!" Hanzo grabs Kana playfully.
He holds a Kunai over Kana's heart.
"Surrender now, Grandmaster Liang. I have your future Grandmaster." Hanzo teases.
Kana laughs.

"Uncle Hanzo! I surrender, let me go!" Kana smiles.
Hanzo laughs and sets him down, taking his mask off. "Hello, Kana."
"That wasn't fair! You were being all sneaky!" Kana pouts. Hanzo rolls his eyes. "I'm a highly-skilled assassin, little dragon. I am required to be 'sneaky', as you put it."

"Oh," Kana looks at Hanzo's Kunai.
"What's that?"
"This?" Hanzo holds up the weapon. "This is a Kunai, Kana. I use it to...well," He trails off, looking at me. I assume Hanzo is figuring out how to explain that he hurts people to Kana.
I recall Hanzo using many different versions of Kunai to stab and drag his enemies and rip their heads off in a graphic fashion.

"He uses them to hunt," I blurt out.
"Really, Uncle?" Kana gasps in awe.
"Yes, I use them to hunt." Hanzo flicks his gaze at me as a thank you.
"Can you teach me how to use them? Please?"
Hanzo laughs. "I am not the one training you, Kana. Sub-Zero is."

"Sub-Zero?" Kana asks.
"That would be me, Kana." I explain, getting up from my chair and placing the book back on the bookshelf.
"You may not know this but, Hanzo and I both know how to fight. Hanzo's codename is Scorpion. Mine is Sub-Zero."

I look over at Hanzo. "Shall we begin training him?"
Hanzo nods, kneeling down to face the boy.
"Kana," He begins. "We are going to teach you how to fight. You're going to need this," Hanzo gives Kana a set of dragon claw blades that shine from their black surface by the firelight.

"Woah," Kana looks at the weapons.
"They are to be worn on your wrists and fingers. But be warned, they are not toys. These can hurt someone if you are reckless." Hanzo explains.
Kana gasps. "B-but I don't wanna hurt anyone."

"You won't," I reassure him gently. "Both Hanzo And I will make sure of it." I take the dragon claws and place them on his hands. He looks down at them and flexes his fingers, the claws clanging together and ready to be used. "Now then," I smile, getting up and nod my head towards the training room.
"Let us begin."

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