Chapter Twenty: Red Icicles

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-Hanzo's POV- I grip my Kunai tightly as we make our way into the main room where the cyborgs are built. "It's oddly quiet in here," Kuai narrows his eyes. "Almost too quiet."
The large steel doors on the other end of the large lab slide open.

"Hide!" Kuai whispers, ducking under a stack of crates. Both Bi-Han and I hide behind glass tubes holding Lin Kuei bodies that haven't been cyberized yet. Frost limps in, clutching her damaged shoulder where Kuai had struck her.

I glance back at Kuai, who is holding an ice Kunai in his icicle fingers. His blue eyes harden like sapphires in the dim light. The sound of a large machine turning on causes me to look up. A circular saw attached to the ceiling flares to life, swooping down to cut the limbs off of a deceased Lin Kuei.

I can almost feel Kuai tremble with anger.
With speed I didn't realize Kuai had, he vanishes into cold mist and reappears in a wave of chilled air right behind Frost.
"You!" Kuai screams.
Frost whips around and punches Kuai in the chest, sending him flying back and crashing against a wall.

Immediately, Bi-Han screams in anger and lunges for Frost. He summons a black hole on the floor and ceiling, sending Frost in a loop falling before he tackles her aggressively.
Frost's eyes widen. "Two Sub-Zeroes?" She chokes out.
"Do not touch my brother!" Bi-Han yells, grabbing her with ease and throwing her against the crates. The wooden boxes splinter apart.
"Where is the Dragon Medallion?!" He demands, stomping over to her.

"You. Heard. Me."
While Bi-Han deals with Frost, I run over to Kuai, who is slumped down of the floor with blood running down his face from his scalp.
"Kuai, wake up." I shake him gently. He opens his eyes and his face twists in pain.

" Bi-Han. I'll look for the Medallion." He forces himself to his feet. Blood covers half of his face, making him look demented.
"Stay safe." I say, taking one last look at him before running to join the fight.
-Kuai's POV- I watch both my brother and friend intimidate Frost. My sight on my left side is blurry from the blood getting in my eye.
An alarm blaring makes us all jump.
"Sub-Zero!" Sektor flies in from the door Frost entered.
"Oh, for crying out loud." I curse.
Sektor lands in front of me, glaring with his blue eyes. "Please, Sektor," I tease, smiling despite the pain. "Call me Grandmaster."

Sektor growls, opening the flamethrower on his wrist. I instantly encase myself in an icy cocoon to shield the flames. Ice axes form in my hands as I watch the ice cocoon begin to crack under pressure.
"You're gonna have to try harder than that!" I grin, breaking out of the cocoon and slicing Sektor's flamethrower off with a clean swipe.

Sparks leak out from the damage.
"LK-520. I did not think you were capable of such dishonor." Sektor and I circle each other.
"Times have changed, Sektor. You converted me against my will. As you did with Cyrax."
"LK-4D4 had no say in the matter. He has become an excellent addition to the Cyber Initiative."
"Artificial enhancements are no substitute for the human soul!" I yell, my axes clashing with his red and silver arms.

"Come here!" Hanzo's Kunai stabs Sektor through the back, launching him backwards and slamming against one of the tubes, shattering it.
Frost is pinned down by Bi-Han. One of her arms is completely severed while her head is nearly ripped away from her shoulders.

"Bi-Han! Wait!" I yell, watching him raise his sickle above his head. "Don't kill her!"
"What?!" My brother glares at me.
I slide over using my ice that I shoot from my hands.
"Where is the Dragon Medallion?" I demand, crouching down to Frost's level.

"Like I'd tell you." Frost sneers. Bi-Han growls, digging his sickle into her chest.
"Tell me, and we let you go. Or, don't, and I'll have Bi-Han gut you like a fish. What's it going to be, princess?" I snap.

Frost glares at me but opens up the circular compartment in her chest, revealing the Dragon Medallion. She rips it out along with her main power supply, deactivating herself.

The Dragon Medallion rolls a few feet away from her hand before skidding to a stop. Sektor charges at Bi-Han, shoving him out of the way and taking Frost before flying off down the hallway.

"We should leave," Hanzo states. "Before they come back with reinforcements."
"Go get the Medallion and let's go." Bi-Han grunts.

I run up and grab the Medallion. It's thick and heavy in my hands. The dragon on the ancient artifact seems to snarl at me. Once contact is made, laughter forces its way out from my lips.
"Kuai?" Hanzo asks, fear in his tone.
"Oh, Bi-Han, Hanzo....You guys won't believe how wonderful this feels." I grin, turning to face them.

Icicles claw their way out from my back and spine, but I'm too busy laughing to notice the pain. All that matters is the surge of power flowing through me.
"The power....the energy.....I feel like I could take on a whole's delicious." I lick my lips.

"Kuai, let go of the Medallion!"
Bi-Han takes a few steps forward. I snarl, launching out a blast of glacial energy at his feet. He jumps back, eyes wide. "Big brother," I fake whine, tossing the Medallion from hand to hand playfully. "Always wanting to protect me. How cute. But with this power, I don't need protection. In fact, I don't need either of you."

"Kuai, what has gotten into you?!" Hanzo demands. I growl, turning over to face him. Hanzo winces at my appearance. Looks like the Medallion is affecting how I look as well. The blood on my face probably doesn't help in the slightest.
"It's the Medallion. When given physical contact to a Cryomancer, a surge of power flows through them. Their appearance is said to also change."

"Do we have to fight him for it? What if the power corrupts us?" Hanzo asks, staring at me with worried eyes. I throw my head back and laugh.
"Don't make me laugh, Hanzo." I pace, tracing the dragon outline with a jagged icicle claw.

"Kuai, please—"
"Please what, dearest brother? I thought you always wanted me to be stronger. And now that I have, you wish to take that away?" I hold my hands in front of me, palms up with the Medallion tucked away on my belt next to the ice Kunai. "Make up your mind, Bi-Han. Do not deny me this precious gift."

"Fighting him now would be risky."
"Finally, something we can both agree on." Bi-Han looks at me, his anger replaced with clear worry.
"Come back to the Lin Kuei Temple and down to the snowy forest. But only Bi-Han. I believe he and I have some catching up to do." I grin, forming an ice ball on my hands and throwing it at them.

The force of the icy blast sends them both flying back. I laugh, vanishing in a vortex of snow while watching them both struggle to get to their feet.
Come get me, big brother. This will be fun.

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