Chapter Twenty-Three: Alone

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-Kuai's POV- Snow crunches under my bare feet as I pace the entrance of the Lin Kuei Temple. My body shakes with sobs as I grip my tangled hair.

"Why can't you just be a man and confront your problems?!" I whisper harshly to myself. "I could have held Kana, and comfort him like a real father should." More tears flow down. "I'm not meant to be Grandmaster....Bi-Han should take over. He is clearly tougher than me. He would know what to do."

I storm off to my room in the back of the temple, still shaking with sobs. The dark wooden door groans as I open it. Despite my anxiety, I smile at the familiar sight of my bed, fireplace, bookshelf, and dresser.
I collapse in bed, feeling all of my energy drained out of me. I lay on my side, the icicles on my back making it impossible to lay down normally.

"I just...need to sleep. Only for a little bit. Then maybe I'll feel better." I pull up a blanket made out of polar bear fur. Next thing I know, I'm drifting off.
The feeling of dread in my stomach causes me to wake up. I sit up, feeling that the mess of icicles had melted away....but also made my mattress wet. Nothing like the chill of your wet clothing to wake you up in the middle of the night.

I push the polar bear fur away and climb out of bed. Walking over to the dresser, I search for a matchbox to light the fireplace. Once the fireplace is lit, look at myself in the mirror. My hair and beard is a mess, but the hints of purple in my eyes are gone. Looks like that change was only temporary.

"Hah," I smile at myself, feeling my anxiety go down.
"I'm glad that madness is finally over."
"Not entirely, Kuai Liang."
I jump, looking around my dark room.
"Who is there?! Bi-Han? Is this some kind of sick joke?"

The voice that sounds suspiciously like mine laughs, the sound bouncing off the stone walls.
"Over here, Kuai." It—he—teases.
I look back at the mirror. Instead of my normal reflection, my corrupted form stares back at me, crazy eyes and all.

I yell, jumping back and tripping on a rug, causing me to fall on my back. "Ahahaha! My, my, Kuai, who knew we could be so nervous."
Gritting my teeth, I painfully get back on my feet.

"What..."I wheeze, staggering over to the dresser. "What do you mean....we?"
The corrupted form of me smirks, drumming his icicle claws on the mirror surface teasingly.
"I am you," He explains, his voice raspier than mine but full of glee. "And you are me. Even since we touched that Dragon Medallion, you awakened a tougher side of yourself. You unlocked your true power." He tilts his head, his grin not fading.

"It was incredible. We could have frozen both Hanzo and Bi-Han. The power was...orgasmic." The darker side of me licks his lips. I shudder.
"But you're not real anymore. Bi-Han hid the Medallion."

"Oh, Tundra, sweetie," he giggles. "I'm as real as you make me out to be. Think about it, we are both the same person. Same appearance, memories..." he narrows his eyes. "Same doubt about ourself."

"I do not doubt myself. I refuse. I am Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei."
"Hm," He raises an eyebrow, looking amused. "Do you not recall Bi-Han's reaction? He keeps calling you a baby, Kuai. He bullied you for as long as you can remember. Grandmaster. Hah! Grandmaster of what? A nearly extinct clan? Kuai, we may be one in the same but do not make me laugh!"

"I refuse to accept you as my other half. You are just in my head." I snap.
"Oh, Tundra...." He slams his hand on the mirror, causing it to crack. This makes me jump.
"Trust me, I'm not going anywhere."

I try to slow my breathing, turning my back at the mirror and glaring at the glowing fireplace.
That same pressure builds up in my chest again.
"No, no. I can't lose control here. Not again." I let out a gasping sob, crumpling to the floor.
'I'm losing it. I'm officially losing my mind.'

My legs are sprawled under me, one hand holding myself up while the other is covering my mouth.
"This is just a nightmare. Please let this be a nightmare."

Footsteps outside the locked door cause me to look up. The door opens, revealing Bi-Han.
"Kuai, there you are. I was—Kuai?" He stops mid sentence to look down at my shaking form.

His eyes widen. "Kuai!" He kneels down.
"What happened, baby brother?" He gasps.
"Kuai, your hand! It's bloody!"
"Huh?" I blink and look down. My right hand has shards of glass from the mirror cutting into my palm.

Blood dribbles out from between my fingers and stains the cement floor. But...I don't remember hitting the mirror! We both look at the mirror, which has a bloody smear in the center of the impact point.

"It was..." I begin, but stop. Should I tell him? Would he even believe me? Would he care?

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